I announced to John on Saturday morning, when we had unexpected time alone together, that I meant to stay home on Sunday. He knows well that I listen to endless sermons on the Christian channels if I stay home on a Sunday, but he shook his head. "It's never gonna happen..." "But I'll have a chance to mop and vacuum deeply and..." "It's not gonna happen. But I'll help you get all the work done this morning so you at least don't have that to do tomorrow." Well, he was quite right. No real time alone. The house rocked hard all morning prior to Bess leaving for church with the boys. Sam decided he must stay home from church and rest a bit more. I realized dinner was going to be wanted when everyone came in from church. I set to work doing laundry, clearing up after breakfast, starting dinner prep...I managed a quick blog post. Ta da. Day alone wasn't a rest day at all, as John thought it might be.