Diary of a Homemaker's Week: School's In!

Saturday:  John said last night that he didn't want any alarms set.  We rose to alarms about five out of seven days last week.  It was nice to sleep until I woke naturally

We had a leisurely hour or so and then I had to hurry to get ready to go out with the kids.  I decided last night to offer them their choice of where we'd eat lunch and that we'd also visit the peach packing shed and get ice cream while we were out.  

But first we headed to the library where the kids celebrated National Cowboy Day by painting some wooden ornaments of cowboy hats and boots.  My three grands were the only kids there today and they each painted a hat and two boots; Isaac having determined they should have a pair each because "We got two feet."   

We had a grand round of conversations with the librarian and her assistant in which I think every one of us learned something new today.  In fact, the day went on like that with each of us sharing some fact we knew, and the others didn't. Josh pointed out that Millie hadn't shared, and I told him, "Give her time Josh.  In two years, she might well know things we don't!"  Millie was unbothered by her lack of knowledge.  She was just enjoying herself.

After they'd run for about ten minutes on the huge decks surrounding the library (and told by the assistant to NOT fall onto the railroad tracks because we'd have to leave them there, lol), we tried to get loaded in the car but first the kids were thirsty, so I sent them back in the library to get a drink from the fountain.  Then just as were about to leave, I realized Josh had taken his glasses off.  "Where did you leave them?"  He remembered wearing them into the library.  I sent him back in to retrieve them.  After about ten minutes we were loaded and ready to go.

When I'd asked them this morning where they'd like to have lunch, all three shouted 'Subway!'  I didn't expect that answer.  I figured it would be McDonald's or Burger King.  Isaac asked if they could get chips and a drink too?  Of course... And could they eat inside?  Yes, to that as well.  I told them we'd go get peach ice cream after so not to ask for anything more.

To be honest, I haven't been to Subway in ages, like two years or so.  I had no idea of the price increases.  I learned today!  I won't go back on my word to the kids but now that I'm aware, if we go out again, I'll be sure to steer them to a more budget friendly lunch.  

I was not my best self, and I'll tell you why.  My ears are bothering me.  I have a lot of fluid in them and am not hearing well.  At the library, the librarian would ask me a question and immediately her assistant would interrupt and ask one, too.  Having a hard time assimilating speech already, I found myself getting flustered and impatient, but I curbed it. 

However, when we got to Subway, there were three children and two adults asking me endless questions and each time I'd begin to answer one someone would ask another question.  I finally got the kids quiet but the two behind the counter kept up the tag team questions.  Finally, I asked the woman to give me a moment.  She didn't.  She immediately asked another question.  "Just a moment, please.  Let me do one thing at a time."  Nope she hit me with another question.  Without raising my voice, I turned to her and said "Please.  I can't answer everyone at once.  I need you to wait.  I'll be with you in just a moment."  Apparently, the other server felt I was rude, and he walked out.  I wasn't trying to be rude, I was trying, honestly trying, to answer everyone's questions in a semblance of some orderly fashion.   

I took a deep breath and apologized to her if I'd sounded rude.  I explained to her that I am hard of hearing and was experiencing ear trouble on top of that.  "I can't assimilate everything at once.  Can we please just finish one sandwich and then start the next?  I'm terribly sorry if I sounded rude.  I was overwhelmed and I apologize."

Well...we got the sandwiches made, everyone got a drink and chips and we four sat down to eat and had more rounds of conversation.  I guess the staff got over their huff because they offered the kids free cookies which was very sweet of them.  I apologized for not accepting them, "but I've promised them ice cream.  If they eat cookies too, their dad will kill me..."  The man nodded and laughed.  "I would, too if they were mine."  At least he understood!

Off to the peach shed, which is really a misnomer.  The big farmer in the community took over the old community schoolhouse and turned it into a packing shed, preserving the outside of the building and enclosing a portion of what would have been the former classrooms behind glass so you can watch the roll line and packing.  It's fascinating to watch the peaches get sorted and washed and packed.  They have several varieties there.  I'm not fussy about varieties and buy peaches the way I choose a book.  I look at the names and determine what name I like best and those are the ones I get.  So far, I've had August Prince, Zee Lady and today I bought O. Henry.  What's neat is that they do have a tasting station where each variety on offer that day has been sliced into little covered cups and they'll let you eat a sample of each variety to help you choose. I like my method just fine.

We got ice cream cones and went outdoors to sit and rock.  There was a man with a Standard Poodle and the children handled that so well.  Josh is the least fond of dogs, so he stepped back, but Isaac and Millie went right to the man and asked if it was okay to pet his dog.  He told them her name was Essie.  "And you'd better hold your ice cream up high because she likes it really well and may help herself!" he told Millie.  "I'll have to go buy her one in a minute."

