The Homemaker Plans Her Week: That's How It Goes


I got only a little accomplished last week.  And I do mean 'little'.  Oh well.  I'm recovered now, I think, though my will to push hard has seemingly gotten up and gone off somewhere else to live.  Never mind.  The week ahead we are promised slightly cooler temperatures than we've had the last part of the week behind.  It's reason to celebrate anytime we see temps hanging in at 90F and just under!


Remember that 'now the kids are in school, and I have free time...' statement.  Well.  I now find I am to be keeping kids every Tuesday evening.  Should I need to bow out they can go to nursery at the place where Sam will be on Tuesdays but yeah.  I get my days free though.  So there's that.

I want to continue to work on the challenges I've set myself.   A deep clean and declutter of the kitchen being the top priority, outside of daily routines.  I am working on the island cabinets and drawers this week.  I have a small stack of things to determine what to do with.  Some need new homes.  Some shall be donated.   

Part of what I hope to do this week is to take down the curtains and get them washed and dried and rehung.  

While I'm working, I'm going to start a list of 10 things I can do to improve or better my kitchen, and later for each room as I go through the house.  For instance, I had every hope of buying a better curtain rod for the kitchen windows but that didn't happen.  And honestly just now I'm not sure I can anytime soon.  At the very least I can repaint my current rods which will improve their appearance considerably.  And I can clean everything.  Cleaning is always free!

Plant those things I rooted and cut some more stuff to root.  If for no other reason than I enjoy having little bouquets of coleus and ivy on the counter as they grow their roots.   I have no cutting flowers this year and store-bought ones do not last well in the warmer indoor air.  That's a pleasure I reserve for winter when the temperatures indoors are lower.

I was working on the checkbook the other day and found this year's tax appraisal stuck in a drawer of the desk.  Why I put it there I can't be sure, but I got a bit of a shock when I looked at it.  I hadn't realized that it had increased by about $50.  I checked my balance in that sub account fund in the checkbook and realized that at some point I'd gotten way off target, and I wasn't going to have nearly enough money to pay that bill in December unless I adjusted heavily.  Yes, more money OUT at present.  Never mind.  I will just have to tighten my financial belt and do it.  


Continue to work on adding to my pantry via #EveryBitCountsChallenge.  I took a break this weekend, but I have dried herbs to bottle up and vacuum seal and mandarin peels are dry so I can finally grind those down to powder.  

I do not have a plan for anything.  It's all strictly fly by the seat of my pants.  I'm trusting that I'll either find something in my home or I'll stumble upon an excellent sale at the grocery, or someone will give me something.  I thought I'd take some time to look through my Ball book and cookbooks since all include some canning recipes that might prove to be interesting.

I have planned my week's menu using more expired items.  I think my final count this week was 11 items to be used.  After this week, there will be a few things left but it's mostly black beans.  I'll still be working at using them, but not with the same intensity I have these four weeks.  


Get back in the routine of caring for my skin daily.  

Put together outfits for August.  

I did a mani and pedicure on Saturday and I recalled, yet again, how much I enjoy seeing pretty nails (especially on my fingers).  I am rough on my hands but I'm going to make it my goal to at least do my fingernails every Friday evening or Saturday morning.

I'm done with my detox and am slowly adding back supplements to my routine medications.  Where I fail this time of year is getting enough sun.  We only need 10 minutes a day to get enough D3, but I do NOT spend even that much time outdoors.  Surely, I can stand that long?  We'll see.

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Karla said...

I'm glad your days will be back to some semblance of order again. I know how much that makes a difference for you. Hope the kiddos have a wonderful start to school!! I always loved that time of year, whether as a kid or a parent.

Oh my goodness I keep looking at my curtains and thinking I need to wash them and then promptly forget until the next inopportune time I notice the dust at the top. My house needs such a good dusting and it just feels impossible to keep up with.

Casey said...

Your expired pantry items have inspired me to make sure I dig there first!

Your school starts a month ahead of ours. I’m trying to enjoy this last month of summer. I don’t feel like I’ve really had one, yet. I continue to recover, but it feels like one step forward, one step backward depending on the day.

terricheney said...

Karla, and I just remembered the last time I washed the black out curtains they stuck together and got holes in them...So I'll settle for running a vacuum over them! However, the ones in the kitchen are suitable for the wash and will go in.

Casey, Our school does start early. They get lots of breaks through the year though. And please know I am praying for you and your recovery. I know how it feels to 'miss' summer due to illness, but take the opportunity to at least sit in the sun a bit and get a feel for what you're missing.

Journal of My Week: Winter Again