The Long Quiet: Advent 2024


I hadn't intended to write Advent posts this year.  I was going to participate in Advent privately by reading and studying but not create.  Yet when I sat down tonight to begin a different post, the title presented itself and I felt my spirit hush and wait.  

I'm not often quiet like this in the evening.  My mind is full of what I've done that day, what I'm going to do tomorrow, what I hope to do before sleep overtakes me or worrying that it won't overtake me and I'll come to tomorrow weary and worn.

December 2024 Goals: Holiday Dreams


As I sat here this evening thinking of the new month about to come in, I let my mind wander over the month ahead and then the annual "GASP" occurred.  "WHAT are we going to do about Christmas?!" 

I know what I'm going to do about it.  I'm going to enjoy it.  I'm not going to focus on work.  I've been focusing on work all year long and I've done about all I'm going to do outside of routine housework until the New Year is here.  I'm dusting my hands of all the goals I didn't meet, the jobs not yet done or only partly done.  Away!  I want to make this an epic month of enjoying the season. 

Journal of My Week: Thanksgiving


November 22, Friday eveningI've made an executive decision.  I'll run this post through next Wednesday and then I'm shutting down for the holiday weekend.  But I'll be back as usual by December 1 with my routine posts.  

Meals today:  I know we ate...Just can't remember what it was!

Soup and rice leftovers mixed up.  This was delicious.

Menu Plan for the Last Week of November 2024


As of the time I'm working on this meal plan, I don't mind telling you that I haven't yet decided what is for tonight's supper, much less for meals all next week.  

I think I've said I use my meal plan as a loose guide of what we'll eat.  Even though we seldom eat all I'd planned to make in a week, I enjoy having a meal plan to guide me.  It's a little road map based on our calendar for the week, what I know we need to use to prevent spoilage, and any leftovers we might have.  It's also based on weather, cravings I might have or requests that John's made, what I've noted is expiring on the pantry shelves, or is an older dated item in the freezer.

Thanksgiving Week To Do List


I read a lovely phrase the other day, one I'd never heard.  I wish I could recall whose blog I read it on but alas I cannot.  It wasn't one of my usual reading places so I can't find it again.  But she'd said, "It's half-past November..."  For the whole of the past week, I've had that phrase in mind, "Half-past November..."  Isn't that a lovely way of saying the month is fleeting?  

Journal of My Week: November 16-22, 2024

November 16, Saturday: Yesterday afternoon, just as we were about to sit down to a very late lunch, Katie called to share her most epic haul at Target.  Between sales, coupons, and Ibotta she got paid to take her purchases from the store.  She earned $8.  She purchased $232 worth of formula and products for her family.

Our conversation went on for a long while.  It was such a lovely long talk, and she brought me to tears at one point with something she said.  It's not often we get validation from our kids and frankly it's not something we expect to get.  I think the majority of parents I know do their best to raise their kids right and hope they've served them well.  But now and then a little confirmation warms the heart and soul.

Talking Turkey: Leftovers That Is!


Inevitably when the holiday meal is over there will be leftovers.  Of all sorts, not just of turkey, but most especially of turkey if you are a smaller family.  And honestly, a wise woman would make sure there are leftovers because it's so darned handy to have especially over the holiday weekend.  I have a small file of recipes I absolutely love to make with leftover turkey, some simple and some a little more fussy and all of them good.  But I'll also share a few other recipes for other things you might have leftover that I've learned works well.

But first, turkey!

Meals for the Third Week of November 2024


Is it the cooler weather?  The advent of holidays?  Just a less weary frame of mind?  I don't know but once more I feel I am in my element in planning meals.  I like this space far better than feeling tired of everything we have and wanting only what we don't.  Hideous state of mind, really, when one has so much.  I like this state of mind much, much better.  For one thing, I have not planned one single item that is not already on hand.  That's not to say I don't need to go shopping.  I still need a turkey.  I have a short list of outages (reminder to self, check allspice in my spare spices...).  But I am very appreciative that I have all I need for this week's meals.  That's saying something!

