The Homemaker Plans Her Week: Farewell February


I am a little surprised that February ends this week.  It usually feels like a long month, but I guess our busyness this month kept it from feeling like it was dragging by.  It's been a good month, full of pleasant things and lots of productive work.  It's been a good month.  I'm hoping to finish strong.

There are daffodils blooming.  I have loads of plants but only a few have put out blooms.  I am reminded all over again that daffodils are one of my favorite flowers and I surely need more of them!  Note to self: come fall buy more daffodils and get them planted.


This week I'm going to do a 'dual' week of work.  Typically, Zone 5 for me is porches, patio and shed.  Zone 5 for FlyLady is the Living Room.  I'm not going to follow her plan for the end of this month.  I'm going to stick to my usual zone namely because I have three outdoor spaces and they are suffering for lack of attention.  It's about to be heavy duty pollen season.  This will be the last time I can really get outdoors and do much of anything until this season is past us.  

Indoors I want to continue to get the guest room and guest bath squared away.  I haven't decided just how I want to arrange the room at present.  I moved the toy box into that room when we were doing the renovations and needed the 'camp kitchen' in the living room and we never moved it back to the living room.  The kids seem to enjoy playing in that room and I think John appreciates that less toys make their way into the main living area. 

Make out a more comprehensive shopping list for the new month.


These things and managing childcare (Sam has two appointments, plus Josh has an after-school program to attend) and our own appointments and errands that we need to attend to.  Our car must go in for maintenance/oil change this week.  We're past due on that.

There are copious limbs and sticks in the yard and I want to begin picking them up.  I don't have to get it all done at once, but I thought a little at a time would make the task less tedious.  Then the yard will be mower ready for John next month.  

Get some bit of information written up for the girl doing the cemetery project.  She had given me a list of folks to work on and I've done nothing.  Shame on me.  I'll get busy on that this week.  


I want to make bread and rolls this week.  I would also like to make some Mennonite Cinnamon Bread.  The recipe makes two loaves, so I'd have one for now and one for later.

I want to do a pantry/freezer inventory this week.  I know I'm making big plans for my week, but I know that after these two months of trying to use older items that it's time to see what we have and what needs to be restocked.  I'm getting quite low on some pantry basics like diced tomatoes and green beans.  I'd like to have a list of things I need to be look for in March when our grocery budget is refreshed.

And I want to use that canner!  One thing I am low on is something I could easily restock: dried beans.  I have pounds of them and It would be very handy to have a few jars of home canned beans on the pantry shelves.



I started a list in December of meals I thought I'd like to make over these winter months.  It was only a list of about twenty meals, but I doubt I've made half of them.  I don't know that I'll make all of them before winter is over, but it's been a handy little list when I am out of inspiration.

I have some spinach to use up this week.  I want to make sure to plan that into a meal.

out for lunch.  We brought home leftovers.

leftoversLunch leftovers, Chicken Divan leftovers, enough Roast and Rice to make burritos for a meal...We've got prepared items in the freezer that I feel I need to use.  Soups, entrees, etc.  So, this week meals will come from those older items.  I'll share meals as the week goes on, but for the last part of the Pantry Freezer challenge it seems a good idea to plan to use the older items in the freezer.


The things I don't get done in a week or month of planning...It seriously does bother me.  So due to that you'll note that most of what is listed here this week within this post are things I have mentioned before.  This week I want to 'catch up' and get more of the things I didn't do, done.  I want to finish February with things done, and yes, that includes 'fun' things, too!


Watch Chocolat.


Play in my Wardrobe.

Get out alone...easy enough.  I have a Chiropractic appt this week.


Casey said...

Hi Terri, Good luck on finishing February strong. Since it’s leap year, you have an extra day. LOL

Our guest room is set up for the grandkids and it works very well! They play in there and it does confine the mess and the noise. Plus, it’s a very familiar place for them to sleep. Win, win!

Rhonda said...

I saw some jonquils/daffodils blooming today and it seemed really early to me.
The forsythia will be out soon too I suppose

If I was going to can, I’d like to do beans too. But as of now, it’s not looking like that will happen. Hope yours happen and turn out great

christine said...

I think I deleted my comment so I'll try again. I canned some beans using Jessica at Three Rivers Homestead's instructions. She soaks the beans overnight with some vinegar added to the soaking water. She explained that this makes the beans more easily digested. I have tried a couple of the pints I canned this way and found this to be true for me. I so glad I followed the recommendation here to purchase the electric canner. I have really enjoyed using mine. I hope you do too.

terricheney said...

Casey, at the rate this week has bone, I'll need that extra day, lol.

Rhonda, I didn't realize that Easter is at the end of March this year. It happens now and then that it falls this early in the Spring and those Springs are always earlier in arrival rather than later. The year I got married to my first husband we were married on Easter Sunday in March and the house was filled with flowers that Daddy went and gathered from orchards and roadsides.

Christine, Yes, I have considered that method and thought about her using the vinegar to cut down on gassiness. Right now I am rolling in canned dried beans (purchased) that I need to use but once those are done, I'm thinking I'll do my own for the savings. I am glad to hear that you are enjoying using the electric pressure canner. I've heard nothing but good things from everyone. I know Lana has really put hers to use and I think has two of them.

Journal of My Week: Winter Again