In My Home This Week: Roller Coaster Weather

In my home this week...

...I decided the blog was due a fresh perspective.  I thought it would be a good change to bring together "This Week In My Home" with "Living Well".

One of the reasons for the change is that often I don't make the meals I share early in the week.  I thought it would be better to share what we actually eat.  Then too, there was the work.  It was great incentive to share a list of jobs I wanted to do with you all, but there were additional jobs I didn't share that were pretty big jobs.  I'd much rather tell you what I did do, especially on those weeks when I might not have accomplished my listed work.  I'd at least like for you to know why I didn't get things done!

And then there was my leisure hours.  Not always spent as planned but often I had quite nice time outs during my week but you mightn't hear of them since I didn't have a place to share that with you.  

I always felt I'd bookended my week with what I'd planned to do and how I'd saved during the week, and it left me no room to just write as I wanted.   So here we are.  We'll see how this new format works for me.

...I worked:

As I go through a week, I often come across an area that is just not as organized or clean as it really should be.  I've planned my week out already and have no room for extra tasks if I'm to get any writing time in at all.  I typically will jot those jobs down and do them the next week.  That's often how my to do list fills up.   Last week I noted that while I had said I was finished with the deeper cleaning in the kitchen, I had not cleaned the cleaning cupboard nor the under sink areas.   Both those jobs went on my list for this week.  I did them both on Monday.  It took just a few minutes and both spaces were organized after getting a good scrubbing out.  NOW the kitchen space is done for this season.

Tuesday I opened the shed door to stash those folding chairs I'd bought last week.  I've run out places to put things in the house.  In fact, I have two bins and a laundry basket filled to carry out to the shed and two or three items in our closet that should really go outdoors.   I was shocked at what a perfectly messy shed it was.   I'd done so well on my week's to do list that I decided I'd tackle that shed first thing Wednesday morning.   Truth:  I'm avoiding spraying down and washing the back porch which has mildewed yet again.  I told John we are buying Zinnser paint this next spring and coating every piece of white wood with it.  I'm OVER washing down the back porch rails and rafters!

Wednesday and Thursday I went out to the shed.  Three hours later I'd organized  the shed, swept the main portion of the floor clean, noted some items that we need to have hauled off (old dishwasher I was given to replace ours for instance.  It's been out there now for five years and I doubt is any good at this point).    I filled a 50 gallon and a 30 gallon trash bag with stuff to go to the dumpster.  I told John now when I go to the shed, I'll know just where everything is and if I can't find it, it won't be because the place is a wreck.    I need to have John hang a rug from rafters to get it up out of the way.  I also have the two bins from the guest room to go into the shed and then that's the shed and the guest room both done.

I went out to pick up pecans.  I didn't get more than 2 dozen.  I don't know just what happened to the ones I'd already picked I...I'm suspecting my husband put them into the  trash.   I don't know if we'll have enough to bother with after all.  We've had plenty of wind to blow them down.

Baked Challah.

Worked on the bill box.  If it seems early it was a bit early but you know John has five days off and I need to have this done without distractions if I'm to avoid mistakes.

Started planning grocery shopping.  We didn't completely avoid grocery shopping but I'll share about that in the savings part of this post.  We did save about half our usual budget.   We will definitely be shopping this next week though.  I'm now out of a few basics that I had yet to stock up on and produce is running low.

Tried on a pair of pants that I'd had trouble styling the other morning.   I now know which shirts work and which don't and why.  I didn't work out accessories but I at least know WHY the outfit the other morning didn't work and a I have a clear idea of how a pair of leggings or a skinny pants might well extend my wardrobe still further.

...I made meals:

Homemade Frozen Chicken Pot Pie,  French Fries, Salad, Cranberry sauce

on my own x 2.  Ate leftovers both days.

Lazy Day Beef Stew, Peach Salad
(I have leftover stew)

out with John.  We bought pizza and salads at a favorite pizzeria.

for desserts:   I thawed and frosted the single layer of chocolate cake.  That lasted us from Saturday through Thursday.