To Do/To Don't...List for the third week of November


Over the past week, I did the most random things.  Anything from my list?  Yes.  All of it?  Nope.  I bought 5 birthday cards and then remembered when I got home that I have another early December birthday, so I need to go buy that card. I picked up Christmas stamps.  I blew leaves off the two porches.  I took time to think about my theme for Christmas this year and might have decided it.  I wrote out several thoughts towards getting my 2025 resolutions pinned down.  I worked on bills and the 2025 budget (not on the list).  I wrote the last of the Thanksgiving series of blog posts.  That among all the usual meals, bread making (bread and bagels), making an apple pie, cleaning, running errands, going to small group, had a long and lovely phone conversation with Katie.  And nursed a tummy virus through it all, so I'm not beating myself up over what didn't get done.

Journal for the Second Week of November: Love and Prayers


Nov. 9, Saturday:  Today has been such a day of mixed feelings of all sorts.

We left home very early, before 8am so that we could head to church for a special Veteran's Day recognition breakfast.  In a military base town, there are a copious number of veterans in the churches, and ours is no exception.  They had a limited capacity of 234 people, and I'd say that probably 224 seats were filled.  

It was a beautifully done honors day for our veterans.  And yes, John is a veteran.  The program was about an hour and a half long and included a very nice breakfast.  It is always moving when the music begins to play the anthems of each branch and those who served in that branch rise to acknowledge the music. 

Thanksgiving Preparation Timeline


The credit for this post and the next in this short series all go to Maxine who asked if I could write out a few more ideas on the subject of Thanksgiving meal prep and leftovers.  I'm happy to take her request and run ahead with it.  I hope you find the information helpful.

I think one thing I've never understood was the woman who spent countless hours in the kitchen preparing a huge holiday meal only to realize that fifteen or twenty minutes after she'd set it on the table everyone was done eating, and she had countless hours of clean-up ahead of her...

Coffee Chat: Well Traveled

I said earlier this month that the leaves on the pecan tree were getting thinner.  I looked out the window this morning into the front yard and realized my Faith tree is completely bare.  Leaves scattered all across the ground underneath and over the patio and I'm sure partly cover the front porch as well.  There was no brilliant color this year to enjoy, as we had too much dry fall weather and too warm temperatures.  I have a feeling the lovely drive I took on the way to Mama's and back the other day is going to be the bulk of what we see for autumn color this year.

John is off having lunch with his former work partner, and I am home alone with time on my hands.  And while I have a ton of tasks I might do, I have instead, settled down with the computer on my lap to write because if there is anything I miss in my current season of life, it is the uninterrupted, quiet time to write.  

Meals for the Second Week of November

We came into this weekend with leftovers:

Corn Relish

Meatloaf (about four servings)

1 cup of mashed potatoes

To Do List for the Second Week of November: Will I?


Oh, the things I plan to do and then don't!  I could play catch-up with last week's list...

Tell me why, when I've planned to spend the day on the back porch getting wet and dirty, I refuse to do it while it's raining?  As if I'd be any less wet and dirty when I was all done with the task on a sunny day!  Yet my mind simply said, "Nope!  Not while it's raining, I'm not!"  Which means the patio and front porch didn't get swept clean of leaves either.  Among other things.  But I did get about half the tasks done and then did a few other things that weren't on the list, plus I read two books.  How's that for accomplishments? 

Ah well.  If at first...and all that good stuff about trying again, right?

1.  Too late to buy Caleb a card, but I've four more birthdays this month that I really ought to get birthday cards for.  Two will be late.  The recipients are so young that just the act of getting mail will likely be a thrill.  Two may make it on time, but with Georgia's mail system these days, who knows?  I'll skip getting Caleb one unless of course, I get it on the way to his party on Saturday...

While I'm out buying cards, I'll try to count up all that I need and see if I can get them in bulk somewhere online...And I'll order them.  I'm serious about my resolve to be better about this next year!

2.  Clean the back porch.  I'm focusing on this because it is the entryway most likely to be used by ourselves and most everyone else.  True strangers come to the front door.  Delivery folks, acquaintances and family all come to the back. Get leaves off front porch and patio.

3.  Pick up the limbs I pruned last week.  And prune the other rosebushes and that bit of tree I saw peeking out the backside of the flower bed after I pruned it last week.

4.  Deadhead the mums, pull spent pots of flowers.

5.  Get donations out of the house.  I've a whole bag of things to donate once again.  I will go through my closet one last time before I take that bag out though.  Might as well let go of something else if it's not being worn.

