Rinse and Repeat

I have been thinking this week that it's rather boring to keep writing about what I do to save money because it is so repetitive.  I admit, I did not come to this conclusion while working on my own Friday post, "This Week In My Home" but while watching another homemaker who vlogs.  I kind of like the woman, I do truly, but I've been through her house with her so many times I think I could find things myself if I ever were in her state to visit.  Seriously.  And I'd just about know what I might end having for dinner with her, too.

I am not slandering her, though it might well seem I am.  That is why I'm not going to share her name or vlog, not because I am selfish but because I think she's doing a good job and I'd hate for you to stumble upon her and go away thinking I disliked her and not seeing for yourself how well you liked her.  I really do like her.  I've seen many of her videos and I support her efforts to teach frugality and homemaking.  I differ in opinion on a few things but then I likely differ from some of you on some subject matters,  as well.

But watching her vlogs has made me very aware that my own posts are repetitive.  It amazes me that some of you have been reading for years and keep coming back... you're pretty much getting a 'Wash, rinse and repeat' sort of view of my life.   Circumstances change but the majority of what I do, especially that which I do on a daily basis, is almost always the same things over and over again.

So why do I keep on?

Because  what I do works for me.  It makes a continual savings for our household.  And it's the repetition that keeps this household running.

I came to a second realization this morning: if I am forever over budget with this or that, or forever struggling to create a workable routine and continually 'shaking' things up instead of getting things done. then I'm of little or no use to me or to you.   I am not saying it's wrong to shake up a routine that has become dull or boring. Nor to add new yummy recipes to a repertoire that has become ho- hum.  I am saying what I've noted many times before:  if it's a savings to me at this life stage in time or money then it's worth repeating for as long as it's appropriate.

I realized this fact slowly this year, when I pulled out some very old recipes I'd used in our formerly tight money days and found them a huge help once again when funds were straining with family here there and everywhere.  It's because of those older money saving skills we were able to save money towards a vacation this year and to hang on to most of it despite the multiple needs that arose.  I think maybe repetition is exactly what I need to see me through the years ahead.  So if you're up for a little more of my repeated works with a few changes here and there as challenges arise, then I'm up for continuing to post them.


Anonymous said...

This makes you more real. Like me , like us probably. We all have routine and want to change up this or the..dream of it and do some and then try to do more. This is the stuff of life. We do most of it in routines..bill paying for instance. Bills come in at certain times of the month and our pay at others but around the same days each month we are making out those checks or going on line to pay. And routine helps us remember to do it! :-) I have not felt bored ever reading your blog. I feel instead a kinship. Sarah

Sandy Dixon said...

Terri, I have read and followed you for years but first time commenting. I live close to you in Peachtree City. You are like a friend to me. I love your writing. How you word things. Your attitude and honesty I respect. Your love of the Lord and family mean so much. Please keep right on rinsing and repeating!There are many of us out here that would feel a sore loss without you.

susie @ persimmon moon cottage said...


I always look forward to your blog posts. My life feels like rinse and repeat much of the time, but I like the way you write about your daily life. I so often come away with viewpoints and inspiration to deal with many of my every day concerns after reading your writings. It is also interesting to me to read how you deal with many similar types of family issues that I have in my life at this time. I agree with the commentor before me, Sandy Dixon, who said "There are many of us out here that would feel a sore loss without you".

Susie D.

Liz from New York said...

I happen to love any and all posts about frugality and homekeeping! It’s quite comforting to know someone follows routines like I do! Best, liz

Conni said...

I ditto the comments above! Your posts (the longer the better) are always VERY welcome. I love your writing skill and your ability to be transparent and REAL. I can relate to much of your life and am glad that your conclusion is to continue as you have! Thank you, conni

Anonymous said...

Sometimes the most familiar things are the most comforting.Like Turkey and gravy on Thanksgiving. Just keep right on repeating , honey.


Grammy Goodwill said...

I wish I were a routine person. Both my son and daughter are raising their children with daily routines and it amazes me how well it works. They didn’t learn that skill from me. I enjoy reading your blog and hope eventually you will rub off on me.

Wendi said...

