Diary of A Homemaker: It's All Good


Saturday:  I took the children to the library today and even though I couldn't take them out to lunch, they were happy to be with me.  It truly warms my heart for them to say to me repeatedly, "Gramma, we LIKE these library days."  Wow oh wow.  Makes me glad I've made the effort.

The S'mores Day was okay.  The librarians pretty much did the difficult part.  The kids put on chocolate chips and capped it off and ate it.  The boys always go nuts at the library and want to run.  I sent them outdoors onto the deck with instructions to STAY on the deck.  Millie just pulls out the toys and starts to play.

Suddenly Josh came in crying holding the back of his head and threw himself on me sobbing.  I was so confused trying to see if he was bleeding, asking if he'd hit his head.  I was alarmed because Josh isn't one to cry.  Isaac cries and Millie will raise the dead with her screeching cry, but Josh doesn't cry.  He finally sobbed out that something bit him.  

And where did he get bitten?  Obviously, the back of the head, since that was what he was holding, but when I asked where, he told me "We went to the little building off the deck."  The Gazebo...which is NOT on the deck.   

We put a cold compress on it, and I stayed a bit longer in town because Bess is working pretty much next door at the diner and if he needed emergency medical care (he's very allergic to ants and mosquitoes) I wanted to be in town near the ambulance service.  After about 30 minutes he complained of shooting pains, but swelling wasn't to be seen, and I loaded them up to bring them home.

I told them on the way home that next time we go will be in two weeks and then we'll do something after.  Millie immediately said, "A picnic..." and I told her we'd see how hot it got before we planned a picnic but I'm all for it.  I like a picnic myself.

I noted when we got back to his house that Josh's head had started to have a slight swelling, but nothing dramatic or worrisome.  Sam dosed him with antihistamine.   I wish I'd had my bug bite roll-on oil with me but alas, I'd taken it out of my purse the night before because of a bite that was itching so I couldn't sleep.  I checked in with Sam yesterday before bed and he told me Josh was just fine. 

Note to self, carry along some Benadryl in the future if we're to be outdoors doing anything...And an ice pack wouldn't hurt either!

Sunday:  Pastor is back from his month-long sabbatical.  It was so good to see him.  From what he said, it was more vacation and far less work than he's had in years.  He looked rested.  His preaching today was very well done, and I took pages of notes.

I've mentioned mail woes here in Georgia.  Two weeks ago, John ordered a rather expensive set of blades for his mower.  They arrived in Georgia one and a half weeks ago.  And then they just languished.  Tracking said, "At a postal facility in Georgia."  Sigh.  They were supposed to arrive a week ago, but they didn't. They were marked 'delayed' and we were given a shipping date for Friday.  Nope.  Didn't come on Friday.  This morning, we stopped at the mailbox and picked up our package.... A very limp, empty package with a hole at one end.  "I think someone took them, John."  He scoffed.  "Why would anyone want them?!  They'd have to have the same mower as me to use them."  "They can resale them..."  "Oh."   

So, we're out three mower blades and $50.  Can't' blame the seller.  Don't blame our local carrier.  But sheesh Louise, I wish they'd get that mess in Atlanta fixed.  And for goodness's sake, start cracking down on these blasted mail thieves!

When we got home this afternoon, we checked to see if we could get a refund through Amazon.  We can't.  The information said we had to direct contact the manufacturer who apparently fulfills the orders.  There was no information available to tell us how to contact them.

Tomorrow, we'll go over to Perry and buy more blades, paying slightly more than we ordered them for, but at least we'll have them in hand when he walks out of the store.  Provided they are in stock.  That's been the issue thus far, finding a place that actually has them in stock. On second thought, perhaps we'll call before driving over!

I've spent the afternoon working.  The kitchen mess is starting to get to me.  I'm ready to clean hard and fast and make it look all neat and nice once more.  There's too much to do though to get it all done in one go, so I'm making myself take a break and rest.  

