Weekly Menu Plan

The grands are here...and I am blissfully tired.  The twins are walking and they've been all over the house this evening.  It was fun watching Zach trying to walk out of the back entry with one leg in Grandpa's work boot and one foot in Daddy's shoe.  Hailey still has a Weeble sort of walk.  Daniel is a the best picker upper of toys there ever was.  His 'job' at home is to pick up the play room each night and I can tell he knows his stuff.  He gathered up all the toys and put them away tonight.

So it's a little late and I'm more than a little tired.  Let me get this meal plan going and let's finish up for the night.

Almond Chicken, Rice, Steamed Snap Peas
This was meant to be an easy meal for me to prepare.  I forgot to string the snap peas so had to do that before I started cooking, but I did get the other vegetables prepped early this morning.   The babies liked the snap peas and so did their Daddy which was a huge surprise to me.  He's never been overly fond of green vegetables.

Tuna Pasta Salad, Saltines, Watermelon
Nice and cool meal for a hot day.

Chicken Pot Pie, Pear Salad, French Fries
Does it sound odd to serve french fries with chicken pot pie?  That's what Mama always did when I was growing up.  Daddy always insisted we had to have potatoes at every meal and we did.  Even when we had spaghetti or chicken pot pie.  I'm making my pot pie from scratch but the french fries are frozen.

Stuffed Bell Peppers, Butter Beans, Coleslaw
I had leftover rice from the Almond Chicken meal.  I'll mix the cooked rice with ground beef.  I've always liked to make a porcupine meatball mixture to stuff my peppers with, but sometimes the rice doesn't quite get cooked or remains just a bit undercooked.  That will not be a problem this time.

Mushroom Ravioli, Green Salad, Garlic Cheese Toast
I have this idea I'd like to work with the mushroom ravioli...It involves browned butter and possibly thyme and toasted walnuts. We'll see how this idea of mine works out.

Steak, Onion Roasted Potatoes, Tossed Salad
I'll probably grill the steak and potatoes outdoors this week.  I'll probably go on and put tomorrow's meal on the grill, since it can cook over a lower heat than the steak.

Apricot Glazed Chicken Wings, Fried Rice, Steamed Broccoli
Another of my 'made up' recipes for the chicken wings.  It involves a teriyaki type sauce with apricot preserves in place of the honey.  I should have more than enough leftover rice to make fried rice.  

And there's a week's worth of menus.  Now, I shall get myself off to bed.  John's working an extra shift tomorrow day and we have to get up very early.


Anonymous said...

It all brings back memories of when our grandchildren were little. Those days are gone. Yet the wonderful memories linger. Thanks for the reminder! :) Mushroom Ravioli? Hmmm... Sounds interesting. We will be having stuffed peppers too this week a the peppers are definitely ready in the garden. Yea! Enjoy totally the time with the family. Sarah

Melanie said...

Sounds like some good cooking going on! Have to admit, it does sound weird to have french fries with the chicken pot pies, but if that's what you like, go for it! I bet your ravioli with the browned butter and walnuts will be very yummy. In fact, I am eating a late lunch right now which is pesto tortellini with sauteed walnuts (I used EVOO instead of butter though) and a sprinkling of fresh Parmesan. It's really good!

mim pepper said...

Who do the twins belong to?

mim pepper said...

Who do the twins belong to?

Karla said...

Can't wait to hear how the mushroom ravioli turns out! I've always been intrigued by browned butter but I've never tried it.

So good to be back reading your blog again! I've been running around like a chicken with its head cut off lately and took time away from social media and blogs.

March 28: Spring Break