Frugal Friday: Mighty Fine

Saturday:  Rest day in our home.  We had cold cereal for our breakfast.  John used Almond milk.  I had two bananas that were perfectly ripe.  One more day and either one was done for.  Having supplied my freezer with banana pound cakes and baked banana nut doughnuts and made banana cookies this past week I was hardly ready to put more banana anything in the freezer, which wouldn't have held so much as a banana anyway.  So I doled out one a piece and we ate the whole thing.  That would be TWO fruit servings each.  I did find the banana offset any need to add a sweetener to the plain cereal I was eating.  Since 1/2 banana has about 15 carbs and a 1 tsp of sugar has 22 carbs, I came out ahead eating two halves of bananas if it made that cereal palatable without sugar.

We had the second pan of 3 bean chili and rice enchiladas.  It was so yummy, even the second time around.  Cheap eats can so be delicious and flavorful.  And there's a third round of leftovers that I made space for in the freezer.  I'm not sure how but I wiggled it in there!  I'm sure not having to store that last banana in the freezer left me just the right amount of room.

I took a few minutes before bed to set up the coffee pot for John's morning cup and to pre-measure and set out the ingredients for our morning oatmeal.  I store the cracked egg and the milk (almond milk in this case) in the fridge.  The oatmeal, a little sugar and dried cranberries (and a pinch of salt) were put in the saucepan and then capped off with the lid.  Tomorrow morning, when I stumble to the kitchen and my brain is screeching for a morning cup of coffee and is instead going to get tea,  I won't have to worry about measuring wrong and messing up John's work morning breakfast.

Sunday:  John off to work this morning.  He had breakfast  He had coffee.  He had his lunch packed and ready to go out the door with him.  I call that a morning success story!

I stripped the bed, snatched up the bath towels and started a load of clothes to wash.  In fact, I did two large loads this morning since I decided to wash the mattress pad as well.  ALL clothes were hung on the line to dry or on the drying rack.  It meant doubling up on napkins and pillowcases but I feel sure they will dry just fine today even though the sun disappeared.

It's the little things: a cool but lovely morning, an awesomely beautiful sunrise.  Tea and toast on the front porch gazing at the skies and thanking God for His lovely creation.  I faked out the cat and dog by going to the back porch first and then slipped out the front door so I had that lovely morning to myself for a wee bit.

Listened to numerous sermons as I did the housework this morning.  Often when John is gone I leave the TV off all day long, but this morning, I wanted to fill my home with good sermons. 

Frozen leftovers for my dinner.   It was too much for one but I was able to downsize the container so less went into the freezer.  Leftover salad, leftover broccoli.  None of it tasted like leftovers. 

Cleared the bookshelf in the guest room so we can move it next week when the carpet is installed in that room.  Sorted out another box of books and set them aside to donate.

Pulled groceries from the pantry required to make meals this week.  This way I know what needs to be added to the shopping list and what doesn't.

I wrote out my menus for the week and posted on the bulletin board.  Glad I decided to keep checking the calendar.  I'd forgotten John scheduled himself to work a half shift this week.

Took time out from cleaning to watch The Kitchen on Food TV just as I promised myself I would do. 

Monday:  Made breakfast for John when he came in from work.  I then cleared up the kitchen and fed the pets.

After Bible study this morning, I set about making up several meals (or at least prepping them) at once.  I cooked lentils then made into lentil taco filling.  I sliced vegetables for dinner today and for meals later in the week. I also sliced some oranges and stored in the fridge for easy snacking. 

What I used up today: 1 pound of brown lentils that have been on my pantry shelf for way too long, 1/2 cup buttermilk that was dated 2014, but I seriously doubt that is correct since I've frozen buttermilk multiple times since then and never have had a container left over.  Odds are it was definitely from 2016, however, and time to have been used up.  Two apples that were starting to wrinkle were cored and baked (using fruit juice to keep moist and slightly sweeten) for a low sugar dessert.  We'll be having corn chowder for our supper tonight and that is likely the last time I'll make and freeze that.  As good as it tastes with fresh corn, it's just not one of my favorite soups.

Washed a full load of dishes in the dishwasher.

