Diary of a Homemaker's Week: Good to the Last Drop


Late Friday:  Katie texted me late this afternoon because the Women's Wellness Center had called her back due to low iron labs.  It has dropped by about .8 points though she is taking a supplement.  However, when she looked up her symptoms, they perfectly align with all of her various ailments, aches, and pains.  However, no one seems to be in a great hurry to do much of anything about it.  Nor did they when they tested her as low iron several weeks ago.  She started taking the supplement on her own...

Thrifty Thursday: Another Month Glides On By

Friday:  Thursday evening meal:  Lasagna (from freezer), Salad, Garlic Bread

We've puttered around the house today.  I did my usual Friday/Shabat cleaning and then I did a few tasks extra.  John stirred himself to go outdoors and do a bit of work, after he'd done all the laundry today.

When I cleaned out the buffet on Wednesday, I had a huge stack of cloth napkins that looked dingy and grey and didn't smell very nice, even though they were all clean and had been put away freshly washed.  I had read of others boiling dishcloths and tea towels and I thought I'd try that with my napkins.  I put them into a tall, heavy bottomed stock pot (an Aldi find some years ago which has lasted very well...Hint:  Don't snooze on the Aldi Crofton cookware offerings!).  I filled the pot with water and baking soda.  Later, when it had begun to 'stew' John and I glanced in the pot and were shocked at how filthy the water looked.  Honestly, you'd think I'd started with dirty mop water, not freshly drawn water!   

Iced Coffee Chat: Playing House


I know it is not Autumn.  I know that, even should we have an earlier autumn, that date is likely beyond September 21, but this past week with chilly mornings and breezy, sunny days that were comfortably cool, I got bitten by the Autumn bug.  I'm so ready for it.

I've spent the past few days cleaning and playing in my house.  I've hung pictures, and decorated the mantle in the living room with a fresh look and am constantly looking for some item I can move into a fresh spot where it will once again garner notice.  

The Homemaker Plans Meals: It's HOT Again


Mid-week we're soaring back into the upper 90's in temperatures.  I'm not keen on it but it's August and I can expect nothing less.  But boy am I longing for the homier comforting sorts of foods.  I'm this way every single year about this time.  I want soups and stews and casseroles, but it is absolutely salad weather. Ho Hum.  That's how I feel.  

However, planning meals makes my life a lot easier so I'll plan meals, no matter how uninspired I might feel at this moment...I do love to cook, I do love to cook, I do, I do, I do...

The Homemaker Plans Her Week: Squeezing the Last Drops out of August


It's going to be HOT this coming week.  But we had the most awesome Autumn preview, much cooler than we're accustomed to having, this past week.  And the truth is that for the most part, we've had one of the most pleasant August's we've had in years.  In fact, the whole summer has been rather nice.  A little stressful here and there but for the most part, an easy relaxed summer.  I've enjoyed it very much.

Diary of a Homemaker's Week: Autumn Preview


Saturday:  I was not happy to hear the alarm go off this morning.  The night was far too short for my liking!  But we had plans and a timetable, so I got up and got ready for the day.  I'd planned in enough extra time to have a leisurely cup of coffee.  That's my gift to me on these sorts of days.  I'll do the same tomorrow before church, too.

John performed for the Outreach ministry.  We were all done and wrapped up a good bit earlier than usual.  That's because a different pastor subbed for the one who runs the ministry.  I enjoy the people watching.  Over the past year I've watched one little boy go from baby to toddler boy and each month I look forward to seeing how he's changed.  Another little family came in, a mama and three children.  The glow on her face as she looked at each of those children!  And the care she'd put into making sure those three were presentable.  It was a joy to see how she talked and laughed with them.  It was very genuine.

Thrifty Thursday: It Adds Up

Friday:  Meals yesterday: Plain Toast for both of us

                                           Lunch Out.  We brought half our meals home.

                                           Chicken and Wild Rice Casserole, Green Beans, Sliced Tomatoes

Yesterday we went to the grocery store to pick up my prescription refill.  I did get a couple of BOGO deals that were well priced, and which went into the pantry.  I also got cartons of Orange Juice on sale.  I've been pricing the frozen concentrate, and this was about the same.  The cartons are dated for October, but I freeze them so we can just pull one out to thaw.

The Homemaker's Self-Care Routine


Once upon a time, I was a whiz at keeping a self-care routine going.  

I started doing routine self-care when I was a young working mom.  I desperately needed to do this bit of routine care to keep me going mentally and emotionally.  And I wanted to look presentable at all times.  

The Homemaker Plans Meals: Quick and Easy Meals


Brisket Sandwiches, Pickles, ChipsWe will be picking up sandwiches on our way home after Outreach today.  These are hefty sandwiches and we'll be eating them later in the afternoon.  We'll have a snacky supper if we want anything.

The Homemaker Plans Her Week: Busy Week Ahead


All of a sudden, we've got a busy week ahead.  We made an appointment to meet with someone on Monday to attend to paperwork.   Tuesday we'll be keeping kids.  One afternoon John has a meeting with the worship leader and another day he's going to lunch with his partner and friend.  I thought I'd go to Mama's that day.  And in all of the week, we'll be waiting to see if we have a baby and what we'll need to do to help with Caleb...

Diary of A Homemaker: It's All Good


Saturday:  I took the children to the library today and even though I couldn't take them out to lunch, they were happy to be with me.  It truly warms my heart for them to say to me repeatedly, "Gramma, we LIKE these library days."  Wow oh wow.  Makes me glad I've made the effort.