Perhaps I'll get busy again in a bit and try to get a little more done.  I think my next task will be to sort out all the stuff and determine what's donation, what's going to the shed.  (later: I did get busy.  I loaded up ALL the items and carted them off to the guest room as a sort of holding station, straightened the chairs and put them back in place and tidied the counters some more.  It was worth it.  The kitchen looked very neat once again...but boy am I tired!)

In the meantime, I'm enjoying the relative peace and quiet of my home.  John's mowing and obviously doing it around the house, so the mower is roaring, there's a fan that's noisy in the kitchen and the dishwasher is running.  I wonder at times what it would be like to have complete quiet for a few moments...

Monday:  I am tired.  I've had a very full day, most of it spent indoors.  Forget outdoors...It's HOT.  

I left home fairly early this morning and was only gone about 45 minutes but somehow that 45 minutes felt like it took all morning to accomplish.  I had to run into town to the bank and I'd decided I'd go by the dollar store in town to look for a new compost bucket.  

I won't tell you any tales.  I have two plastic tubs on the back porch, with lids.  Both are full of vegetable scraps, and both have been sitting on the back porch for two weeks or so. They are my compost buckets and it's been so doggone hot I don't want to walk across the yard and around the shed to empty them. I do NOT want to handle those things.  I don't want to smell what that plastic smells like.  I made up my mind I'd empty and toss them in the trash.  But that meant no compost bucket and I do see the purpose of having one.  However, I'm tired of stinking plastic, even when I haven't let things 'stew' and they've been washed and filled with baking soda and all such preventative measures.  They still stink.

So, I went into town to look for something that would make a compost container for the kitchen.  I found all sorts of things that I liked but which I felt were impractical. I wandered around two or three more aisles and picked up things I didn't need.  Like Stouffers Meatloaf and Mashed Potato frozen entrees (LOVE this item) and a bag of Cheetos.  And at that point, I decided I really ought to leave.  

I ran my other errand and just turned towards home right away.

Once home, I got busy again in the kitchen.  I do not know how you can go from a clean, neat kitchen to one in chaos while you sleep.  And the stove!  I told John I know I cleaned that stove top yesterday evening, yet this morning it looked like someone had tap danced in muddy shoes all over the surface.  

I made our lunch and the sink was filled.  I set myself the task after lunch to get many things done at once and I did.  The kitchen was cleaned as was the fridge.   I finished off some things I'd started yesterday (food items) and I left behind me....a dirty kitchen!  Even though I worked hard and cleaned as I went there are still things to be done.  And I'm done.  My lower back is aching, my feet hurt...I'll do the rest of the work tomorrow.  I've had enough! 

Tuesday:  Before I was even up this morning, Sam was texting asking if I could keep the kids late in November.  It was too early in the morning and the date too far ahead for me to even think about answering him.  After coffee, I felt sensible enough to look at a calendar and tell him that I was saying a tentative Yes.  However, it was so far away that it's hard to plan that far in advance.  "Pencil it in, at least," he said in reply. I already had before I answered him.

Before I was done with breakfast, a bigger meal than I'd meant to make, he requested I print off an item for him which he needed right away.  I got that done and then decided that I'd go empty the compost.  

It felt so nice outside!  The air was soft and not beating down with heat.  I was fooled into thinking it was cool enough to work outdoors.  All I'd meant to do was to empty the compost from yesterday.  Ha.  I cleared the bed alongside my shed and picked up pots that I piled at the side of the shed way back in very late winter.  All of the pots were busted courtesy of John weed eating around them.  NOT fussing.  I saved the things more out of habit than want or need.  And I should have cleaned them and put them away, but I did not.   The only one upset about the loss of those pots was the big old brown toad I found in the bottom one.  I placed him in the flower bed and told him to find a better home.  He didn't seem happy about it, but squatters do not have rights here.

 Because I knew Sam was coming by, I hurried to get my curtains on the freshly painted rods so I could take advantage of his much greater height.  He's about a foot taller than me and a good 7 inches taller than John.  Height counts in hanging curtains.

