Dear Nasty Trolls

Dear Nasty Trolls:

I wrote "A Broken House" last week after a morning of deep spiritual soul searching.  My purpose was to highlight how God was using this time in MY life to change ME, make ME a different sort, make ME exam MYSELF in a magnified way that is painful.  I am more than well aware that given the opportunity to go into a growing season, my first response is always to whine about it.  I try hard to see the blessings in what might be a very pleasant season overall but which involves change.  Pruning hurts.  Straining to recover from pruning hurts. Healing hurts.  It just does.

But the response from that post was not at all what I expected.  Many of you lovely ones were very sympathetic which I appreciate but it wasn't my purpose.  However, two Troll comments were just horribly nasty and hurtful and hateful and  those two "brazen" souls did the usual and hadn't the courage and conviction to sign their own name to their bit of hate mail.  I did what I always do with unsigned hate mail and will continue to do in future:  I deleted it.  But I can't delete the hurt it renders me right away, nor the questions it puts upon my mind about my purpose in sharing my deepest thoughts.

I am purposefully honest.  Because none of us are perfect and some have been struggling with similar situations and feeling as I feel but have nowhere to share that they do.  I want to be honest about my failings.  I'm not a perfect cardboard cut out woman who has a permanent smile plastered on her face.  I frown and cry and laugh and whine.  I have real feelings that I want to master rather than allow them to master me.  I am an introvert and I NEED alone time.  Alone time is essential to my peace of mind.  Alone time is rare in an extreme just now.  It didn't start in March when my son and his wife moved in.  We've had an almost constant stream of guests since November, most of whom arrived with no particular time line in leaving.  Many of my usual alone days have been sacrificed for family needs, due to illnesses, moves, etc.

My intent is never to hurt my family with my words nor my writing.  In all the years I've written I've said very little about slights or hurts or harsh words that reflected poorly on any but myself.  It is a fact that sometimes being in a family is damned uncomfortable.  There are misunderstandings, missteps, wrongs done, petty quarrels and really hurtful ones, as well. There are heartaches we must bear that are not something we can share.    Before I post anything on this blog, I carefully read through it both in the moment of passionate writing and in a calmer frame of mind to insure that what I've written is not a reflection on any but myself.  If I am the least bit unsure, I run it through my most unbiased and honest critic, John.  He never lets me get away with being catty or witchy.  He is quick to point out if my 'revelation' is actually something that might wound another.  

I am a blessed woman.  I have great kids.  I like their partners and even when I was challenged by previous partners I didn't like, it was never stated here.  They were the chosen partner to my child and I respected that fact.  I have not attempted to put Bess or Sam in a bad light.  They are in an uncomfortable situation as well.  They live in a home that is not theirs with ways and routines that are not theirs.   They rise earlier than I am wont to rise.   We go to bed later than they do.  We don't watch the same TV programs (well Sam and I do and Bess and John do, but there's still that tug and pull).  My latter years parenting style is different than theirs, which doesn't make their ways wrong.  I like my house to be kept in a manner that might seem unimportant to them.  But we all try hard to adjust.  All of the adjustments made in this household are not being made by long suffering poor old me.   They chip in with clean up and meals  daily and expenses when they can and when they can't we understand.   We don't have a 'This is mine' stamp on anything except a bedroom and bathroom.  What is here  is all of ours for the duration.  That's the way it is when you are family living in a home.

Living with others has a rather unpleasant way of showing up the things we mightn't like about one another as much as it has the most pleasant feature of showing up things we really admire in one another.  No grievance has been made publicly first to others and left unaddressed in fact to the people causing it.  I've stepped on parenting toes and poked my nose in where it didn't belong and was told as much, as rightly I ought to have been told.  I've had my toes stepped on and had my grievances which I addressed directly to them.  In both instances we have done all we could to address issues as they arose and not left them to become a  resentment that festered under the surface because we knew we were LIVING together and that it would only work if we all did what we could to ease the way.  

And there are so many pleasures I can't name them all.  It's lovely to have coffee with Bess in the morning.  It's lovely to have her seek me out to sit in the room with me when I'm occupied at my desk.  Often she brings some form of work to do at the table and rocks quietly as she works.  It's lovely to see John with a boy upon each knee and all three giggling madly as he regales them with made up songs.  It's nice to spend time just playing with Josh and Isaac.  I love feeling I've influenced Josh when he comes to me and asks to help and I can show him how to do a small chore or help with a meal.  It's sweet and peaceful to rock a sleepy baby who comes to you and lays his head upon your shoulder.  It's awesome to have Sam come in of an evening and give me a hug or to have him urge me to sit down after supper and watch  a special program he's chosen for the two of us to share.  And that's just a few of the daily DAILY things I enjoy even while my spirit might be chomping at the bit wanting to run free and do other things.

