In My Home This Week: The List

In my home this week, I...

...had a bit of a meltdown the other night.  Overstressed, overtired and mostly just dang tired of feeling I was living with a bunch of teenagers and toddlers, I sat down after supper and had a good cleansing cry.  Granny always did say it was often the very best way of relieving stress.  And when I was calm once more I realized that I had two things working against me.  Number 1, I have a tendency to just DO things when I see they need to be done.  Others don't always see what I do.  Number 2, because I am a doer, I don't ask for help.   And so my family left me to my doing and I did it all quite alone.

It also helped to realize that every single one of us adults were stressed and overtired. I refused to be a martyr but demanded of myself that I look at the whole picture and only the true one, not the over fatigued one my mind presented earlier in the evening.

So I sat down and made out a list and talked it over with the folks in the house and we are currently operating on a much better basis.  Although they might not realize it, there are tons of things NOT done daily, simply because I don't have time and energy to attend to them but the list I have put up is sufficient for bare basics cleaning.  Most of these tasks involve clearing up after meals because this kitchen churns out three meals a day six days a week and two on the seventh day (we do take out once a week as a break for me).

I long to do some deep cleaning, or to get out in the yard and play about in the flower pots, or to find a fun project to attend to,  but that's simply not feasible at this time.  It is enough to manage to go through each day and fall into bed each night and reluctantly drag myself out once more the next morning.  Results are one fairly even tempered older woman in the household and I reckon just about every one will admit that the list is worth it's weight in gold if that is the result.


Stripped my bed, washed a big load of bed and bath linens and another of clothes.

Went to grocery store to pick up produce and milk and bread.  Thankfully didn't need eggs.  Gracious they'd gone up once more and are now $3.29/dozen.

I spent hours one afternoon  contacting customers or potential customers, making contacts, placing orders for packing items, etc.  It was a lot of work and quite a messy desk resulted but worth every effort I made.  Then I turned around the next day and the next and the next and messaged 20 more each time.  Results have been poor but I don't know what else to do but work until it starts working.

The usual keeping up tasks of picking up toys, laundry, dishes, meals, trash.  It's never ending.  Bonus this pay period has been fewer trips to grocery overall.

made meals:

Meatball subs, grapes

Homemade Pizza, Salad

Mayonnaise roasted Turkey, Baked Potato, Steamed Broccoli

Turkey Rice Soup and Turkey Sandwiches, Cherry Cake

Fish Tacos with topper vegetables, Yellow Rice, Black Beans

Cheeseburgers and Fries with Toppings

Tonight we are doing Chinese takeout which we adults chipped in together to purchase.  Worth every single penny.

saved money:

Made two loaves of bread last Friday for our Shabbat.  I put one in the freezer.  These two turned out very heavy and dense.  I think we'll manage to eat them just the same but definitely not up to my usual bread standard.

Supper on Friday night was a meal I made often when the children were growing up, Spaghetti Diable.  Mind you I was out of spaghetti so substituted egg noodles instead and I know my meat loving son needs more protein than the dish allots (1/2 cup cooked chicken which is more seasoning than ingredient) so I put a good bit extra in.  This made a 9X13 pan of food and we had ONE serving leftover.

The last of the chicken breast made two sandwiches for mine and John's lunch on Friday. 

It didn't feel like saving on Saturday when we spent quite a little chunk of funds but...we combined errands while out which is a help.  I went to the post office, we stopped to pick up a prescription for Bess and while in the grocery picking up chicken for dinner, we bought bread which we were running very low upon.

Discovered a pinhole leak in the milk carton as it thawed.  As there was no leakage when I brought it home we're pretty sure it developed as a result of freezing.  I had a recently emptied gallon jug which we cleaned well, so as the frozen jug thawed we poured off the milk (which was upside down in a bowl to catch any that might continue to drain).  I won't save the full gallon but near enough.

Leftover spaghetti sauce from our hero sandwiches for supper was set aside to make a simple pasta dinner for someone's lunch later this week.  Some was used to make a pizza sauce.