John washed a small load of clothes.  He used the dryer for all the lightweight pieces so it took only 20 minutes to dry them.  He hung the heavier items on the line to dry.  He went outdoors to work on a project, so I timed the dryer load, removed the items and folded right away so they wouldn't wrinkle.

John didn't eat his lunch yesterday.  Since I'd just made it and nothing of it was spoilable (not for a long time at any rate), I simply popped it back into my fridge.  He keeps his lunch in the fridge at work and has cold packs in it so it was all good and cold when he brought it in.  I will repack it when he works tomorrow.

Set up breakfast, pre-measuring items for oatmeal, setting the coffee pot to brew extra early, filled my little saucepan with water for my morning tea.  Anything I can do to ease my transition from sleep to waking is worthwhile.

Tuesday:  I loathed that alarm at 5am this morning...

Quickly packed John's lunch, dumped wet and dry ingredients from each jar into saucepan and turned on my water to boil for tea.  This took all of three minutes perhaps to put the day in motion.  Then I could stare woodenly at the saucepan and stir.  By the time John had showered, his breakfast was made, my tea was ready and his lunch had been packed up.

Ran through Swagbucks 'to do' list this morning and somehow scored a survey that took no time at all. 

Transferred $20 from Pinecone payment into my bank account.  This is my personal account and I am trying to build the poor thing up.  It needs a hard boost but there's none forthcoming.  This is the fund I use to purchase my clothing and all the household décor stuff from, so in went that small earnings.

Cashed in Swagbucks for a $15 Lowes card.  This will go towards the next blind I need, which is the guest room.  It's a larger window than any of the others and so will cost more to purchase.  But it's just one window and not two at a time like all the others!

I did light housework and piddled about this morning trying to determine how to spend my day.  Should I run errands?  Work in shed?  Clear smalls from the guest room?   I was feeding the dogs when I got a call from Bess.  She desperately needed someone to take care of Josh tomorrow.  Sam has to be in Macon, the friend who normally watched him for her was busy with appointments herself and Bess was scheduled for two back to back appointments at the same time.  I won't be going down.  Sam will come here with Josh tonight to spend the night and I'll keep him here tomorrow.  Which means no grocery shopping.  Which means errands today for sure!

Josh deigned to leave Mickey Mouse Clubhouse long enough to say hello to me.  He called me Gamma...Five weeks ago I was still Genny Genny.  I don't know if I'm proud or sad or both.

I really did think I'd go visit thrift shops but reality bit.  I have a shed full, FULL, of pretty things I've set aside because I don't want to use them in my home just now.  I haven't even started planning projects yet this year and have no need of any thing I can name.  Why go thrifting?  When I asked myself that, I was able to see that  I didn't want to ...I just wanted to do something different. 

So I went over to the next town to the larger Dollar General and picked up bananas and a pint of milk.  Yes, just a pint.  I was able to knock out a good portion of a non-grocery shopping list of needs: baby aspirin, deodorant, toothbrushes, emergency cat litter, milk, bananas, new dishcloths, etc.  Then I headed to CVS where I bought the face cream I use, and got at a bargain courtesy my ECBs and a 25% off coupon that printed out at the kiosk. 

Went by DQ and got the $5 lunch and ate in the cemetery next to the oldest graves.  Now that might sound odd, but it's lovely there with huge old cedars and an antique iron fence and graves from the 1840's and possibly earlier (sunken spots with no headstones).

Realized on my way home that one item on my list was completely ignored and was the most needed after deodorant and milk.  I stopped at the local grocery and got that item, just one, because it's more expensive there but it was more convenient to shop local than return from whence I'd come.

Came home and sorted out my closet in the accessory/shoe alcove. I'd left it a mess. Much neater.  While I was there I grabbed the purse that needs new straps and removed one of them so I can take it to measure against the chain I plan/hope to purchase to replace the handles.  Put said strap in my purse.  No excuses.

I'd thought I'd move donation boxes of books but strained myself lifting one and decided it wasn't such a grand idea after all.  It can wait until there's help about.

Wednesday:  I survived the day with a very active 2 1/2 year old boy...Anyone giving out medals for that?  

