This Week In My Home

Hello!  Did you survive the first holiday of the holiday season?  There's plenty more ahead.  I was amazed at all that happened here in a week's time, all because I had a list of sorts to help me think. Guess who found Christmas cards as soon as all the newly purchased ones were addressed and stamped?  Yep.  That rule about 'A place for everything and every thing in it's place.'  I fudged a bit on it and stuck them in an odd spot.  So odd that I did a stumble upon after I was done.   Guess who has cards in the card file ready for next year? That would be me.

This week in my home, I:

Continue the freezer challenge.  
I didn't get into the big freezer last week very much.  I did pull out two items that had been there awhile.  And I'm going to go ahead and declare a bit of A Pantry Challenge for myself as well. Mama is always giving me an item she'd seen a TV chef use or that she's found in a store.  She buys two, one for her and one for me.  One of those items was currants.  I'd never used currants, never had a recipe that called for them.  I happened across one the other day and so I pulled out the currants...and they expired in 2013, which I think is about when she gave them to me.  Now I have no troubles using expired foods but these were no good anymore.  I took one look and dumped the entire box in the trash. 

I planned a meal from the leftover turkey last week, then we decided to have our Thanksgiving meal on Friday.  So Turkey Fried Rice never happened last week.  I have another idea for this week.

Plan meals for the week:

I have two days alone this week.  One of those will be spent out with Mama.  I've got leftovers for the other day.  

Crock Pot Beef Roast with Vegetables, Green Salad, Pumpkin Pie
We're hopeful we get to go to church.   A meal ready to eat when we come in that is not related to turkey will be most appreciated about now.

Turkey a la King, Brown Rice, Steamed Green Beans, Oranges

Barbecued Chicken, Creamed Corn, Coleslaw, Pumpkin Pie

Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Corn Muffins

Panbroiled Steaks, Oven Fries, Tossed Salad

Plan extra tasks for the week ahead:

Lab work

day out with Mama

Mop kitchen and baths

Deep clean showers

Decorate house for Christmas

Plan order of Channukah surprises and print out games

Defrost and clear out freezers of expired items


Lana said...

I canned 20 pints of turkey broth yesterday! I will be so glad I did it!

You have such an ambitious list of chores that you are making me feel lazy! I am still recovering and cleaning from our house full of company. I noticed some friends absent this AM at church whose husbands were there without them. I know they were too tired to move.

I have planned my menus for the week and they do not include any turkey. Some meals are from the freezer. We went out for burgers and FF last night and it was sooooo good!

I must finish shopping this week and start wrapping. I think we will not get out any decorations util next weekend.

Anonymous said...

I'm just catching up with your posts from before Thanksgiving. It's been crazy busy here. We enjoyed the holiday with my folks and sister. Our children come for Christmas this year. We trade off with in-laws every other year. By the way, what does TNT mean?

I read Lana's comment on canning turkey broth and I'd love to know what/how she does it. If I understand her comment, that is 40 cups of broth. I'm impressed.

I need to run but wanted to check in quick and say hi and that I'm still enjoying your posts. Pam

Lana said...

About canning the broth-ladle hot broth into hot jars and cap. Proccess in a pressure canner for 20 min for pints and 25 for quarts at 10 pounds pressure for an elevation up to 1000 ft. It is the easiest canning I do since there is so little prep of the actual item being canned.

Lana said...

How to make and can broth-

Journal of My Week: Winter Again