You've Been Very Patient With Me...

Well you have been.  I know I've not posted anywhere as much as I used to do.  I've let myself get busy, too busy, really, and writing took a backseat to everything else.  But I'm ready I think to put writing back at the front side of my life.  I've been feeling very very antsy of late about writing, feeling I simply have to sit down and really share with you all.  Oh the posts I've missed due to being 'busy' all the time!  Thoughts I'd meant to share and didn't, photo opportunities I let pass.  But I've learned time is like money, once spent it's gone.  Money at least will replenish itself but time moves steadily forward, it won't be dammed and held for another day as we used to do the creek here on this place.

I planned yesterday to really share with you all.  I meant to take you along with me on back roads and into the thrift stores and then share my treasures.  Did I?  No, but there was good reason.  For this is what I found on nearly every road I traveled:  Roadwork and flag men... And then there was an inordinate amount of traffic on the back roads, I suppose because they were all trying to miss the roadwork, too.  I could never find a suitable place to slow down and pull over and take a picture of the golden rod and mallow flowers that are blooming, just now coming into their fullness of beauty.  I forgot the camera when I went into the Goodwill but it's just as well.  That place was some crowded.  I don't believe I've ever seen so many people in there at once before.  The clerks couldn't even leave the counter for 30 seconds.   I did take a photo of my favorite 'value' of the day:
Free Ice cream!  I found a shady spot in a parking lot to have my lunch and thought that ice cream was just the perfect thing.  It was warm enough to warrant eating it and cool enough that it didn't melt while I ate my burger.

No, no, not a single shot yet of those treasures I found.  It was late and I was flustered when I got in yesterday afternoon.  There were groceries to put away and a lunch to prepare for John and then supper for myself and feeding the pets, and then the evening was quite gone.  I did take time to slip out to see if the sunset was worthy of attention but it was just an ordinary gradual decrease in light sort of sunset.  Nothing at all like the sunset of the night before:

I didn't retouch the colors on these photos at all.  It was a fabulous sunset, worthy of standing about in the yard watching it.  John had a not great day at work but he felt uplifted by the glory of this sunset on his way home.

We were promised cooler temperatures over the weekend which never came along.  We did have some awesome skies though.  I had to take this photo while I was out feeding the pets last weekend.

Doesn't a sky like that just make you want to fly away to the top of the clouds?  I sure do!

Of course while the camera was out, everyone wanted their photo op:
 Trudy chose a profile shot this time.  Nice smile, don't you think?  And that velvety brown ear is shone off to perfection.  That girl can really pick her pose!

 Maddie on the other hand went for a definitely less professional and far more candid pose.  Look at that huge grin!  Looks just like the one who tells all the jokes at a party, doesn't she?

I can't decide if Misu is looking stern, peeved, or just plain sober because Maddie appears such a party animal, lol.  The close up shot I took of Misu I trashed.  She really did look more grumpy than anything in that photo.  Since yesterday was such a failure all around for photos, I meant to share today with you as well...yes, it's me, the 'good intentions' girl.  And I did take a photo right at the beginning of the day while I was doing my Bible study and feeding the pets.  This was my view...perfect for Bible study don't you think?  Nothing like the sparkling clear start to a brand new day and that photo has 'new day' just written all over it!

I came indoors and put the camera down in order to write out my thoughts about Bible study...And that was the last photo I took today!  I cleaned house, I went out to organize the shed, I brought in a few autumn decorations (which I haven't even bothered to put out) and then I did more housework and then I took a nap because honestly I was tired with a capital "T".  Then I called Katie who complains that I don't bother to call her near often enough and talked for a bit over an hour about everything under the sun and then there was that rush to get a few more things done before Shabat evening began...whew!  But there's been time now to share for a little.

I'm not making hard and fast goals for October.  I have good reason, I do really.  I've been pushing projects for months now.  I'm tired of pushing always and never having time for writing or crafting or watching movies ( I won't tell you how long my last Netflix DVD has been here).  And John will be home for something like 25 days in October.  Yes, really, he will be.  I've learned that keeping my plans to a minimum when he's home is best.  We want to spend a day at the fair.  We thought maybe we'd go see Katie since she's close enough to drive to see.  No formal vacation this time since our bank account is a little depleted after brakes and 'oops' bills and renegade mice.  We have a tradition of going off to a farther town to shop, in the foothills of our state and sometimes we picnic at the old covered bridge on our way back home.  I'd like to do that. We have to tend to Sam's cats and then we'll just spend time at home and rest, too because that is what my man needs more than anything else.  Just plain rest.  I'll be busy enough keeping up with regular mealtimes and the usual housekeeping, anyway.

There's the moon shining in the window at me.  Guess I'd better get up and turn on the porch light for John, draw the drapes and make sure the coffee is hot and fresh.  For tonight, I say Goodnight.


Rebecca said...

Happy October. "No hard and fast goals" is OK. Enjoy each day as it comes. (I AM curious about your thrift store purchases. I have a few of my own to post but may have to wait until Sunday afternoon to post 'em.)

Anonymous said...

No photo of your new pet mouse? Are you playing favorites? Grandma D.

Susan in SC said...

love the pictures of the quilt and animals! Trudy is my type of dog - so sweet!

Journal of My Week: Winter Again