My Week: November 9 - 15

Lovely weekend...Lovely week ahead, I hope.  I'm certainly looking forward to it!  It's November.  Frosty mornings in which the warmth of the heater is most welcome.  Cold nights to snuggle under the heavy weight of a lovely quilt.  Bright clear skies, beautiful trees glowing brightly in their new array.  Geese honking overhead.  Loveliest of months is November!

Time is filling up with family and friends, a little time off for working hard all the year, Harvest time, grocery shopping...all the usual things that come with each week.  No complaints from me.  Life is a bowl of lovely red apples this time of year, meant to be savored and enjoyed in season.  And I am!

Meal Plans

Breakfasts:  Butterscotch Oatmeal, Peanut Butter Toast
                      Chicken Biscuits, Tater Tots, Orange Juice
                      Apple Waffles with Maple Syrup, Turkey Bacon
                      Egg and Cheese Strata, Fruit Cocktail
                      Sausage and Cheese Toast
                      McCheney's, Grape Juice
                      Scambled Eggs with Cream Cheese and Chives,  Grits, Banana Nut Muffins

Suppers:  Creamy Corn and Frankfurter Chowder
                 Cheeseburger Sliders, Chips
                 Egg Salad Sandwiches
                 Tuna Melts, Chocolate Milk
                 Egg and Cheese Biscuits
                 Vegetable Soup, Peanut Butter Crackers

Beef Stroganoff Soup, Salad with Beets and Hardboiled Eggs, Rolls
I discovered that John used the rest of the mushrooms one morning for breakfast...and what is Stroganoff without the mushrooms?  I decided to push this experiement back a week to serve after grocery day.

Dinner with family

Pakistan Style chicken, Wild Rice, Green Beans,  Sliced Cucumbers and Tomatoes
This is a lovely flavorful chicken with almonds and onions and coriander.  I think it will go nicely with wild rice.

Baked Beans, Coleslaw, Date Bread with Cream Cheese, Apples

Chicken Potstickers, Steamed Vegetables, Egg Rolls, Mandarin Oranges
Smoked Beef Sausage, Steamed Cabbage, Mashed Potatoes, Scalloped Apples

BBQ Chicken, Cream Corn, Butterbeans, Cornbread

Work Plans

This past week proved to be far busier than I'd expected.  I thought since John worked two days that I'd have two days of time to myself to work hard.  No.  It was busy and hectic and harried.  I had a few additional tasks to tend to, some curve balls thrown at me.  I was glad to get the few things done in addition to my usual routine work.  

Last Week:
Sew curtains for a little boy's nursery

Spend some serious time at the booth, cleaning, rearranging, moving out, moving in.
I expect this to take several hours.  I won't make any other plans for this day except booth work.

Thrift day out.

Begin annual review.

Plant two or three pots with daffodil bulbs.

A little more shed work is in order.

Make a wreath for the front door.

This week:

Hang guest room pictures.

Repair and adjust the chair cover (bottom portion).

Get room neatened up so that it is company ready.

Plant the bulbs, iris rhizomes (I was given more).

Make a wreath for the front door.

Tag Christmas items for booth.  

Some booth work.  I want a major amount of time, but it isn't going to happen this week either, so I'll do it in bits and pieces.


Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

Your November was our October! I love your thankful thoughts on the month.

We are using the fleece sheets already!

Have a great week!

Anonymous said...


I just finished reading this entire blog. Well! Where to start?
Your "ordinary" life is quite extraordinary and so are you. I am a few years older than you. DH and I are retired, not by choice. We recently sold our long time home and moved 200 miles to the middle of Florida. I employ some of your frugal methods, but you leave me in the dust! I chuckled about all the laundry you do, just like us. I cried when I read about all your internal struggles. I marvel at your faith. We try to be thankful for every day and place our lives in His hands. I am a work in progress, just like you. Was rereading "Gone with the Wind" just about the time you mentioned the book.

The point of all this blathering? God loves us no matter what, because He doesn't make junk!

Blessings to you and your family.

Best wishes from Best Bun.

Journal of My Week: Winter Again