Make Do and Mend Monday

Click on the link above to go to Heidi's blog and let her know you've joined in her Make Do and Mend Monday...

I admit it.  I've been a little slack about the make do or mend part in my home.  Until this past week.  Suddenly, I'm on a roll again.  This is just a portion of what I've done.  I thought I ought to save something to show next week, just in case I slip up again, lol.

Remember this mystery object?
Peeking out from behind the door...

There's a story here.  First I want to tell you I took real honest to goodness, make do and mend pictures months ago when I found this piece.  But the folder where they were stored is empty.  And my computer tells me it cannot locate a recycle bin in this computer though I had one, sigh.  So...That's the only before shot we get.

I found the piece at the trash dump.  It was inside the empty dumpster and the moment I saw it, I thought it was what it has become...Then I realized it was a twin headboard.  I managed to get it out of the dumpster by myself and took it over to my car to put it in...But it would not go.  I tried to put it inside the back door of the car, tried to put it in the trunk.  It would. not. fit.  I wanted that silly thing.  It was solid wood and in fairly good shape and I just knew what to do with it if I could only get it home.  Now here's where the funny thing happened.  I gave up.  Gave up.  Said, "Oh well, I guess I can live without it but I just know it would be perfect."  I leaned it against the dumpster, just in case another creative mind came along and saw the same thing I did, and went around to get in my car, looking back longingly.  Then I lifted my eyes up to the sky and said "God, this is why I must have a truck!"

No joke, I immediately heard the familiar clicking sort of sound a small diesel engine makes and looking up the road, I saw a truck coming towards me that I thought just might be my brother.  I waited to see and sure enough it was.  When he got out to toss his trash into the dumpster I told him, "I need help.  I want this and it will not fit in my car."  My brother is a carpenter.  A first class one at that.  "Why?" he asked.  I told him what I saw.  He cocked his head to one side, looked at it, tested the wood, nodded and loaded it up on his truck. "I'll just put it on the porch for you.  Go on and do whatever you were planning to do."

And so I acquired my twin headboard through a prayer, lol.  For free.

Yesterday Samuel was here doing a laundry list of jobs and beginning the process of making this into what I'd planned was on that list.  I plan to strip it (he's bringing his orbital sander next time he comes) and paint it and then we'll attach it to the wall.  But we set it up today to test if it would work as I envisioned...And I am pleased.  Yes, I am.  What do you think?

 Doesn't it make a great mantel for my little heater? Lends an air of a real fireplace to it, doesn't it?  I love it!

As well I've been painting this and that.  This little in/out tray was originally a sort of sickly pastel green color.  I began to use it as a cookbook shelf ages ago.  But I think the black is a much better color.

That was just an 'in addition to' project.  I was working on this peg shelf that is on the wall in the back entry.  It used to be a seafoam color with pastel colored dragon flies and the whole thing was then dry brushed with white.  Very country cute.  Now it's more country sophisticate don't you think?  And the frame around the little Bless This House sign was a country blue, but is now black as well. Take a peek at the chifforobe there to the left.  That's a fresh coat of black paint over that piece as well.  It had chipped and worn quite a bit in a not chic way, lol.  Now she's all dressed up once more and looking pretty sweet in her glossy black.

While I was in the shed this past week, looking over my next make do and mend items, I gathered up my fall wreaths.  Same as last year, not a thing new about them except I repositioned the scarecrows.

Just look at this wreath on the front door...Oh my heart!  Isn't that just gorgeous.  What do you think?  Should I do the back door in the same color?  I'm a bit torn.  It's that or white again...Or would you go Navy?  I am ready to see a little glamour at that end of the house, too.  And heaven knows the wreaths would be gorgeous against a deep rich red like An Apple A Day...
So this wreath isn't new either.  My big 'do' on this wreath was to sponge cream paint on the flat rusty brown paint on the quail and then wipe it off.  It really highlighted the details in the ceramic piece that was masked by the flat color.  I think it's rather pretty.

That's it!  I've made up for quite a few make do and mends don't you think?

Join in...Just add the badge to your site, then let me or Heidi know so we can see what you've been up to.


Rhonda said...

your mantle is so cool! it looks perfect around the heater. and I really like the story of how you got it home.

Tracy said...

The mantle is lovely! Can't wait to see the finished product. :)

MotherHen said...

I had one of those headboards never thought to use it as a mantle, I cut the legs off & used it as a shelf thingy on a cabinet in my laundry room. Don't have that piece anymore gave it to one of my kids :-) You so inspire me to get my fall wreaths up!!

Heidi said...

The mantle was meant to be. It was why your brother passed just at that moment. Great job. It makes things just look so nice. I have been spraying a number of things black and never regretted it.

The fall wreaths are beautiful! I am so glad autumn is arriving...well long here in Holland as it is my favorite season. I like the idea of red or navy for your door. I think with those colors you could never go wrong.

Hugs from Holland ~

Heidi said...

P.S. - Have you thought about painting the wall showing just inside the mantle to set it off even more Terri? Just a thought when I looked at your photo again. :-)

Susan in SC said...

Love your new mantle and wreath. You are very creative!!

Tammy in NE said...

I love your new mantle - what a creative idea for the headboard.
Black spray paint is our friend, is it not? :o)

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

That piece is a perfect mantle! Frames the heater perfectly and it'll be fun to have a mantle there to play with. Good job on all your projects! What would we do without paint!

Journal of My Week: Winter Again