 Anyone who cannot read my words and clearly see that I am also finding many joys in these days is blind.   For anyone to suggest that I have need of therapy is hilarious as much as snarky.  To suggest that I wished my daughter in law would feel unwanted or that I took no pleasure in my grandchildren is just being witchy in the meanest and worst sort of way.  I know that not everyone has a google account or wants one, but there is nothing in this whole world preventing you snarky nasty trolls from signing your name to the end of the post you've so meanly written.  I suggest you try that next time and I'll address you directly rather than taking a whole post to do it.  But there's one option you might also consider:  if you don't like me, don't read here.  You don't have to come to this playground to dirty things up.  


PatsyL said...

I thought the post "A Broken House" was very honest and heartfelt. I truly enjoyed reading it, and I could empathize with every word you wrote. My son, daughter-in-law, and twin grandsons (10 months old when they moved in) stayed with us for 3 months a few years ago. My entire life changed, but now I look back fondly on those days. I'm sorry you were attacked by trolls. I enjoy your writing and look forward to every post.

Rhonda said...

I am so sorry trolls had to spread their unpleasantness for you. Those people really must have pitiful lives if all they have to do is spread unhappiness.
I know your heart and you are a dear, loving soul.
Hugs to you

Angela said...

Oh Terri, The troll is a) a very unhappy person or b) someone who doesn't know you, or C) not in this stage of life. Those of us pushing 60 know why GOD thought it best to not give little ones to us- "cause it is hard! (And sweet and wonderful and we get that sometimes if we are the lucky ones.) And I don't think anyone who is a long time reader and in our stage would judge Bess. From everything I have heard of Bess for years, I believe she is a lovely young woman who dearly loves you (what a blessing) and a good mother. She trusts you with her precious children and is under tremendous stress too trying to make a home. Life is just often messy and difficult and we are all just doing the best we can as we go along (well except trolls who need to get a life). I deeply appreciate your realness- you can't believe how many times you have spoken to me though our circumstances are often a bit different. I know it must hurt but I am sure you know the problem is them not you. Hugs to you, Bess, and those precious babies.

Anonymous said...

How sad that some people lead such miserable lives that they feel they must spread their venom to those around them,I guess they subconsciously want others to be as miserable as they are. Hope you were able to ban them. I certainly so understand wanting your home to be clean and in the best repair possible. I think we notice as we get older things that never bothered us when we had our own little ones. You are always trying to make a pleasant home for you and John by redoing, changing things around and working hard to be organized and now you are fortunate to just keep up. I listen to a couple of different youtubers and one of the husbands was talking about dven getting death threats about frugality of all things. It hurts all our feelings when people say mean things. I know to that you have a lot of people in your home and not a lot of room to spread out. Wish I could send you my largely unused family and guest room to use for a while. Just hang on! This season to shall pass. I know being part of the sandwich is hard when you have a mom,kids and grands plus a hubby all wanting your attention. Been there and now I am the Gramma doing my best to keep Gramps and I going so we don't have to become dependent any sooner than necessary. Hugs! Gramma D (I know you know who I am but because my name is very unusual I like being Gramma D)

Kathy said...

I am so sorry. People can be so nasty sometimes. I even deactivated my facebook account.

I like your blog because you keep it real. Life isn't perfect. It is messy and hard at times. But it is good too. Thank you for sharing your struggles and triumphs with us.

Wendi said...

Those nasty comments are one of the things I dislike the most about blogging! It's easy to be mean spirited when you are hiding behind a computer screen.

The merging of two indpendent families can't be easy. I imagine you and John are set in your ways of running a home, just as Sam and Bess are. I've seen you do nothing more then sharing your heart. I haven't found anything you've shared to show Bess or Sam in a negative light.

Being family means you sometimes get irriated for a minute or two, yet you never stop loving, and caring for one another. I hope this doesn't prevent you from sharing as I imagine putting your feeling in writing is theraputic.

Lana said...

Hugs to you. I feel what you are going through now because I am much the same as I love to have the kids here but I struggle with it, too.

Carolyn @ Our Gilded Abode said...

How sad that there are those who hide behind anonymity to be mean. It was obvious you were experiencing a temporary moment of stress and fatigue and needed to share your feelings. It’s your blog to freely do with as you please. Your honesty is refreshing! Hugs to you!

Unknown said...

We love you...please, please, please just keep being YOU. Ignore the negative and enjoy the positive camaraderie of your real "followers".-Julie Baker

doe853 said...

Hi Terri,
I never understand trolls! Why are they even reading a blog they don’t like or understand? I hate to hear about this. Please just ignore them, most of us love and support you and your blog and family. It makes me sad that this little pleasure I look for each day is at all under attack. One of my most favorite blogs ended up saying goodbye to her many readers and even took the whole blog down. I still miss it.
You know we are all here. Dale

Sew Blessed Maw [Judy] said...