Accomplishments today were very low:  We had Lentil Tacos for dinner which were good (Josh had a hot dog and French fries).  I opened a packet of pre-made taco shells we'd bought back in May...dead ants fell out of the inner sealed packaging...Not a happy woman, I went to fetch the second package we'd bought.  No ants!  We can only assume, since nothing else from the pantry has had ants, that this was a manufacturer's problem.  Not typical of the product which we've used many times in the past. 

Other than that, I was the engine to the choo choo that pulled Josh up and down our hilly  driveway, colored on the patio with sidewalk chalk, walked the yard over many times, had my photo taken 100 times, helped a little boy up and down from wagon, chairs and stairs 100 times, encouraged him to eat at the table, wiped his nose and washed his face, was a drummer to his piano and grandpa's guitar (haven't been asked to make a second appearance so I think my career as a drummer is over before it's begun), was read a book which began, "The End!" and ended with,  "Good book!", and turned Josh into a rabbit at least 100 times using a drum stick as wand and saying "Abra Cadabra!" as ordered to do.  It was a glorious day and I say sincerely that this Gramma and Grandpa were smiling enough to make our faces ache. Loved every moment of my day.  And I'll just bet I sleep really well tonight.

I set up the oatmeal fixings, pre measured and ready to combine for tomorrow morning.  I set up coffee to drip.

Thursday:  I think I slept as hard as any worn out two year old last night.  I was reluctant to crawl out of bed, but awake well before the alarm went off.

Made oatmeal and packed John's lunch.  I made him a to go cup of coffee to carry with him.

I  was out of enough things that not grocery shopping was no longer an option.  I headed to Aldi early this morning and was back home well before lunch.

Eating breakfast at 5:15 means by 10:15 I was so hungry I could have chewed my fingers.  I stopped at Burger King and ordered a breakfast sandwich and ate it.  Cheaper than lunch and still fresh and good.

Once home, I put away the groceries, then sat right down and totted up the checkbook.

Two purchases made at Aldi today I put on my list last week and yesterday.  They were non-grocery items. One was a blanket to replace our ratty one.  It was $14.99 and I will see if it's warm enough to suit John.  If it is then I'll cancel my order for the $40 blanket with a long shipping delay.    The other was a $5 kit similar to Spirograph.  I remember I enjoyed that greatly when I was young and thought it something Daniel might like to play with when he visits.

I did not shop anywhere except Aldi today.  I spent about $20 more than I normally do (not including the blanket and toy) but I added Almond milk and a big container of mixed nuts to the shopping list.  Both items were way cheaper there than they would have been elsewhere.  The almond milk has done very well for us in the oatmeal, and allows John to have a dish he'd otherwise find too savory rather than custard-y as he's accustomed to eating it.  I thought the nuts would be a good snack item.  It will last us quite a long while.

Made a salad dressing for my salad this evening.  I wanted a thousand island type dressing.  I used up the ketchup that was at the last of the bottle.  I made salmon cakes from a small 5 oz. can of salmon which is perfect for serving one.

Love inspiration!  Today alone I've had ideas of how I might accomplish three tasks using what I have in a new way.

Friday:  Woke not feeling well today.  Nothing much wrong but nothing much seemed to go right with the beginning of the day. 

I woke super early.  There is a comfort in sitting in a quiet house watching dawn lighten the sky.  It was a good time for prayer.

I made hash browns and eggs.  It takes moments to cut up a potato for hash browns.  I am often tempted to buy the bags of frozen or freshly cubed potatoes but I always manage to talk myself out of it.  I recall how good fresh potatoes taste and how easily they are cut up for the dish and pass them by. 

Planted the rosemary I purchased after Christmas.  Removed the rosemary I thought had died from it's bigger planter and planted directly in the ground too.

I tried to dig up the small little rose bushes coming up but those babies are attached to some huge roots and too much for this woman.  I'll see if John can rescue the one that is almost up but I simply cut down and mulched well over the one that wasn't going to budge.

Planted peas in front of the rose trellis. It is on my list of things to do next week but we are due heavy rains this weekend.  I know the ground now is just soft enough to dig and not waterlogged.  The peas should be done by the time the roses put out and need the trellis.

We will have leftovers today.  I simply do not feel well enough to work anymore today now the basics are done. 

