Time Out - Daydreaming

I'm going to take off a couple of weeks here.  A week away from computer and blogging and work, too comes first.  I need the break and it's high time I reacquainted myself with some of my book friends that I've ignored.  And perhaps go out for some long rides in this beautiful end of spring time while wildflowers are blooming still.

It's my 20 year anniversary week and honestly I want to celebrate it in a special way.  I couldn't afford the cruise I always thought we'd get along about now.  Such is life.  I think we'll enjoy our week anyway, since John took off a couple of days.

Then in Week 2 I'll be working double time hard trying to get a few of the projects done before it gets too too hot to consider work.  Considering it was already mid-90's Friday...Well I'll just have to work hard to get up super early and work in the cool morning hours.

I'll keep up with my frugal doings for the two weeks and post them on the first Friday in June.  And then we'll get back to routines and like 'em all the better for the lack of routine these two weeks!  See you then!


Anonymous said...

Enjoy your break and Happy Anniversary!


sparky136 said...

Happy anniversary and enjoy you time away. I'll miss our visits, but we'll get together in June.

Susan in SC said...

Enjoy your time off!

Lena said...

Happy upcoming Anniversary! Hope, you, guys, do something special, even if it's close to home!

Louise said...

Have a wonderful time off!! Looking forward to when you come back to us!!

Kathy said...

Happy Anniversary!!

Hope that you have a wonderful day!!

Enjoy your break!

Unknown said...

Going to miss you, but everyone needs a vacation!! Already looking forward to seeing you back and hearing about your break!

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary!!!! :-) We are going on 45 now. The years go by so fast don't they. I hope you totally enjoy your time away. Perhaps you will have a book review when you return! :) We will miss you but be quite fine. !! I thought we would do something extra special several anniversaries but it never happened. I guess I should just be so thankful to have the days and years together. So many never get to have a great love.
Yes it will be getting way too hot to work outside all too soon. I know I am trying to finish up what needs to be done and forget the rest till fall. See you when you get back Terri. Sarah

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary! Hope you have tons of fun together and that you enjoy this time away. I'll look forward to the day you return. Pam

Journal of My Week: Winter Again