Menu Monday

Well, here we are with just one more day of January left.  My pantry and freezer challenge were successful in that I used what I had on hand from December 26, 2011, forward except for needing eggs, bread, milk and fresh lettuce, fruits and pet foods.  I didn't save one penny of my grocery budget this month, however.  Not one penny.  I spent it all and then some stocking up the pantry and freezer in anticipation of all that I thought I'd use this month.  Here I am with two days left in the month and in my freezer, I still have several items from that inventory back in December that weren't used.  So, I'm offering up a continued challenge for another two weeks of Pantry/Freezer challenge, bringing my total to 8 weeks.  And this time around I mean to save the budget beyond what I'll need to purchase in milk, cheese, eggs, lettuce, and fruits.  John will require a couple of loaves of store-bought bread, but I also mean to make bread.

In fact, baking is big on my list for February.  I meant to learn to make English muffins and bagels this month but due to illness never even went near my baking center at all.  John has been busy today with a DIY project.  I moved my small freezer into the craft room closet I use as a pantry area.  We had to have a way to plug in the freezer and didn't want to run an extension cord.  Since the outlet was on the opposite side of the wall, we put a hole in the wall about a foot below the outlet, complete with a nice plate cover, ran the plug and cord through the hole right to the outlet.  Voila!  I now have the second freezer ready to be up and running.  And that means I must begin to fill it.  I thought baking bread and making doughnuts and bagels and muffins and such might just be the thing to start with, don't you?

Waste Not Want Not Part III: Trash Talk

A few years ago I came across an article in Family Circle magazine that so astonished me I kept it. It was in the March 13, 2001 issue, an article written by Marie Sherlock entitled "No More Trash".  Ms. Sherlock reported that the Cohens of Columbus Ohio had reduced their household garbage to 7 pounds per week.  The average per family at that time was 70 pounds per week. 

However, the discussion I want to make today is not about how much trash we produce, but how often we toss things that might have life in them and to seriously look at what we throw away.

It is such a delicate area really, this balance between saving what might be reused and reaching the level of a hoarder.  I've been saving cardboard boxes and packaging for the purpose of using to make lasagna garden beds.  You can read a synopsis of the method here:

March 25: Purposeful