To Do List for the Second Week of November: Will I?


Oh, the things I plan to do and then don't!  I could play catch-up with last week's list...

Tell me why, when I've planned to spend the day on the back porch getting wet and dirty, I refuse to do it while it's raining?  As if I'd be any less wet and dirty when I was all done with the task on a sunny day!  Yet my mind simply said, "Nope!  Not while it's raining, I'm not!"  Which means the patio and front porch didn't get swept clean of leaves either.  Among other things.  But I did get about half the tasks done and then did a few other things that weren't on the list, plus I read two books.  How's that for accomplishments? 

Ah well.  If at first...and all that good stuff about trying again, right?

1.  Too late to buy Caleb a card, but I've four more birthdays this month that I really ought to get birthday cards for.  Two will be late.  The recipients are so young that just the act of getting mail will likely be a thrill.  Two may make it on time, but with Georgia's mail system these days, who knows?  I'll skip getting Caleb one unless of course, I get it on the way to his party on Saturday...

While I'm out buying cards, I'll try to count up all that I need and see if I can get them in bulk somewhere online...And I'll order them.  I'm serious about my resolve to be better about this next year!

2.  Clean the back porch.  I'm focusing on this because it is the entryway most likely to be used by ourselves and most everyone else.  True strangers come to the front door.  Delivery folks, acquaintances and family all come to the back. Get leaves off front porch and patio.

3.  Pick up the limbs I pruned last week.  And prune the other rosebushes and that bit of tree I saw peeking out the backside of the flower bed after I pruned it last week.

4.  Deadhead the mums, pull spent pots of flowers.

5.  Get donations out of the house.  I've a whole bag of things to donate once again.  I will go through my closet one last time before I take that bag out though.  Might as well let go of something else if it's not being worn.

6.  Purchase pots, soil, bark, compost for the planters.

7.  Buy a new flag to replace my tattered one.

8. Continue to ponder resolutions for 2025.

9.  It's pay week.  Get the check book balanced, and set aside funds, etc. Bills are already paid so I shall not have to write out anything but tithes and one other check.  We'll get banking done for the month. 

10.  Get a turkey or turkey breast.  Pumpkin. I've a short list of things I'm completely out of (raisins, potatoes, lime juice... Not the usual stuff I'd buy but the occasional things we use).  

I've purposely put off buying anything at the grocery until pay day has come.  I've always given myself permission to buy food ahead of time, but I find more and more I'm trying to leave it off until we have a fresh allotment of funds in the grocery budget.  It's a good exercise to figure out what I can use as a substitute or what to keep on hand for substitutions.

Anyway, now that pay day is upon us, I feel safe restocking my kitchen for the month as well as the holiday wants.

11.  Work ahead on blog posts.

12.  Continue with the new method of housekeeping.  I didn't get it exactly the way I wanted last week but I still think it's the way to go.

13.  Again: Pin down how I want to decorate for Christmas.  I don't think I'll be buying much of anything. It's really a matter of color and theme. I have more than enough ornaments so there will be little need to purchase anything other than ribbon.

14.  Have a meal prep day again this week.  It's such a time saver in the long run, because one day of prep means I can have meals pretty much ready to go if I do get into any projects or tasks that take longer than I've thought it might.

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mikemax said...

If you have Dollar Tree in your area, they still have 2/$1 and $1 cards that are very nice. Choose all of the cards you will need over the next 3 months or so, and in January or February, go back and buy more. Be sure to have a get well and sympathy card on hand at all times. If I didn't do this, nobody would ever get a card from me! As it is, they are lucky if it comes in the same month, LOL.

Karla said...

We send out birthday cards for every client at our office and we often buy really nice bulk sets of cards with a good variety from Amazon! Years ago, I had a Hallmark card organizer that had monthly dividers so you could get your cards ready and sorted ahead of time. I got rid of it and have regretted it for years. I need to see if I can find one used online.

terricheney said...

The Dollar Tree nearest my home is NOT a nice one. But you're right about having sympathy and get well cards on hand as well as a few thank you and congratulatory ones...

terricheney said...

I expect I could make up some sort of organizer myself. I'll check out Amazon for cards and see how I feel about those.

Journal of My Week: Winter Again