Menu and Job Plans Post: Marching Right Along

I am on  a mission this week:  it's a low budget pay period, so I'm doing a semi-pantry challenge to get us over the hump.  My grocery list is short and sweet: dairy, produce, bread and Decaf coffee.  That's it.  I may have to jiggle the budget a bit for salty snacks, too, but we'll make do with less than usual in that department since I have a few things set aside for the week...I planned ahead knowing this short period was coming up. I'll make our sweet snacks.  

My second mission is to start using up all the products we have on hand that contain yeast so that we are yeast free when the Feast of Unleavened Bread comes up next month.  You'd be surprised where you'll find yeast in products.  Yeast extract is a common flavoring ingredient in many foods, like dry onion soup mix, some flavored rice packets, etc.  So I'll be digging around and trying to find it now at my leisure instead of doing that usual 'Hurry, Passover starts tomorrow!' approach I've used in the past.

I was working on menus earlier today and asked John, "Anything special you'd like to have?"  Now normally he might give me a shrug and say "Not really."  Ha.  The man had a LIST this week.  "Well I'd like to have chili mac and spaghetti and that tuna pasta salad you make.  And you know Cheeseburgers would be good and grilled cheese and pancakes..."  At that point I thanked him and told him I'd use a few of his suggestions but would plan the rest of the meals on my own.  Then I wrote out my list and out of curiosity looked back at past March menus and you know, I'm a creature of habit and in a permanent rut apparently because those menus didn't look much different than this one, lol.  Every now and then I slip a new recipe into the mix and then I jog gently along right back into my former rut.

Corned Beef, Cabbage, Red Potatoes, Irish Soda Bread
My annual nod to family heritage.

Reubens, Potato Soup
I purposely planned for sandwiches.  If it's really warm I might make potato salad as a side dish instead of soup.  I haven't looked ahead at the forecast, so have no clue what we're in for this next week.

Chili Mac, Green Salad, Cornbread, Pineapple Cake
I'll double my pasta and set aside some for the tuna salad John requested.  I'll likely double the chili and put a portion in the freezer.  I'm low on ready to heat and eat dishes.

Tuna Salad, Saltines, Fresh Fruit
The salad has a load of vegetables in it, so I'm not really concerned about adding any further vegetables.  I will serve fresh fruit as our dessert.  Last week we had a really good fruit cocktail of pineapple, strawberries and bananas.  Boy that was good!  I'll see what fruit is best buys this week.

Grilled Chicken, Grilled Vegetables, Baked Potatoes
John bought me a pan meant to use to grill vegetables last year. I'd like to give it a try this year weather permitting.  Asparagus will be in my pan for sure and anything else that looks fresh and reasonable in price.

Corned Beef Hash with Fried Egg, Toasted Soda Bread, Fresh Fruit Salad
I know John likes corned beef hash with eggs, so I thought I'd include it in menu this week.

Chicken Tacos, Mexican Corn, Green Salad
I should have some leftover chicken from our grilled chicken dinner.  I'll season it for tacos as I'm reheating.

Week of Mar 8-14

Home:  Sewing valance and shade for my bath. Nope.  I didn't have the sewing notions, had plenty of time to shop but stayed home all week long and found a pair of curtains to cover the window. 

Yard:  Pick up Maddie's 'stuff' again and put some of it away for next winter.  She doesn't need every rug and old sheet/blanket she has laying about the place.  Mind you I hung several items on the clothes line to air before putting away and we came home to find them on ground, with her pulling on one that remained.  Never does that to our laundry, just hers.  Silly red dog.  Nope on this one too.  I was too busy INdoors to do OUTdoors stuff.  And besides I need to wash it and put it away rather than just keep hoping she'll leave it alone stacked somewhere.

Booth:  Peaches to Beaches this weekend on Friday and Saturday.  Would like to ride the length of the thing but won't.  Will visit some portions of it, most likely on Friday and try to find a bit of stuff for the booth.  Lowered my original planned budget for this considerably.  I have a good bit of new stock on hand at present.We went on Friday morning, drove about 30 miles of the route, I spent about $20 and found some good stuff for the booth, ONE book for myself. 

Week of March 15-22

Home:  Sew Valances for bathroom.
Sort out kitchen appliances/pots/pans

Yard:  Seriously get Maddie's things gathered.
Spend at least 1 hour in the shed setting it in order.

Booth: Must tag new items and restock booth.
Will set aside next items to go into booth.

Extra:  We have determined what dates we might go on vacation.  Must find a place to go/stay.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the idea! I've put pineapple and mandarine oranges together but hadn't thought of strawberries, banana and pineapple. I got a corn beef but we probably won't have it this week. We are again working in the garden rearranging things and got exhausted today. After supper we felt much better and will tackle more another day. This is a big project.
Do you freeze any of the chili mac or just the chili part without the pasta? I thought I heard pasta is not good frozen so I wondered. I have frozen lasagna though and it turned out fine. I under cooked the noodles a bit on the one I was freezing. I think you gave me this suggestion. Chili mac does sound good for this week. We are going to try a new coleslaw recipe this week that calls for some caraway seed. I am glad you found some nice things for your booth while out. Also some friends that are clearing out things you may sell. That works for both of you. :) know the women we give our things to to sell is a help to me as I feel better giving things to her to resell and help her family. In actuality I have gotten given her of things I had kept but felt ok to release when I thought she could use them. :)
Do you throw out any items you find but don't have time to use with yeast in? Or give them temporarily to your mother to keep for you till after? We lived with several Jewish neighbors when I was growing up and remember them cleaning out the house and getting out the special dishes and such. I know they have to be out of the house if not used up. I love hearing you and your husband are together in your spiritual life. Praying together and going through the celebrations and all. That is a special blessing to your marriage. Sarah

Journal of My Week: Winter Again