Currently Reading

I made time to go to the library this month and managed to read three of the books I checked out. D.E. Stevenson's Amberwell and Fletcher's End and Agnes Sligh Turnbull's Whistle and I Will Come.

I haven't read a great deal of Mrs. Turnbull's works but I thoroughly enjoyed The Bishop's Mantle several years ago and I thought I'd read more of her work. I was disappointed in Whistle and I Will Come. It is a mystery of sorts and I was pretty sure I knew whodunit and I was right but I found it disappointing how the conclusion of the mystery was settled.
I failed to find the depth of character development I'd found in my previous reading of her work. I also felt the book was wrapped up a little too quickly. It almost seemed as though there were a page limit and the book had to be finished within that limit. Most unsatisfactory. I will have a few more selections by this author to try and I am hopeful they will be less disappointing,

D. E. Stevenson's books are very appealing to me. She has written many novels and some have sequels.  Many of her books are named for houses... Amberwell and Fletcher's End are both about homes and the families that live in them. I confess I could barely bring myself to put down either book and read both through in just over a day's time each. That meant a lot of housework was hurried through! Both books are well worth reading, full of the love that goes into a home and the families that love them.

From my home library (because I can never read just one book...there must be a book in several different rooms of the house in case I feel a reading break is needed!) I have Cheap Chic by Emily Chalmers. It's a home decor book based on the premise that one might use anything beautiful to bring pizzaz to the home decor. And they do. In one photograph a pale blue satin hanger with a deep fuschia blouse is hung upon a pale yellow door...I'm trying really hard to like this book because I bought it, sigh. I'm making myself READ it instead of just looking at photos and reading captions. I am hoping I shall glean something out of the book after all.

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Journal of My Week: Winter Again