Menu Plan for the Last Week of November 2024


As of the time I'm working on this meal plan, I don't mind telling you that I haven't yet decided what is for tonight's supper, much less for meals all next week.  

I think I've said I use my meal plan as a loose guide of what we'll eat.  Even though we seldom eat all I'd planned to make in a week, I enjoy having a meal plan to guide me.  It's a little road map based on our calendar for the week, what I know we need to use to prevent spoilage, and any leftovers we might have.  It's also based on weather, cravings I might have or requests that John's made, what I've noted is expiring on the pantry shelves, or is an older dated item in the freezer.

I am not prone to stick hard to the menu plan.  I do try to use the leftovers and produce that I know we have to use but beyond that I'm open to change. Perhaps John asks what's on the menu and isn't keen.  Perhaps I've worked too hard or don't feel well and a big meal prep is too much to comprehend.  Perhaps we've been away from home longer than we had anticipated or had a heavier meal while out, so we don't want to cook.  All of those things happen in any given week.  

While I'm planning meals this week, I'm mindful of two or three entrees in the freezer that we haven't eaten and each time I've mentioned we might have them, John has made it plain he doesn't want to eat them.  I think it's time to drag those things out and toss them this week.  I can use the freezer space for things I know he will want.  But no more plans to clean out the freezer this week, let's plan meals!

Tacos, Quesadillas, chips and salsa.  I'll make hamburger filling for tacos. I have crispy taco shells, and I also have flour tortillas, so I thought I could make quesadilla with some refried beans and cheese and salsa.  We have fresh pineapple, tangerines and bananas.  Pretty sure I can feed them without a lot of fuss.

Ham, Potatoes au gratin, Green Peas, Biscuits.  I have a ham piece that I broke down a few months ago when they had a sale, and I'd like to cook one section of it.  I'll use leftover bits in another meal.

Red Beans and Rice, Coleslaw, Hush Puppies.  I'll use the ham and some of the broth that cooks out of it to help flavor my beans.   We haven't had this meal in a really long while.  I always think of my dad when I make this.  While I was caring for him at the end of his life, he talked me through making this for him and it's been part of our winter menus ever since.  

Fancy Pants Burgers, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans.  This is another recipe I enjoy pulling out each year when the weather cools off.  It's an old Hunt's tomato sauce recipe that appeared in 1950's homemaking magazines.

Fried Chicken, Potato Salad, Collard Greens, Corn Muffins.  I may run into town to buy some bone in cut-up chicken to fry.  I think it tastes so much better than boneless cuts! I bought two bags of greens this past week and I want to get them cooked up.  I'll store leftovers in the freezer for future sides.

Turkey Sandwiches and Chips.  I'm keeping the idea of a full-on turkey dinner in my back pocket.  I know we will at the very least have turkey sandwiches for sure, because John has already requested that. 

I know this is just six meals.  I'm pretty sure that we'll survive the 7th day with turkey leftovers or some soup.

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1 comment:

Tammy said...

I'm so glad I read this post just now. We have a packed evening, so two of the grands will be here for supper. I'd thought to make soup and grilled cheese sandwiches, but your tacos and quesadillas menu changed my mind. I'm going to make taco meat in just a bit, then all the fixings will go on the counter and everyone can assemble their supper in whatever configuration they like best.
I think the soup and sandwiches will work for tomorrow evening. It's one of Greg's favorite meals, so he's always happy to see me making that.

Meal Plan for Second Week of March