6.  Purchase pots, soil, bark, compost for the planters.

7.  Buy a new flag to replace my tattered one.

8. Continue to ponder resolutions for 2025.

9.  It's pay week.  Get the check book balanced, and set aside funds, etc. Bills are already paid so I shall not have to write out anything but tithes and one other check.  We'll get banking done for the month. 

10.  Get a turkey or turkey breast.  Pumpkin. I've a short list of things I'm completely out of (raisins, potatoes, lime juice... Not the usual stuff I'd buy but the occasional things we use).  

I've purposely put off buying anything at the grocery until pay day has come.  I've always given myself permission to buy food ahead of time, but I find more and more I'm trying to leave it off until we have a fresh allotment of funds in the grocery budget.  It's a good exercise to figure out what I can use as a substitute or what to keep on hand for substitutions.

Anyway, now that pay day is upon us, I feel safe restocking my kitchen for the month as well as the holiday wants.

11.  Work ahead on blog posts.

12.  Continue with the new method of housekeeping.  I didn't get it exactly the way I wanted last week but I still think it's the way to go.

13.  Again: Pin down how I want to decorate for Christmas.  I don't think I'll be buying much of anything. It's really a matter of color and theme. I have more than enough ornaments so there will be little need to purchase anything other than ribbon.

14.  Have a meal prep day again this week.  It's such a time saver in the long run, because one day of prep means I can have meals pretty much ready to go if I do get into any projects or tasks that take longer than I've thought it might.

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Journal for the First Week of November


Nov. 2, Saturday:  I have just watched the loveliest sunset.  That's something I've been doing routinely for a few weeks now.  The leaves are getting thinner and thinner on the pecan tree outside the living room window so I can see more of the sky than I could in summer.   John may go all around the house shutting shades as early as 5:30 or 6PM but he always leaves the west windows, the ones directly across from our chairs unshaded until after the sun has set.  Tonight's showing was all pale pink and lilac and deep grey blue.

Budget Thanksgiving


It's the month when we start looking ahead at Thanksgiving and Christmas and quite possibly New Year's meals.  There are plenty of festive occasions ahead starting at the end of this month and going right through until the start of the New Year ahead.

I've read much about 'budget meals' for these holidays and I thought it would be nice to try and create a few different menus on a budget.  The goal is to have a festive meal, one that doesn't look skimpy but at the same time doesn't send the budget too far astray.  

What's In Season? November 2024

I seriously was thinking this month's list of seasonal foods would be short, but as I looked at various websites, pondered what I typically see in the stores this time of year, etc., I realized that this month is rich in seasonal produce!




Meal Plans for the First Week of November


I think I would benefit from a breakfast plan.  The truth is that usually when I get up, John is ready to eat right away.  I haven't even had coffee, and with no plan, I'm often at a loss what to make.  If I get a plan figured out, I can at least have an idea of what I can do a day ahead to ease my passage, right?  Well, that's the idea anyway.

Lunch seems to be a less tense time.  John would prefer sandwiches, but reality is that we eat leftovers fairly often, too.  

To Do List for November 4-8


I've allowed myself to have some rather slow days of late, as in most of October, but I do have jobs I really want to attend to before the weather is cold.  So, there's nothing for it but to get myself busy and do them.  I'm not saying I'll run myself in the ground, but I do mean to get busy and get things done.  Are you ready?

1.  Clean the back porch.  I'll take time to blow off the patio and the front porch, but I want to clean the back porch.  There are things we need to put away, things I just plain want to move off the porch entirely and I want to clean the porch floor especially where the pets eat.  Once I clean those spots, I'll put a rug under their bowls to keep the floor clean.  I know it means I'll have to take them up if it rains so it won't stay wet but even as neatly as they eat, there are greasy spots I just don't want to keep cleaning up.  I save all my old rugs from the house so no expense will be involved.

Journal of the Last Week of October 2024

Saturday:  What a hectic past few hours.  I loved most of the minutes of it, but not quite all of them, lol.  The children came in after school yesterday afternoon.  I had about an hour of rest before they arrived and I'm glad of it because it was bump, bump, bump from the moment they arrived. 

As I assumed, no one wanted a chili dog except Josh.  He put entirely too much mustard on it and rather than scoop it off and start over, he ate about half and then left the rest.  I scooped it all off before giving it to the pets to finish off.  The kids ate Pomegranate with us, surprising me with how readily they tried it.  They ate birthday cake with us. 

March 25: Purposeful