After he and Bess left, I sat down in my chair to cool off.  When Katie called, John headed outdoors to change oil in his mower.

Katie is having some pre-labor contractions.  She is scheduled for a c-section September 10, but I've suspected all along that she'll have this baby earlier.  However, I hope she doesn't go into labor for another couple of weeks.  I just think he would be better off if birth is a little bit later rather than this soon.  I will say that she's had a difficult time in these last few weeks with discomforts of all sorts, mental and physical.  Nevertheless, I found myself worrying and my tummy churning over the what if's and what might happen thoughts that assailed me.  Sigh.  Not within my realm of control.  I urged her to lie down and stay abed.  She'd been to the Women's Wellness Center, and she'd talked to her OB's office.  There was nothing more that could possibly be done.  

While John was gone, I distracted myself with work, and intermittent quiet work, followed by more physical work.  The curtains are hung, courtesy of Sam.  The kitchen appliances are looking lovely and shiny after a deep cleaning.  I got the bill work done for tomorrow.  While I was shredding the paperwork that wasn't needed, I shredded the sheer panel that hangs at my window...I fought the shredder for it and won but then had to baby the shredder.  Apparently eating draperies doesn't suit it. 

Now I need to see if I can purchase a matching sheer...where did I buy this pair from?  I don't know. 

Anxiety...well I'm fighting it...

I ate lunch on my own and decided to treat myself to an iced coffee with that meal.  When John came back from mowing, I plated his lunch.  Then I spent the next 15 minutes gently grousing to him about most everything.  Poor man.  I hope he enjoyed his peaceful mowing time because he came home to a fussy wife.

Then it was blog duties that claimed my attention.  Karla had mentioned an issue she was having but I'd accessed the blog earlier this week on my phone and it was fine.  Then Chris messaged me and there were more issues.  I don't even know why the format suddenly went kerflooey because it's the one I've been using for several years now.  I have fought with ad placement, despite settings being adjusted per their format.  Today, I changed things up, using a new blogger template.  I like the way the blog looks now, and all the elements and ad placements work or have so far.  There are still a few bugs to work out but the blog itself is working at the moment.  So, there's that!

I had another request to keep the grandkids, this time for next week but tonight's session was cancelled. That one I could say for sure someone would be home to attend to kids.  I started my chicken far too late this evening to have that for supper, so I'll move to another meal planned for this week.  That's fine.  At least have a planned meal I can make!  That's the luxury of planning and thawing meats in preparation for my menu plan.

later: While we were eating, Katie texted her OB was sending her back to the hospital.  I don't know what's going to happen with this baby, I really don't.  Sent in a prayer request to the group leader at church.  

After supper, John was taking off trash.  I took the Fisher Price slide and a small ATV that the kids are too big for with us.  We have a system, at least on this side of the county.  If you have something that is good, but no longer needed, you put it down next to the fence or just in front of a dumpster, not IN it.   So those things are now free to anyone who can use them for their kids or grandkids.

Then we took a ride, a long drive through the country roads around us.  I just felt I needed a break.  I took some anxiety medication to try and calm down.   And we wait.

Wednesday:  I have done nearly nothing today.  I've been busy enough but if you're looking for the accomplishment you can count exactly two at the moment.  The bed is made, there's two casseroles made and that's about it.  I've spent hours today looking at finances, looking at messes and trying to give myself a pep talk that fails mightily in creating any enthusiasm for anything. 

Oh, and I have worried about Katie.  She was sent home again last night in active labor but only the very beginning stages of it.  Yes, she's early (by the OB's guidelines and we all know that is never as accurate as they might suggest it is) but early even by her own guesstimation.  However, there we are.  She was scheduled for a c-section in early September.  It looks to me as though we're going to be doing one a lot sooner.  In the meantime, I'm hoping baby stays put a bit longer and Katie's patience lasts.  I know she's miserable and likely a bit nervous since no one wants an emergency c-section.  