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.  Please feel free to share what you did to save and live well this week.


Lana said...

How wonderful to have all that time with your sweet grandson! Our youngest two grandchildren have been here for two short visits since we came home from the hospital. They were so worried about their Poppa. Our other three grands will be coming from Alabama as soon as they can get here to see their Poppa.

Our weeks are long as we stick close to home right now. But, it means that we are spending almost no money which can roll over into medical bills. Since the bills span two years we have two out of pocket maximums to pay so I am thankful that we are savers and have the money put away.

Meals have been from the freezer and a pot of soup that a friend brought by. I am also thankful that I have many, many meals to draw from and do not have to cook everyday when I am so tired. I have not had to go to the store since I had such a well stocked pantry. A friend made an Aldi trip for me to restock perishables and we have not needed anything else. We have been so blessed by many who have loved on us and cared for us and most importantly prayed and for us both.

susie @ persimmon moon cottage said...


It's such good news that your husband is home again. You are indeed blessed to have so many who love and care for you..and pray for you. You are in my prayers and I am sure in the prayers of others who comment here.

Susie D.

susie @ persimmon moon cottage said...


It sounds like you had a very busy, but fun day with your grandson Our grandson is six, soon to be seven now. They grow so fast.

I went to the thrift store with my friend the other day. I was full of hope that all of the decluttering and purging that I have been reading about on everyone's blogs would be showing up at the thrift store for me to enjoy. No such luck. In fact the store seemed to be more picked over than normal, though my friend found a cute sweater and I found a pretty scarf, I never find clothes in my (large) size there.

Your spring time must be closer than ours is. I don't think anything, even peas would survive here near St. Louis quite yet. Even though it is supposed to be 68 degrees here tomorrow (with some sun!), February can be miserable cold here. My roses and everything else were encased in ice just the other day, so they are still hibernating. Good news is that I saw some daffodil leaves starting to poke their little green noses up from under the ground. So there is hope for Spring to come sometime here, too.

Rhonda said...

Terri, if I an accomplish anything on days when little grands are here, I consider it close to miraculous. I just try to keep us all clean, fed and alive and when I do that, it's a successful day.

We like eggs and hash browns too but I usually use leftover baked potatoes.

I think you're doing a great job keeping both your D2 foods and John's Daniel plan on track and delicious

Delorise said...

I wish my hubby would eat oatmeal-- can't even get him to try it. I've done really well this week in not spending. I have spent very little at the grocery store (eating those odds and ends out of the freezer) and even though I did drop in at a thrift store, I didn't purchase anything. I decided last year to adapt a minimalist lifestyle so I have finally gotten the cleaning out, donating and recycling done to the point that I feel I can say I am a minimalist. Yes it took me months but- Victory!! Quiet weekend planned as rain coming in- got plenty of thrift store purchased books to read.

Grammy Goodwill said...

I loved your grandma day! Those are the best.
I laughed about faking out the cat and dog. So funny.

Anonymous said...

Today i cleaned the refrigerator. Had enough accumulated leftovers to make a really yummy beef soup. Enough for supper and a couple of lunches. Made from Dibs and dabs that had accumulated during the last few days. Apple Impromptu dessert from some getting almost wrinkley apples. With left overs. an experiment, Cranberries that didn't get made Christmas, about 3 small peeled apples cooked in a sugar water mix. We liked it even better than plain cranberry sauce. Only thing leftover is chicken from yesterday which will be sandwiches and chicken noodle soup. Not bad from leftovers that others would throw away. Gramma D

Pat said...

Grandma and Grandpa days are just so fun!
I haven't bought shredded hash browns for years. I bake a bunch of potatoes and refrigerate overnight and then shred and bag them up and freeze in meal size portions. I sometimes slice some for quick fried potatoes as well.
I have a cheesy potatoes recipe that calls for cubed hash browns and I have cubed raw potatoes and boiled then for 5 minutes, cooked then then continued on with my recipe. I haven't frozen the cubed ones but I don't know why you couldn't.
It's a great savings since hash browns in the store are around $2 and you can get 10 pounds of potatoes for that price on sale.

Journal of My Week: Winter Again