To Do/To Don't...List for the third week of November


Over the past week, I did the most random things.  Anything from my list?  Yes.  All of it?  Nope.  I bought 5 birthday cards and then remembered when I got home that I have another early December birthday, so I need to go buy that card. I picked up Christmas stamps.  I blew leaves off the two porches.  I took time to think about my theme for Christmas this year and might have decided it.  I wrote out several thoughts towards getting my 2025 resolutions pinned down.  I worked on bills and the 2025 budget (not on the list).  I wrote the last of the Thanksgiving series of blog posts.  That among all the usual meals, bread making (bread and bagels), making an apple pie, cleaning, running errands, going to small group, had a long and lovely phone conversation with Katie.  And nursed a tummy virus through it all, so I'm not beating myself up over what didn't get done.

But that was last week.  What about this week?

1.  Grocery shopping.  I have just planned a week's worth of suppers and I don't need to buy a thing for my meal plan.  I can make bread and I'm sure I've plenty of things for breakfast and lunch.  That's wonderful!  

But we have no fresh fruit, I haven't bought the promised turkey breast for turkey sandwiches, I plan to use my last bit of sausage, so I need to restock that, and I have a short list of things that I am out of.  It's the odd things you don't buy often but will miss if you don't replace them: canned diced green chilies, ground cloves and allspice, red wine vinegar, instant coffee, frozen butterbeans to make Brunswick Stew, our holiday canned cinnamon rolls...You get the idea.  I think this month might be the time to stock up on those things and look over the pantry inventory to see what else I might be missing.   And of course, I'll get fresh produce and whatever meat is on clearance to go into the freezer.  

2. Get the leaves off the patio.  If I'm feeling frisky this week, I'll clean out the pots I hope to plant with pansies and Kale, too.

3.   Go visit Mama.  I don't know what I'll be in for since I told her we're not coming for Thanksgiving, but I still need to go see her.  Might as well get it done.

4.  Get ornaments, tree, wreaths from the shed.   I won't even begin to put anything up until Thanksgiving evening or the day after.  But we do like to get things out and let them sit out so we know we aren't bringing in mice or bugs.  

I typically don't bring out ornaments so early, but I want to see what I think about the color theme I thought I'd use.  

5.  Decide what the kids and I will do this coming weekend.  I'll have them all day long but taking them out for part of the day will ease things a bit, I think. Maybe I'll tire them out.

6.  Plan Saturday meals and prep ahead.  The kids will be here from breakfast and likely through dinner.  I want to make things as easy on myself as I can.  I think for lunch I'd like to have 'make your own subs' on Hoagie rolls. I will be careful not to sugar them up while we're out, lol, since I can't drop them off at home...

I think, given that I'll be away from home two days (one to shop for groceries and one to visit Mama) I won't plan to do anything more.  With our usual cleaning and meals this should be quite enough to fill the week to overflowing.

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Mable said...

Not regarding this post, but your last one where the comments talked about medication expenses. You may already do this, but in case you or a reader do not: first, whenever I am given a new prescription, I ask if they have any samples. My doc showed me a closet filled to the brim with free samples she receives and was able to give me 12 weeks of a new medication. Second, there is a company started by the Shark Tank guy Mark Cuban ( They sell many meds for rock bottom prices. It is not a scam, he is an entrepreneur who is interested in reducing medical bills. My doc recommended it and it worked for me, and she said she has many patients who use them with no problems at all. They do not handle every drug, but they are adding more all the time, so check back periodically if they don't have what you need. Anyway, just something to keep in the back of your mind.

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

I love that you won't sugar them up because they are yours for the day! Perfect. Have fun!

Journal of My Week: Winter Again