John set out the days he means to take off in May.  I sat down at computer and within five minutes had found our room to stay in.  Went to checkbook, looked at my sub account balance,  and happily reported to John that I'd saved exactly what was needed to pay for our room.   I didn't share but I also have enough funds set aside to cover our gasoline purchases during our trip as well.  Now to go to work saving funds for spending otherwise.

I figured up what I've set aside to pay on the small loan we took from ourselves last month and realized that we should have this paid in full before we go on vacation in May.   If my figures are correct we should be within $30 of paying it in full and that I can easily manage from our regular account funds.

Had to keep a watchful eye on my turkey breast when I cooked it.  Everyone wanted to pick at it.  I managed to wrangle half and the carcass from it after the meal.  Sam poured up the pan juices into a jar as well.

Used the saved broth, a handful of carrot sticks, some celery  and onion from the fridge, a turkey tenderloin from the breast half leftover.  I made turkey sandwiches from the rest of the breast.  This netted us enough sandwiches for supper for six and some for John's work lunch, as well.  I don't believe there was any turkey rice soup left at all, but I'll be poring over the fridge Friday morning to pull all things together that need to be used up and planning weekend meals as well.   I don't think we've had a bit of anything go to waste as of yet which is remarkably good considering the fridge is packed so full most all the time these days.

There is an opportunity to purchase a great many documents from Jamberry that I'd like to pass on to customers.  However, it's less expensive to make my own master copies and print them as needed using a downloaded file.

I needed a less expensive option for padded envelopes and boxes, so I went to Amazon where I found just what I wanted at a reasonable price with a lot more choices than I get in store.  I figured the cost of each and the envelopes and boxes both come in under 25c each which will save me loads over buying at regular retail prices.  I did discover that my note cards purchased 8/$1 at Dollar Tree were the very best option pricewise.  Happily, they always have a good selection of pretty designs which I find very pleasing to my personal taste so I'll continue to buy in bulk from there.  Average cost is 12c each.

The boys have a whole toy box of toys at their disposal here but they spend hours daily playing in the plastics drawer.  Josh makes 'cakes' by stacking various sized containers.  Isaac is content to plop them on his head as a hat, or to use a lid as a phone and roars "Herro?" at us as he walks about with the lid plastered to his ear.  Josh and I spent a whole hour after supper one evening happily playing with a lid that we used as a Frisbee type toy.  Proof yet again that play doesn't always require toys.  I remember as an infant and toddler the plastics storage space was where Katie spent 90% of her play time so I just let the boys have at it and pick them up when they nap or go to bed for the night.  Of course, should we need any of them for storage we wash each piece before we use it, but mostly we are getting by using the few glass containers instead.  Those are put away almost out of reach, sigh, but we keep a keen ear out for that cabinet door opening and always catch Isaac in time.

Went out on Wednesday all alone.  The day was blissful and I guess a mental health day would be the very best term for it.  I listened to birds sing, wind blow, and smelled honeysuckle just coming into bloom.   I found deep quiet to enjoy.  I let the wind blow through the car and blow out the dingy spots in my soul and mind.  I reckon this day was just about priceless...Money spent was gasoline used, I think I figured it as 1 1/2 gallons of gas or about $4 spent.  Worth one hundred times that in my opinion...but being cheap I'm glad it wasn't!

I bought my lunch out and indulged in my favorite cookie as dessert.  Unsweet tea offset the sugary treat and I limited myself to just one cookie not the two I'd prefer.

Bess made fish tacos for supper.  She has a way of panfrying tilapia fillets that is tasty.  We put four pieces of fish out for the three of us...Sounds like a lot and it was but Isaac it seems prefers OUR fish over the fish sticks that he was served.  Next time I'll save the fish sticks for Josh and we'll just fed Isaac the same fish we eat.  I do want to note that the eight fillets are sizeable and far tastier than the prepared fillets that John prefers.  I'll also say the Tilapia fillets are less expensive than the breaded fillets.