We've stuck close to home today, more than a little worried to be away from home in case we're required to run to keep Caleb.  I don't know why we feel we must stick close to home, it's not like we're tied to phone lines anymore, but I think it's force of habit has thrown us off kilter and back into the way things used to be.

It's cooled down a wee bit.  Our highs are just hitting 90 and the nights/early mornings are slipping into the high 60's... Again, I feel that seasonal sadness of watching a season start to fade.  

Which reminds me that I'm starting to see the obligatory Pumpkin Spice recipes for every food known to man and fall decorated homes on my Instagram feed.  I heard one 'influencer' say the other day that if you're online you HAVE to do these things early in order to trend.  I say let's change the algorithm and NOT become a slave to it.  Let's hold off and wait until Fall is here and then start decorating.  Let's wait until there's truly a hint that autumn is finally here and then we can have all the pumpkin spice (or in my case the spice) that we love.  Let's be real influencers and not ones driven by a digital entity's calendar.  

Thursday:  We slept in but went to work early.  How's that?  We went outdoors as soon as we'd had time to drink our coffee, and we went to work.  John strimmed, and I watered plants and weeded another flower bed and along the patio where things want to grow between the patio edge and the foundation walls.

We followed our more usual morning routine after we came indoors, then we got ready to run errands.  I told John as we drove that I had made up mind that worrying over Katie and sitting anxiously with phone is home was over for me.  This baby will come when he comes, and we'll do nothing to delay or hurry him along.  He will be born at the hour and time God has designated for him.  

John said "Uh huh..." but I really do mean it.  I can't live in a nervous state of anxiety.  When Katie needs me, she'll let me know.  

We went out to lunch today.  We used our last gift card.  I was a little put out but not for the reason you might think when I tell you why.  The waitress added her own tip. She was a great server, and she didn't overtip herself, nor undertip herself.  HOWEVER, we always tip in cash.  It's just what we do because we want to ensure that the waitress gets her money in her hand.  Anyway, she was helping me with the on-table kiosk thing and misheard me when I said, "Don't add your tip, John will give you that."  

After we'd eaten, we went by Publix to pick up a prescription and to get a few BOGOs that filled gaps in our pantry (saltines and oyster crackers) and buy some very well priced Orange juice in cartons.  I freeze those.   We ran into John's friend and former partner who was in town taking his mother-in-law to a medical appointment.  I'm satisfied with our spending today.  There was nothing frivolous in our bag.

Once home we did absolutely NOTHING for quite a while.  I brought the checkbook up to date.  I put supper on to heat up and I unloaded the dishwasher but most of the afternoon has been spent reading my book.  I'm deep into Midnight at the Blackbird Cafe by Heather Webber.  I'm really enjoying it so far.  There's a little touch of intrigue, a little touch of magic.  

This evening, I spent some time on Pinterest looking at various things.  I've had some flashes of inspiration lately, something I've not had in a long while.  

Every month, on the 15th I start new inspiration sheets for the month ahead.  Well, it occurred to me tonight that it was time to start September's sheet.  And I got excited.  September!  It always is a boost.  It's a month that always fills me with anticipation!

Anyway, I decided to set up a schedule for self-care.  I keep saying I need to be better about it.  Well now it's on a schedule.  Every day except Sunday I will do a bit of self-care, and then there are a few things I will do daily, morning and evening routines.  Nothing heavy duty and daunting, just broke down some of what I do fine with already and the rest filled in with things I want to get done on a more routine basis.

I also made the determination to start keeping a gratitude journal on a daily basis.  I'm not holding myself to a hard fast number of things to be grateful for.  Long ago experience reminds me that some days there's only the fact that a really bad is done to be grateful for.  But also from past experience, I know that keeping the journal will help change my perspective about our finances, our lives, everything.  And it's a tool I need to employ once again.  It was only beneficial the last time I did this.

I'm looking forward to reading all evening long! And trying not to worry about Katie and baby.  I refuse to text her today.  She'll let me know if she needs me.