Terri, I am so sorry you had the hurtful remarks. You are an amazing and nice lady..I love to read your blog and enjoy that it is honest and joyful.. You love your family,and that shows for sure. For 2 families to live together is really hard.. You all, are doing the best you can..
Try to not let those trolls hurt you.. Just know , we love you.. Sending a big ole hug.

Kim James said...

I love your honesty. I keep my grandson who is 10 months old every other weekend. It's hard, I'm older now and and he is busy and moving all the time. I'm exhausted and grouchy by the time he goes home. But I love him so much! Reading your blog makes me realize I'm not the only one who feels like this. I think your my sister from another mother! Love your blog!!

Chef Owings said...

One of my nasty trolls is actually one of my daughters. She didn't know her son saw her write her nasty post but he let me know it was her and how she started it... she did it when she was living AGAIN with us for FREE AGAIN as she looked for a home for her and her sons. She has chosen "fun times" over paying her bills and once again evicted. Her sons their Dad and their stepmom showed them what a Mother should be doing...just like I do and she lashed out at me as a coward.

When I get nasty trolls...even a family member... I pray for them over and over until my hurt goes away.

I'm an introvert also...just a suggestion, everyone should have some chore to do and you not doing it all yourself.

Read the Queen Rides By... I do on a regular bases.

Anonymous said...

You know, I rarely leave comments on any blog that I read but I had to comment on this. I live alone and love it. I read the post you are talking about and was nodding my head all the way through it. I love my family more than life itself but if I had to share my home for longer than about a weekend it would drive me crazy. I still work full time and see my parents as often as possible (they only live about two miles from me) and I cherish my alone time in my own little house. I am sure God would give me the patience and grace to handle someone else living with me if it ever becomes necessary, but we are all only human and not everyone thrives on change. I admire you and John so much for how you are handling this upheaval in your lives. I love reading your blog and am trying to emulate some of the things you do as a matter of routine. Please know that there are far more people that admire and love you than want to hurt you with trolling posts. God bless you and yours!

terricheney said...

I have no words beyond Thank You! It's not saying nearly enough about you women touch MY life in a very real way. You all brought tears to my eyes. I wish I were less sensitive to undeserved criticism but you girls certainly have a lovely way of reassuring me. Thank you thank you thank you!!

Out My window said...

I know when I say ignore them that it is not enough. Unkind words hurt and hurt is real. But I can say, I think you are great! I think you are kind. I think you are honest and those are just a few of the things that I admire about you.

Anonymous said...

Awe, sweet one, I am so sorry for the hurts that have been sent by meanies, I truly am. I suspect we are alike in that we tote that hurt around for way too long. Why is it so difficult to shed those hateful words? I wish I knew! But his much I do know; you are loved and admired and respected by many more of us than those few hateful souls who try to make you as miserable as they are. YOU are my hero! Mindy

Crystal Hankey said...

Words wound. I too agree that if they don't want to read your blog or don't agree with it why do they feel the need to comment on it? Some people have all this hurt and anger stored up and think nothing of trying to dump it on others. Shame on them. I am sorry there life is not what they want it to be but they can make it better and a good start would be to say nothing if they can't make a positive contribution to what has been posted. I read your posts every week and was saddened that someone would attack you for sharing how YOU feel. I have a niece who is married to a man who attacks me and my religious beliefs frequently. I never try to convince others to believe as I do but I won't hid my beliefs either. I have been hurt time and time again by him on social media until I finally had to get away from him. I see my niece and her kids when I visit the area but he avoids me which would be my preference anyway. Oh, and I say nothing about him in a bad light to his wife or kids. That would be stooping to his level. Take care and carry on! We love you.

Melonie said...

Ugh - what a fiasco. I'm sorry you had such nasty responses when you were baring things to us in an effort to be honest and open. Some folks just don't know how to play nicely in the sandbox, no matter what their age. *sigh* Hoping you have a lovely week. Tell my little cyber pen pal Josh hello. <3

Anonymous said...

Again I an reminded of the pettiness and mean spirit some people have. You sound like a wonderful woman with a loving family. What you do is your business. Why do people try and ruin it for others? My DH always says they have nothing else to do.
Virtual hug.

Best wishes from Best Bun.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for always sharing honestly and from your heart. Your posts always speak to me and provide useful ideas for my own life. Having an empty nest or a nest with adult children is a totally different season. It is hard navigating middle age while being a parent to adult children and at the same time being responsible for aging parents. Until you have experienced it yourself, you really have no idea the responsibilities and obligations that arise, both good and bad. At the end of the day, you have to support your family as best you can while finding a balance for yourself, thank you for sharing your struggles and your pleasures. I think you do a great job mentoring others through your blog. Kip

Anonymous said...