There were two portions of shortcake left, as well as strawberries.  The boys were occupied with candy in the living room and I slipped off to the kitchen to make myself a single portion of the shortcake. can't sneak strawberry shortcake in this house.  Isaac was suddenly beside me chirping "food! food!" and Josh was on the other side.  "I looovvee strawberries.  Yep I do. I love strawberries."  So the three of us took turns having a bite of strawberry shortcake and those boys meant they wanted a full bite for everyone I took. Is it any wonder that I've dropped a few pounds in the past 7 weeks?  Must say that it's a far more fun way of losing weight than any method I've tried to date.

I paid $1 for a set of stickers for Josh at the dollar store but realized quickly that he doesn't care what the stickers are, he just wants them to stick.  Even address labels work just fine in his considered opinion and I thank his Gammy for sending him a bunch of those and cueing me in.   He was happily occupied with a bunch of hearts I clipped from a sheet of address labels that were a smidge too girly for Grampa's purpose.

had my leisure: 

I spent one lovely hour sitting on the front porch admiring the blue and green spring.  It was lovely, if cool.

Four blissful hours of alone time, away from home, not indulging in shopping or errands but simply in enjoyment.

Pushed ahead with my book in odd moments this week.  I do have a bit of down time here and there and I've been reading this Jane Austen At Home by Lucy Worsely book for two months or so now.  I'm ready to be finished with it and on to something else, though I am enjoying it and highly recommend it.


Out My window said...

I am sorry yu are so stressed, but remember this won't last forever. You just need some alone time my dear.

Sew Blessed Maw [Judy] said...

You handled this very well.. Proud of you.. Know you are stressed.. This is so very hard.. I had to laugh, when I read about the boys, finding you immediately to help eat the strawberry shortcake.ha
Have a blessed day.

Anonymous said...

Please, please don't call yourself elderly at least until you are 75. Believe it or not, you are in the best part of life (age wise). I can so relate to grumbling about wanting help and grumbling because I get it. LOL! Precious little boys but if you are trying to take care of everyone like they are 10 then some things do need to change. All too soon, your house will be quiet again but for right now ask for all the help you need. Wish I were your neighbor, I would be borrowing those boys often. Yesterday at a meeting for young moms at our church I got to spend time with an adorable 3 month old. Double bonus, i got to play gramma and his mom put on fb how wonderful it was to just sit and relax with her coffee. Gramma D

Anonymous said...

As I was thinking about it I upped that elderly age to 85 as I tnink of the many sharp, funloving, active ladies I know who are ready to do and go in a minute. That is my goal! Gramma D

Anonymous said...

For now just a quick comment about the egg prices. Here we passed a law that chickens had to have more room to grow etc... so last year egg prices were very low a the farmers worked through making new accommodations for their chickens etc. That cost them. But they still had an over supply of chickens laying. Then they I imagine, weeded out any extra chickens and so now we have less to lay. This I suspect will be a problem from now on here.

Then recently my husband read a story about how a huge company back east that sells eggs found a problem with the eggs and had to toss millions of eggs. So hopefully this is one is the problem you are having and when production gets back to normal and the problem is solved the prices will go back to reality.
Now I will go back and read the rest of your post. :) Sarah

Anonymous said...

I am with Gramma D. 85 sounds better {{ I am at 71 , 75 is too close!! }} A good many of my friends are around 86 and many I can hardly keep up with!! {{{ If and when I reach 85 I am sure that too will be too young!! }} ;-) Sarah

Lana said...

There are a lot of listings for eggs in my Facebook Marketplace. They range in price from 1 to 3 dollars a dozen. I am really thinking of going this route just because the eggs are so good but perhaps they may save some money, too.

Karen in WI said...

Terri, I just had a similar meltdown myself. Between my 17 yo son trying to recover from a brain injury (don’t let your grandsons play tackle football!) to dealing with my two younger teenaged boys typical teenager attitudes, well I had had it. Love your granny’s advice. By the way, you seem like such a dedicated mother and grandmother. Your family is very lucky, although sometimes they may not let you know that.

We moved a lot when our four boys were younger. It definitely is stressful for everyone. I hope your son’s renovations are coming along well. Everyone will be all settled in again and I think you will have the best of both worlds then! Blessings and hugs to you!

Journal of My Week: Winter Again