Friday:  We've made it to the end of the week.  

Katie contacted me this morning. She was back at the hospital last night.  A nurse could physically feel the contractions, but they won't register on the monitors.  She has not dilated any further.  They diagnosed her with an infection, gave her antibiotics and sent her home.  She's missed a lot of sleep this week and is miserable.  Our conversation didn't go well. I brought her no peace of mind, though I tried.  She is irritable as she has every right to be.  In the end, she cut the conversation and was going to go to bed.

I won't lie.  I was having a really hard time this morning.  I was talking to Katie before I'd had coffee, had woken with a headache and tension due to bad dreams...And I felt I'd let her down.  I'm not beating myself up. I have no control in this whole mess, and I know she's not feeling well.  In the meantime, baby is staying put and she's resting as much as she can.  Prayers though, y'all.

After we'd had breakfast, John went out to cut some branches.  I stayed indoors and made the bed afresh, cleaned our bath really well, folded clothes, hung clothes on the lines to dry, straightened up the porch, cleaned the kitchen.

And then I tackled my closet.  I tried on pants.  I put a couple of pairs into the donation pile. I have so many pants/jeans just now and they all fit except two pairs.  I'm very close to fitting in one of those and seemingly as far from fitting in the others as I was when I kept them.  I'm going to let those go.  I'm cutting my losses.  Life is too short to worry about clothes that simply do not fit.  I went through my shoes.  I don't want to get rid of any of those but the pair of athletic shoes I wear most often do need to be replaced.  And I need sandals.  Of course, I came into summer needing them too.  I just never bothered to go look for them.

We've had lunch and when we've finished this vlog, I am headed back to the closet.  Time to sort out the scarves, sweaters and tops. 

How was your week?  

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Camp Mac said...

Sending prayers for Katie and baby and you all as always. 🙏
Just started on the Blackbird Cafe, sounds interesting!
Much Love,

Jo said...


Karla said...

My week has been fine. Had a brief visit with our oldest daughter early one evening last week after work. She brought me a few jalapenos her work friend grew and I swapped out for some poblano peppers (she can't do really spicy foods). I went to the chiropractor a couple of times because, due to my mouth surgery, I had to sleep upright for a week and it put my lower back out of whack to the point of pain. Thankfully, after my Thursday chiropractor adjustment, I was also able to go back to sleeping flat. Thank the Lord! Friday after work I did some fun errands before going home. I went and picked up a little prize I won from my favorite local stationery store, dropped off some clothes to be looked at for selling at a local consignment store (I get store credit instead of cash because I get more that way and I love to shop there) and came away with a lovely mustard colored blouse for work plus a turquoise and brass necklace. Picked up my weekly grocery order then went home for a relaxing evening. I did end up taking up our large living room area rug and putting it outside as a freebie for someone. It was still in good condition, no stains but I was ready for no area rug and it makes the room look so much cleaner, less cluttery and bigger. Within an hour it had been picked up and hopefully will bless a new family for awhile. Saturday morning I changed sheets on our bed, laundered the sheets, our top blanket and the blankets in our living room. Dropped off my car to have a recall item taken care of and while the car was being worked on, accompanied my husband to his barber to have a beard trim, then back to get my car and home. We took a really great nap and then had a date night out to see some comedians who were in town that we love (Colin Machrie and Brad Sherwood who used to be on Whose Line is it Anyway). That was a really fun evening. Sunday found me making a lovely bigger breakfast and more laundry (clothes this time) followed by helping husband work on a script for a documentary we are working on to honor a former Vietnam POW we know. That was my week. This week I have a follow up for my mouth surgery and can hopefully get back to eating real food. I'm just about tired of soft foods only and miss raw vegetables. And pizza and chips and salsa.

I'm praying for Katie (and you). I know it must be so exhausting.

Karla said...

Forgot to add - I read the Midnight at the Blackbird Cafe book awhile back and really enjoyed it. Glad you are too!

Journal of My Week: Winter Again