Weekly Meal Plan

Another week...and do you realize that in just ten days more we'll be in August?  Indeed, school will be starting in less than 2 weeks time. 

I do not miss the days of getting children ready for the school year ahead.  I had plenty of practice at it with the five children and it was always a very fast paced couple of weeks, what with need to update shots, get haircuts,  gather paperwork, get school supplies, check wardrobes and purchase clothing items.  We'd trek from store to store in the most gosh awful heat and humidity and come home drained and worn out.  And why was it such a struggle?  Because my kids were adamant that we do everything in the least expensive way possible.  Their grandparents often gave them a sum of money towards the school expenses, which we matched and my children wanted to get the most mileage out of their money that they could.  It was they who perused sales sheets and spoke with friends and gathered information about sales on various needed items.  Their goal was wonderful: to provide from the sum given enough supplies to last all year, get every single item needed and buy the best quality they possibly could.  I must commend them, even these years later, because they did very well indeed and took great pride in going to the grandparents and showing them all they'd acquired.

No, I don't miss it, nor the struggle to get them back to school year hours (earlier risings and earlier bedtimes) rather than the relaxed summer hours.  One thing I tried to do each year in these final weeks was something really special.  One year we had a sunrise picnic.  We were nearly eaten alive by mosquitoes and ants and the sky was overcast but they enjoyed it enough to ask to do it again. 

Well, I've got nothing more than just an ordinary week ahead.  No need to do more than the ordinary grocery shopping...well...maybe I do miss the whole back to school excitement just a tiny bit.

Sunday:  Fiesta Chicken, Butter beans, Coleslaw
I made Pico de Gallo and topped baked chicken breasts with that and shredded Gouda and heated until just warm.  Yummy!  The meal was easy as could be but so flavorful.

Monday:  Meatloaf, Creamed Corn, Fried Green Tomatoes, Corn Muffins
I saved a container of corn out to prepare for us.  I realized as I worked on putting the corn up today that we hadn't had a bit of it!  With corn season ending, I wanted us to savor that bit of summer food.  I will make a small meatloaf.  We'll have leftovers to eat later in the week.

Tuesday:  Macaroni and Cheese Casserole, Tossed Salad, Broiled Peach Halves
Have you ever broiled fresh peach halves?  A bit of butter, a little brown sugar and heated just until the brown sugar melts and starts to caramelize.  Serve with a splash of cream poured over top.

Wednesday:  Potato Soup, Tuna Melts
I expect, if it's not raining, that John shall come home and start mowing grass.  A lighter meal will suit him better after being out in the heat.

Thursday:  Sliced Chicken in Gravy over Toast Points, Tomato Salad, Steamed Green Beans
Leftover chicken from this weekend's meal will be served in a light gravy.  Simple salad of sliced tomatoes on lettuce with a chive mayonnaise (basil is good too but alas I've got none) to top.

Friday:  Meatloaf Sandwiches, French Fries, Fresh Fruits
I usually slice meatloaf and make an open face sandwich with a little catsup, thinly sliced onion and cheese.  They are so tasty!  I think a variety of fresh fruits will be nice in place of a salad.

Saturday:  Cookout: Burgers, Hot dogs, Potato Salad, Chips, Condiments and Fixings
The beginning of a busy weekend for us with our two youngest children, their partners and parents.  I want to keep the day easy and fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Terri I take it there was a Saturday post to go with this comment section but no one is showing. Hope blogger did not mess you up. :( Sarah

March 28: Spring Break