You were just trying to express your honest thoughts and I am sad anyone would trample on your spirit. Many of us, me included, have had those same feelings and maybe because of the same type of situation. When people communicate with each other we know we are not alone. Others understand.
I know I am one also who can identify with the serious need for some quiet time and alone time. It is the way God made us. We are all different. It is hard to find and balance of give and take especially with so many people involved. All of you are tired, over worked and stressed on top of it. We all know this too shall pass. Currently though at times it is Hard to get through. You have lived through the ages they are now but they have not lived long enough to understand your position and health. You have had experience raising children they are just trying to do their best wadding through all that raising a family entails. And they have opinions and you have experience. You know all of this. I am reliving when we had another family live with us for months while writing this to you. With you all living on top of each other someone is going to have their toes stepped on ! There just is not enough 'room' not too! :)
I was happy you did get some time to wonder a while back by yourself and get out a tiny bit alone. You need that and there are things they need. They can ask for what they need that is their own to do. You and John have to make sure at the end of the day you two are ok.
You have helped me see several things in life in a new way through your many posts. Cleared my head. Helped me. Thank you. I hope we can be there for you. We are on our side Terri. We know you are a good person. Sarah

meme said...

I am very sorry that happened to you. I thought you were being honest and not at all "witchy" - not at all.

both my grandchildren live with me and my husband - along with my daughter - their mom. Here is my secret --- sometimes at night - I say I am really tired just so I can go to bed and have a little quiet behind my bedroom door and watch a little tv that I want to see! Does that make me witchy? No - it makes me human !!

terricheney said...

Thank you ladies as well. I so appreciate your kindness and that you took time to comment here. I have been known to go to my room to 'escape' or to linger a little bit longer of an early morning just for that space to myself. I have ear plugs and computer or phone and entertain myself with music and gaze out of the bedroom window and admire the flowers. I shall miss those come summer unless I put pots of things out!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I have enjoyed your blog for years... and I'm sorry to hear someone was hurtful in their comments.

I didn't see those comments. But on the topic of seeking help/therapy, I'm going to play devil's advocate just a tiny bit here- It is not a shameful thing to seek the help of a therapist. I don't think you are implying that it is shameful, and I'm definitely not saying that you need that type of help. I would venture to say that many people would benefit from the help of a therapist at various times in their lives. There is a stigma attached with seeking help for mental or emotional struggles, and there doesn't need to be. I'm guessing you recognize that and I'm not trying to be troll-ish- it's just something I'm passionate about and I felt compelled to comment, which I rarely do. -Erin

terricheney said...

I laughed over the idea of a therapist only because I have been seriously suicidally depressed in my past and the post so clearly was not about being depressed nor repressed anger or any of the things that generally lead to therapy.

I've benefitted from therapy in my time and I'm all for it for those who require it to get through a stage or season of life. I can understand your passion for it.

That said, I also see a lot of abuse of the word 'depression' these days and feel it's almost become so common that no one takes those who have severe depression seriously any longer. Danger of going too far over into the other side if you see what I mean...

Just know I don't consider you being trollish in the least. By all means let's be open about how beneficial therapy can be! It might have saved the life of at least three I can name.

Liz from New York said...

Hi Terri, I commented on one of your recent posts regarding feeling torn about being a grandma and feeling selfish. I’m so sad to read there are ugly comments being made on your blog.i love to come here and read your thoughts because they are REAL. And even tho I don’t know you, I feel like I do, if you know what I mean. It’s because the real person comes through, and don’t ever stop being real and raw and honest, because women like me are very uplifted by your musings! It’s clear you write from the heart, and it shows. I feel sad for people that are so cowardly and ugly that they hide behind a screen. They deserve our pity, and nothing more. Hang in there, it’ll get better! Best, Liz

Carolyn @ Our Gilded Abode said...

Hi, Terri! This isn't related to trolls, but I ran across a blog I thought you might enjoy. The couple have a mobile home they renovated and they chronicle their journey. Unfortunately, their home was flooded several years ago and they had to replace it with a new mobile home that they are personalizing. But, if you look back on their older posts, they go into detail on all their past renovations. You'd mentioned hoping to begin renovations on your home and I just thought you might enjoy this. It's

Karla said...

I think it's quite amazing how much the trolls assume to know about you and your household and the goings on therein. Amazing that they would "bless" you enough to share such wisdom and love with you.

I hope you read the sarcasm dripping off my writing there. Still hurts, I know, to be misunderstood.

Your true friends here, those who really get your heart, we know exactly what you meant. Love to you.

Anonymous said...

Greetings! Very useful advice in this particular
article! It is the little changes that will make
the biggest changes. Many thanks for sharing!

Journal of My Week: Winter Again