BBQ chicken breasts, Cream Corn, Black eye Peas 
(I cooked two breasts, we ate one.  I reduced the BBQ sauce, shredded the second breast and we now have Pulled Chicken to make sandwiches)

out with John again...I commented to him that we'd eaten out a lot of late and his reply was we'd saved a lot in the last few years and it was time we enjoyed it.  Our meal today was not expensive.  It was delicious and I thoroughly enjoyed it.  John also pointed out we cook far more meals at home than most we know.  

...I saved money:

John decided last night's Challah was perfect for toast tonight.  I am certainly glad he finished off that loaf.  Typically we end up either freezing for stuffing or tossing.  John likes homemade bread the day it's made.  Not so much after that.

Baked a turkey tenderloin at the same time as the pot pie and fries.   We'll use this meat sliced for sandwiches.

As usual I prepped John's work lunch and our oatmeal the night before work days.   Sent John off to work with breakfast eaten, coffee in hand and lunch packed for the hours ahead.

Sunday after church, I went by the grocery nearby to pick up a prescription, milk and the Sunday paper.  I did wander the aisles for just a little bit.  I'd noted that boneless chuck roasts were buy one get one free.  The price per pound was typical at $3.99 a pound.  However, with the sale the cost per pound was $2 which is a pretty awesome buy on chuck roast especially the premium sort of meat this store sells.  I bought two.

Cut those roasts into six pieces which is plenty for us.  One section really is more soup seasoning than anything.  One section was cut into stew beef Monday morning and made into a hearty oven stew.

I walked down the soup aisle and looked for vegetable bouillon cubes to add to the pantry.  Found them and added those to my cart.  I avoided looking at anything for lunch since I knew I had leftovers ready to heat when I got home.  I popped food in the microwave as soon as I came in the door and then made myself a cup of hot tea.

Here's where my savings wasn't a savings.  I'd been told that good teas could be reused up to three times to make a decent cup of tea.  Well no, it can't be!  It was a very weak cup of tea for the second use of the loose tea and just barely colored or flavored.  It was hot though which I deeply appreciated since the weather never got much over 44 all day long that day.

I washed and hung out clothes to dry.  Despite being on the line for hours, they just didn't quite get dry so I brought them in and ran through the dryer for a short time.  It was enough to remove the last of the dampness.   Later in the week John did laundry.  Both days he hung some to dry and ran others through the dryer.  I don't interfere with his laundry process, after all he's doing me a favor!

Washed dishes in the dishwasher, full loads times two, which I allowed to air dry.  The open door allowed much needed moisture to rehydrate the air in the house.

We packaged up and sent back the Hughes net satellite equipment, carefully following all instructions.

We combined errands when we left home three times.  I went into the grocery three times this week as well but only one trip had any impulse purchases. I picked items up on sale and made sure to tell the clerk I had a rewards card to be sure I got the savings due us, even though I didn't have my card with me.

I bought flowers last three weeks ago. At this point I have a single huge hydrangea blossom in the vase.

Cleaned and organized my shed.  How is this a savings?  I found some things that were missing since last October when we moved things from rooms for new flooring.  I organized things so that they were easier to find.  I found a couple of items I was thinking of buying.  I noted one bin that we've had for years had cracked at one corner.  I was able to replace it before the contents were ruined.

Sunday morning, while running late, I realized my outfit was all wrong.  I was able to quickly change into something more suitable but it made me very aware that taking time to plan outfits ahead and trying them on to be sure they work was a necessary task for saving time.   I realized Sunday that two blouses I bought are not as versatile as I'd planned.  They coordinate well as far as color goes but I just looked dumpy and sloppy when put together.  I can wear those two tops with skinny jeans (a savings there) but it does limit my possibilities as far as outfits go.  I took time later in the week to pair things up, trying them on and noting what worked and what didn't.  Happily I found some unplanned matches simply because I'd tossed clothes together onto the bed and I realized that a few pieces worked with each other nicely in color as well as pairing.

