A Quick Note...

It was brought to my attention yesterday evening that sometimes the ads showing up here on the blog were questionable.  Fortunately Iris had taken a screen shot and could show me just what she meant.  I too found it objectionable.

I want to apologize to any of you who might have seen such ads.  I am not able to see the ads when I'm signed into my account, which is about all the time.  I can't click on any ads with my computer because of the user agreement I have with AdSense.

I would like very much to receive some sort of earnings from the ads, so I won't be cutting them out.  I put a lot of my time into this work and I would like to see some sort of monetary return on it.  That said, until Iris brought it to my attention I was unaware that this sort of thing was showing up on this blog.  I very much believed that the ads reflected content and there was NOTHING in any post to suggest that the content would generate such an ad.

I was able to refine the settings and hopefully this will work to discontinue any such ads showing up.  However, I am going to enlist your aid.  If you see an ad that contains nudity or is suggestive would you please jot down the URL and message it to me?  I can then block that particular seller's ads and prevent further problems and embarrassment.

Thank you ahead of time for helping me in this.


debbie said...

I read it blog all the time I never bother looking at the ads.just focus on your writing.

Grammy Goodwill said...

I never see any ads. I guess my ad blocker is working.

Mimi said...

Hi Terri. I have had a similar issue, but do not know how to correct it. I must do more research. Unfortunately I don't think we can control it much :( Mimi xxx

Lana said...

I don't see them because my husband put an ad blocker on my laptop.

Jennifer in Oregon said...

Umm... how to say this carefully... :) I thought ads were displayed based on the browsing history on devices. So, if readers don't want to see "questionable ads" they shouldn't visit "questionable sites." This gets complicated when there are several users on one device.

I could be completely wrong about this, but it's worth noting and keeping in mind. It's also worth keeping a good sense of humor about these matters!

Anonymous said...

I wonder about why ads come up on my screen. It is eerie. Ads come up for places we were thinking of going or just went to and had never looked up on line. Tune in Twilight Zone theme music here.... :)))
I honestly never saw a questionable ad on your sight but then I kind of don't check them out. I just go for your writing right away when i come here! ;) Thank you for caring Terri and working on the situation. Now if the ads came up cause of something you wrote,.....I have never see a Yeti ad on your blog and that is one product you have mentioned liking several times! Advertisements on blogs don't bother me unless they contain some wiggling or motion thing that catches my eye and Really bugs me! :))) I look or don't. It is your blog. I feel privileged to be able to come and read it. Sarah

Camp Mac said...

I never see any ads either!

Thrifty Thursday: Just Keep Right On