More Treasures

 I shared that Katie made me a quilt for Christmas.  It's just the right size for sitting in my chair and tossing it over me as I read.  It has a red quilted batting on the back side and buttons to hold the layers together.  I think she did a great job!  It's cozy as can be, too.
 Katie also gave me the book, Water for Elephants.  She watched the movie last month and then wanted the book for herself.  I surprised her with a copy, since I had Amazon credits at the time.  She says the book is a keeper.  I've only just started the first chapter this week, but it's already captured my imagination.

 When I picked up mail the other day, there was this brown envelope.  John asked what I'd ordered.  Nothing at all I replied, I've no idea what this is...and then I saw the name on the return address and knew that I'd just been treated to a sweet surprise package.
 You can't see the contents that well in my photo but it's a whole slew of recipe cards someone took great care in putting together, supplements from a couple of local holiday newspapers that are filled with recipes and a photo of the sweet and lovely Becky.  Becky said she'd found the recipe cards and thought of me immediately.   It's just the sort of history mystery I like best.  There are handwritten cards and clippings from newspapers and magazines in this batch.  And you know those holiday supplements are just filled with rich and wonderful recipes for holiday (and any day!) eating.  Thank you so much Becky!

1 comment:

Tracy said...

The quilt is beautiful! It sure does look warm and cozy. Perfect for winter evenings curled up with a good book. And how lovely it is to receive a sweet surprise in the mail! :)

Journal of My Week: Winter Again