After we ate our ice cream we headed home along backroads.  I almost got us in a heap of trouble.  I'd forgotten a four-way stop at one point along one very back road and the kids were hammering me with questions.  "Hey Gramma..." "Hey Gramma..." and I didn't even blink when we got to that stop sign until I realized we were going right through it.  Thank God it's not a busy road and the one car that had stopped seemed to intuitively know that I wasn't going to manage that stop and stayed put.  It shook me to the core.  I told the kids, I needed to pay less attention to them and more attention to what I was doing and apologized to them for putting them in a potentially dangerous situation.  When I told Josh I needed to turn around and go back because I was supposed to have turned at the stop sign, he told me he'd keep his eyes open and help me see that sign this time around.  I assured him I'd not miss it twice!  We made it home without further incident, but the "Hey Gramma..." kept up the whole while.  

Well, that's our last outing for summer this year.  I enjoyed it all and I think the kids enjoyed most of the things we did.  The local librarian shared her calendar for August with me and there will be some programs on Saturdays, so I'll see if the kids care to attend any of them.  Or if I'm up to it!

Josh more or less told me that unless it's school holidays that he doesn't want to get any more books out.  He'll have plenty of options between his home books and the school library.  Isaac agreed.  But they might like to go out now and then to one of the Saturday specials.  I think this librarian is really trying to grow her community presence which is nice because I don't recall any before ever showing any interest.  The public library used to play such a huge role in communities and then they nearly shut them down.  I hope our community governments continue to support them, and I suppose we can help by attending ourselves.

Sunday:  I slept well last night but I sure didn't want to get up this morning when the alarm went off.  I just rolled over and snuggled right back in and slept a bit longer.  We still made it to church on time, but just barely.

After church we wandered out to a porch on one end of the main lobby and waited for Sam and the kids to show up for church.  As we'd left home this morning, I'd found Josh's glasses in the car.  I texted Sam that we'd pass them to him after early service.  Well Sam was nearly as late as we'd been.  We met up in the children's church building.  I traded glasses for a hug from each of the children.  That was a more than fair swap!

John wanted to get a haircut.  I'm standing firm with my refusal to go in to get another super short cut.  I'll trim around my ears, have John shave my neck but I'm going to let it grow as long as I can.  I went into the grocery next door to pick up some great buy-one-get-one deals. 

We came home to eat lunch.  We both ate lightly.  John has been procrastinating about getting the mower blades sharpened so he can finish mowing Sam's lawn.  He went out to tend to that task and I thought I'd 'write' which translated into 'nap', somehow, so no writing.  After he came indoors, I was going to get busy with chores, but he showered and laid down on the bed, and I thought he looked very comfortable, so I laid down on the bed too and the next thing I knew I was waking from another nap.   I am not complaining over it.  I must have needed that extra rest today.  

The housework will wait.  It always does...

Monday:  I was working away and up to my neck in things too, when Katie called to ask if she and Caleb might come over.  I sounded less than gracious about my "Yes", but I thought about it after she'd hung up and decided that much as I want to accomplish all the things this week, I will miss having these impromptu visits from her and Caleb.  He'll be in school, and she'll be working away and there will be no more visits.  I'll take the family time while I can get it.  Again, that house and kitchen work can, and will, wait.

The morning went well enough. I still got a few things done, Caleb was overjoyed to be here to play, and Katie was glad to have him in a new environment and to be out of the house herself.  She went into town and purchased frozen pizza for lunch.  I would have come up with some idea or other, but I admit that the pizza was more than good.  Red Baron has changed their crust somehow and that was a most excellent frozen pizza. The crust was light and fluffy as it ought to be and though I added cheese to the top (that was scarce!) it tasted really good.  I thought perhaps that might be something that we would pick up when we're on vacation.  

I am tired.  No kidding, I've worked and worked and worked today.  I did stop for bits of time here and there and rest.  I got a lot accomplished and I'm glad of it.  

I need to get my fridge sorted and cleaned.  I have a lot of stuff that needs to go IN the refrigerator at the moment and nowhere to put anything!  

A woman's work...

Tuesday:  I did hardly anything today.  I mean it.  I baked the lasagna early this morning, I made the bed, cleaned up and put away the dishes and that was about it.  

I went over my goals for July and was shocked at how much I'd done of what I'd put of those.  In fact, the one thing I've consistently missed is self-care.  Tomorrow I'm doing a pedicure for sure.  It is desperately needed.  

Beyond that I've spent the day reading Laine's Letters.  Carolyn had saved many of them on her computer ages ago and she was kind enough to send me a copy of her file.  I've thoroughly enjoyed reading these letters.