The S'mores Day was okay.  The librarians pretty much did the difficult part.  The kids put on chocolate chips and capped it off and ate it.  The boys always go nuts at the library and want to run.  I sent them outdoors onto the deck with instructions to STAY on the deck.  Millie just pulls out the toys and starts to play.

Thrifty Thursday: Nothing, Nothing, Something


Friday:  I tried hard to get something done in the kitchen today, but John was working there and we're best in separate rooms unless he specifically asks me to do something to help.  It was all just a bit of a mess today.

Iced Coffee Chat: Whatever Bubbles Up


Yes, I know.  We just chatted and here I am again.  I'm desperate to talk to someone and you, dear ones, are that someone. 

Blog Update


A couple of you dear ladies sent me messages that you were having trouble with the blog view.  There were no titles on post and missing links.  I've no idea why that happened!  I only changed ad settings in the last few weeks (and perhaps put up a new background.  Can't recall because the only one showing is one I know I've used for months now.

Anyway, on a day when things were worrying me and causing me to fret having the blog in a mess did not sit well with me.  I was determined to fix at least one thing today and the blog was it!  I ended up having to change my theme set entirely but I think the 'new look' is much nicer, very neat and simpler and what's more I finally got the ad program to work with me instead of constantly being against me as it was with the old layout.    

Please let me know if you have any further issues.  You can contact me on messenger or by email if you can't make comments in future, but I think things are squared away.  

Amazon Associate Affiliate LinkIf you use my link to place an order on Amazon, I may earn a small commission on qualifying items.  Thank you!

The Homemaker Plans Meals: Pantry and Freezer Challenge

I had a hard time planning meals this week.  I was, honestly, so excited not to have to concentrate hard on using up expired items and I thought planning would be a breeze because of that.  No.  It's hot.  It's going to continue to be hot.  I don't want heavy meals, though we've some lately and I don't want meals that require a lot of effort.  That pushed most of the new recipes I'd been saving off the planning list.  

Again, as we came across the river swamp, the trees are even more markedly changing color.  They know something I can't feel, that's for sure.  I may feel sadness and a regret over summer passing but I do look forward to making the cooler weather meals.

The Homemaker Plans Her Week: It's NOT Too Late!


But the best place to have some food set aside is within our homes, together with a little money in savings. The best welfare program is our own welfare program. ~ President Gordon B. Hinckley

It's hot, y'all.  Stinking hot.  John and I went out the other afternoon to get gas and stop at the hardware store and by the time we got home, we were wiping sweat off our arms and face. It felt like we'd just gotten out of the bath. Our clothing was soaked through.  And all we did was ride into town and back!  

A Homemaker's Diary: Real Life


Saturday:  Gave myself a mani and pedi today.  I sometimes think how nice it would be to go have my nails done, but I just can't make myself spend money for that.  I'd much rather buy clothes, or books or something for the house.

I wanted, more than I can tell you, to go out and pick up takeout today for lunch.  I decided to use what I have, a theme song I'll be singing all this week and in the weeks ahead.  We had leftover lasagna, green beans and garlic bread.  

Thrifty Thursday: Heat and Humidity

Friday:  I've been busy-ish today.  I wanted to start to tackle the kitchen work for August that I'd planned and since I did little yesterday, I wanted to take a harder hit at it today.  I cleared 1 cabinet on the island (2 shelves) and four drawers.  I neatened and decluttered and straightened.  

I have a counter laden with stuff to be either donated, kept in a different area or tossed.  Right now, my goal has been to clean the cabinets and drawers themselves.  There's quite a way to go.  And no, I'm not going to do the pantry.  My only plans are to finish organizing those shelves where I put the new stuff last week after that restock shopping I did. 

Iced Tea Chat: New Beginnings


Hello dears.  I have no idea if you're coming in with dry weather or rain.  It doesn't matter.  It's humid and it's August and we've rain nearly every day but lots of sun and heat as well.  Just come on indoors and let's have a cool drink and a long talk.  

This week, Millie and Caleb started school.  

The Homemaker Plans Meals: Week 4 Using Expired Foods.


Gathered Fragments:

Lasagna (one serving)

Ham, perhaps 1 pound

1 c English Peas

1 c. Pumpkin

1 c. Yams

1 Greek Seasoned Chicken Breast half

The Homemaker Plans Her Week: That's How It Goes


I got only a little accomplished last week.  And I do mean 'little'.  Oh well.  I'm recovered now, I think, though my will to push hard has seemingly gotten up and gone off somewhere else to live.  Never mind.  The week ahead we are promised slightly cooler temperatures than we've had the last part of the week behind.  It's reason to celebrate anytime we see temps hanging in at 90F and just under!

Diary of a Homemaker's Week: School's In!

Saturday:  John said last night that he didn't want any alarms set.  We rose to alarms about five out of seven days last week.  It was nice to sleep until I woke naturally

We had a leisurely hour or so and then I had to hurry to get ready to go out with the kids.  I decided last night to offer them their choice of where we'd eat lunch and that we'd also visit the peach packing shed and get ice cream while we were out.  

Thrifty Thursday: End of the Month

Friday:  We made a breakfast sandwich this morning before leaving to tend to Caleb.  I was so tempted to ask to go by and pick up takeout.  I don't know if I'm just feeling the burn out of making so many meals at home of late or if I've got a case of summertime lazies.  I planned to pick up lunch out and when Katie treated us as she is in the habit of doing lately in exchange for the childcare, I thought, "I'll pick something up for supper then..."  Seriously?  John changed his afternoon plans, though.   We came home, and when he asked if I wanted anything, I kept my mouth shut.

March 25: Purposeful