Ordered my Jamberry hostess rewards this week and I seriously promised myself I should do a nice mani/pedi as often as required.   Later in the week I got a coupon code for a free sheet with purchase.  Do I need more Jamberry wrap? No,  not really, but I was able to purchase a gift for someone and the sheet of wraps will go into my stash.  That free sheet covered the cost of my VIP membership, which allows me to get lowered shipping costs and a discount on products.

We had two mornings of frost.  On the cooler days I wore socks and a sweater in the house rather than increase heat over 69f.  Later in the week it was 80f in the afternoons.  I kept AC set at 77f.  That's plenty cool enough to keep the air inside from being stuffy in the latter part of the day.

I accepted the offer of a very part time position as a planner for a consultant who runs online parties.  I'll earn a percentage of her earnings as my wage. I've very much enjoyed hostessing my Jamberry parties and making in games and having themes, etc.  This is the second party I've done and it was far and away the most successful.  It inspired me to accept the offer when it was made.

I deposited a check into a small savings account we have.  This is where I've concentrated some of our current savings efforts and it's bulking up nicely.

I've picked up pecans several times this week.  There's not many out there but I'm gathering all I can find that appear to be good ones.

...I enjoyed my leisure

I listened to praise music each morning on YouTube.  I am so happy to have unlimited data once more so that I can enjoy a morning of praise and worship before beginning my day.

I took time to give myself a proper mani and pedi.

I read.  I finished A Certain Crossroads by Emilie Loring and  Marigold by Grace Livingston Hill.  I ordered another Emilie Loring using Amazon Credit I'd earned with Swagbucks.  I received a book from Blogging for Books to review that I plan to read next.

John and I ate out at a favorite pizzeria.  I treated him to lunch this day.  It was so pleasant to sit and talk things over at this quiet place and enjoy good food.

I joined My Heritage for the coming year to access information about a family line that has been especially puzzling and tangled.

I made myself a proper pot of tea two times to drink while it was chilly.  I enjoyed iced water on the warmer afternoons which I find very refreshing.

I watched birds at the bird bath.

I planned a flower bed.  I have some plants for it now but am looking online for seeds to complete it next spring.

As I fed the pets I enjoyed sitting on the porch in the sun, feeling the cool morning breeze and listening to the crows cawing across the fields.  It was very relaxing and a nice break in my morning of work.

I took time to appreciate the sunrise one morning.  It was beautiful, a red sky with a lot of birds twittering in masse as they flew over the pecan trees in the bottom of the drive.

We took a drive in a northwesterly direction that led us to the feet of the foothills of the state.  There was a lot more autumn color there than there is here.  It was a beautiful day, 82f  compared to Sunday's 46f...Hence the title roller coaster weather.

That's this week in my home...How was your week?


Lana said...

Home today from 13 days at the lake. We did not intend to stay so long but just did and it was lovely. Some days we stayed in PJ's most of the day and every day we slept late and took big fat afternoon naps. Books were read and good movies watched. We holed up away from two big rainy days and did not leave the house when it was cold and miserable. Just what we needed.

Debbie said...

You have been really busy! I love taking time to put together outfits so that I don't have to worry about it when I am in a hurry. With it now being cooler, I find that I frequently add a camisole or sleeveless shirt under my shirts or sweaters for added warmth and it has the bonus of smoothing out some of my "fluffiness". ;)

Sew Blessed Maw [Judy] said...

Enjoyed your new lay out of the blog [but liked the old too]
You have really accomplished a lot.. Congrats.
I agree with your hubby.. You have saved a lot, you have cut corners, you have worked really hard.... so you two deserve the "extra" eating out. So happy your taking time for the two of you.

I am getting the house "extra" cleaning done before the holidays..Have my
Thanksgiving plans made.. Have most of the groceries bought or were already in pantry /freezer.

Thank you for all your encouragement..Enjoy your blog.

Lana said...

I was looking for a crockpot sweet potato recipe for Thanksgiving and came across this recipe. It has a layer of pecans and then marshmallows over that. I thought, Wow, here is the sweet potato casserole for Terri's family!!!

Meal Plan for Second Week of March