The kids came over to spend some time this evening.  Sam and Bess were going to a church service, and I said I'd take the children.  They ate leftover pizza, preferring that to homemade lasagna.  Honestly, I don't understand these kids!  Then they feasted on candy and cookies provided by their teachers at the meet and greet.  Goodness.  When did teachers start doing that?

I made sure Millie and Isaac got bathed.  Josh declined but I told him he'd likely get a shower at home if he didn't shower here.  

Just to show you what sort of Grampa he is, Millie brought John the baby doll and bottle and he was looking at his phone.  Without missing a beat, he held the baby, fed and rocked it, while scrolling his phone.  I don't know if he was even aware what he was doing, but I thought he looked awfully sweet.  

Prayers y'all would be appreciated not just for first day of school but for a fresh start for my family.  No, the marriage is not repaired, but at present, Bess is living in the house with Sam and the children.  So, prayers please that healings can take place and God's best for them be done.

Thursday:  Yes, I've skipped a whole day!  I was not well yesterday.  I woke with a sick headache and fought it all day long.  It eased off when the thunderstorms finally started yesterday afternoon but picked up again yesterday evening.  I went to bed at 9pm doused in Lavender which I find very soothing and prone to promote deep breathing which releases tension.

I didn't wake until later this morning.  I've been getting up before 7am but it was nearer 9am today.  I had the oddest dreams all night long, things I couldn't even imagine in day-to-day life, and I've got a really good imagination!  At any rate, I have a slight headache today, but I do feel somewhat better, if less than energetic.

I talked briefly to Bess and Katie last night.  Caleb hopped out of the car and ran into the school building without even looking back.  Katie said she drove home crying and then sat in the driveway and sobbed.  All I could picture as she spoke was the way I felt when she hopped out of my car, ran to the bus and climbed the steps and never so much as waved goodbye.  Like Caleb she was 4 and I sat there at the stop sign and cried and cried.  lol

Millie told Sam and Bess that she really didn't care for school at all.  When asked if she planned to go back, she told them "Yes...because then I can ride the bus.  But that's the only reason I'll go."  Katie and I talked about Millie's lack of socialization.  She's been mostly at home since she was born and nearly always with Sam, who worked at home, while Bess worked out of the house.  She's only ever stayed with me and occasionally her Gammy when she lived nearer by.  Well, it has to be quite a shock to her to be out and about every single day.  

Caleb on the other hand is a very social person.  I think he might even prove to be an extrovert as time goes on, which is a bit foreign to this family of introverts but there you are.  

At any rate, the babies are off to school.  

I was determined to do something today towards my goal of decluttering and cleaning the kitchen, so I made myself clear two drawers.  Small beginnings to be sure but small bites work as well as big ones at getting tasks done, if you're consistent!

And I took some things from the fridge freezer so I'd be pushed to use those for the #everybitcountschallengeI also made time to go outdoors and gather the herbs which I knew needed to be harvested and have those drying out in the kitchen at present.  Small harvest but that's what the challenge is all about.  Check out Jessica's Instagram and YouTube and use the hashtag to see what others in the challenge are doing.  I'll just bet you get inspired!

Friday:  Another late morning for me.  I've found myself mighty resentful lately that I'm the one who must prepare all of the meals.  John used to occasionally make breakfast and did so consistently about once and week but lately...Nope.  And rather than tell him I've missed having him do that now and then, I've sulked, mooned, resented it and been a little angry.  So, this morning, after I'd slapped my way through making breakfast again, I told him, nicely, "It would be lovely if you'd cook eggs for us one morning soon."  It took far more effort to be NICE than it did to ask.  Isn't that ridiculous?  Yet such a creature am I, that I had to make that hard before I'd do it.

It's hot and John's mowing the yards a lot and I know it exhausts him.  My goodness yes!  It's mighty unfair of me to complain over what he's not doing for me when he's working so very hard.  And he's continued to do every load of laundry as well.  

After breakfast, rather than wait on him to start the laundry, I went and got it going.  He fussed gently.  "That's my job...and if you take it over then you'll be waiting on me hand and foot.  So just leave it to me from now on.  It makes me feel useful around here."    Well, he's right.  If I take it over, then I'll begin to resent him for that, too.  But I confess I didn't start the load to take over the task.  I started the load as a sort of repentance for my sorry attitude lately.  

I did my usual Friday cleaning, at least most of it and then I pulled out all the spare pairs of underwear I have.  I do not know why or how I came to have so very many pairs of underpants.  I had noticed lately that the ones I wear were looking shabby and that it was time to toss them.  I knew I had a few pair in another drawer that I'd tucked away.  A few!  Goodness gracious, I had no idea how many pair I had!  

Now I don't know if any of you are like me, but I loathe tossing clean clothes into the trash can even if they are shabby.  I much prefer to toss dirty clothes.  I have neatly folded and stacked on top of my dresser every single pair that needs to be tossed and put as many new in the drawer.  

I'll tell you all a secret.  For years upon years, I wore only white underthings and then a few years ago I sort of branched out and got some bras that were blue, pink, black, butterscotch, gray.  Nothing fancy but pretty.  I bought colorful underwear as well, though I had few if any matches for my bras.  In the past year, I find myself just longing to have matching tops and bottoms.  I'm going to work towards that in the future.  It's a silly thing but it's apparently important to me at this season of life for unknown reasons and it's not something that is such a luxury I can't be indulged.

Then I went to the kitchen and started clearing drawers on the other side of the kitchen.  I removed a never used pan, the only thing I wanted out of the pots and pans drawers.  I added two covered casseroles from another cabinet to the pots and pans drawers.  I don't use them as often in summer as I do when the weather is cooler.  They are so nice to slow roast things in the oven when the oven can be used more frequently.  

There's another casserole though that I'm debating over.  It's a nice size, not covered and has a heavy-duty metal rack for roasting meat.  Why I don't use it, I don't know.  I've decided to consider this piece and then make a decision.

Then I sorted out the drawer above the baking cabinet.  What a real mess that was!  

No hard criticism of my new kitchen but the drawers seem to be a little shallow inside.  I can't put anything taller than 3 inches inside them.  Spice bottles and cans have to be laid on their sides.  And organizational items must stay under the 2-inch height and not be filled very full.  This means that I am very careful about what goes in and how it's stored. 

But today a small solution to one issue occurred.  I always stored my stacking measuring cups with the open end up. I couldn't stack them together and if I did, inevitably we'd have the drawer jam.  Today, I turned them over, stacking them in order and voila! They fit.  Now all of my measuring cups are together in groups, and I have much neater drawers.

In the drawer we have under the coffee station, I repurposed two pans, a jelly roll pan I seldom use these days, and a 9 X 13 aluminum pan I'd picked up at an estate sale and have yet to use.  Now my coffee and John's coffee (we prefer different brews) are neatly held in place inside the respective pans and no more skittering and mixing of the k-cups.  What's more everything else that I wanted to keep went right back into place around the two pans.

I am doing these jobs in small bites.  I just tackled more today than I did yesterday but it's a good start on this task of getting my kitchen in full working order once again.  As a reward for my work today, I've made myself Dalgona coffee as an afternoon treat.  So good!

John is mowing outdoors.  When I hear him stop to sit in the shade, I've been carrying him out a cold drink and wetting his Frogg Togg with fresh cool water.  He's determined to finish this job today, but I swear I'm hearing thunder rumble.

That's our week...How did yours go?  Do you have plans for the weekend?

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Anne said...

Your news that Bess is living with her family again just made my day. The children must be thrilled.

meme said...

So happy to hear Bess is at home. I will be keeping Sam and Bess in my thoughts.

terricheney said...

Anne and Meme, She is living at home in a roommate sort of situation. I'm very cautious. She's come back and left once which devastated the children and Sam. I hope she can work things out within herself. I hate seeing my son hurt but he's old enough to make the choice to be in this situation. The children have no say in it and while they are on cloud nine right now, I pray hard that they are not hurt further.

Karla said...

I will definitely be praying with you for Sam, Bess and the kiddos. What a challenging (and honestly a bit apprehensive - do we hope or is that too fragile is how I think of it) situation for everyone.

Thank you for sharing your resentment regarding the cooking duties. I often feel the same. The cleaning duties as well.

Donnellp said...

Hi Terri
About the situation with Bess. I hope, if necessary, she's getting any kind of medical help she needs. As I've mentioned about my daughter-in-law, she finally got the mental help she needed. Once the Dr. got the correct combination, and dosage figured out,(it took lots of trial and error), she is a different person. She still struggles, but, she knows my son and our family are there for her. I was angry with her for awhile but since my son and grandchildren love her so much, God changed my heart. Now everything is good. Prayers for your whole family.

Camp Mac said...

Prayers for your family, as always.

terricheney said...

Karla, I was pretty sure someone else would identify with my feelings. And I absolutely LOVE to cook.

Donnellp, she is getting extensive therapy. Borderline Personality is far less responsive to medication than other mental issues might be, so it's LOTS of therapy and LOTS of personal homework.

Tracey, Thank you, Love!

Journal of My Week: Winter Again