I believe there are many of who are living the wash, rinse, repeat type of life. It's comforting to know that there are others doing the same thing. I hope you continue to write.

jnkbake said...

Teri, I too have been reading your blog for many years; but I don't comment very often. When I read your blogs, it motivates ME to get up and get things done! I feel as though you are one of my neighbors and a very dear friend.

Louise said...

Terri, You are an inspiration to many of us and I imagine you have new readers who definitely learn something new from you.. True, some may roll their eyes and pooh pooh your ideas but I bet there are more of us who love you.. I know for myself, I often come away from your blog thinking... Now why didn't I think of that?... and I work your idea into my life. I am not a routine person now that I live alone but when I had family and had to help with the farm work I sure had some routine.
Please keep on keeping on..

Beckyathome said...

I really enjoy your blog, no matter what you write. I tell my husband that blogs are like my magazines with new articles popping up all the time. Homemaking and frugality and life interest me. It's great to see what others do in those circumstances of life that we all face in one way or another...a tight financial month, family stress, happy times, the need to clean, the need to clean it all over again in 2 days....you get the idea. Have a great week, and keep writing!

Lana said...

Ditto what everyone else has said here. Keep on doing what you do. It is the same here at the Dixon house. Routines are comforting. One week you can sneek in something like 'I made a 4 pound roast for Sunday dinner but was tired to deal with the leftovers so I dumped it in tbe trash' and shock us all!

Lisa from Indiana said...

I love reading about the little details of everyday living...it's not boring at all! Keep up the good work!

Out My window said...

We all rinse and repeat that is life. Every once in a while there is a bit of excitement or horror thrown in, like a b movie. But I love it!

Carole said...

I like the ordinary. You often bring out emotions you are feeling that makes it interesting. Sometimes it's nice to know that others have similar reactions to events that I have.

Mable said...

A few years ago I got a terrible illness that kept me in bed for more than a year, in terrible pain and so close to dying that the physician talked to me and my husband about hospice care. I recovered and I am here to tell you that it is a privilege to be able to do the same things over and over. Normal is seriously under-rated!

doe853 said...

Hi Terri,
What everyone else said! Well said. Dale❤️

Karla said...

I too watch a vlogger that does repeated videos and I guess the reason I still watch her and still come here to read your repetition is that it's like getting to know you. This is real life. This is what you really do, really live. We all do the same repetitious things. Coming here to read your posts brings me comfort and stability.

Please keep writing - only if you want to. I am blessed when I read your posts. Every single time. It's like spending time with a dear friend and just sitting in silence because you know the other is just there.

Anonymous said...

I am up for it! I am in! I am with you all the way! I am so thankful for you. Just keep doing what you are doing, it is a blessing to many. :)
Jennifer from Ohio

Debby in Kansas said...

I'm a Rinse and Repeat kind of girl so it's all good with me. To be quite honest, when your family was living in and things were so different, I was longing for your normal posts & routine!! I know that must sound ridiculously silly, but I crave normalcy. I spent part of my life in complete routine (with my g'parents) and was then forced to return to my parents and complete chaos. When people talk about family traditions and such, mine are much more centered on daily things than holidays. Our plans for the 4 day T'giving weekend? Painting & redecorating our master bed & bath. We started this tradition about 20 yrs. ago and have redone a room every year. My friends will call me on a Friday morning and ask, "am I interrupting or are you already finished cleaning the bathrooms?"

I always enjoy reading about the little projects mixed in with the everyday. The plantings, the porch, etc. and that's enough excitement for me.

Viva la Rinse & Repeat!

Karen in WI said...

Terri, I love hearing what you do everyday for your house, your family and yourself. I never even thought that you repeat yourself. Homemakers do a lot of things over and over, but I love to hear your schedule and I always find interesting tidbits about your homemaking. For instance, the other day, I realized how you will have maybe rice for one dish, but then you looked ahead enough to make enough for a second dish. I don’t do this and should. And the way you turn your leftovers into something else. I need to get better at that. My kids like their food to not look like leftovers. I love your writing just as is...don’t change! It is a bright spot in my day to check your blog. It’s such a blessing and I’m so thankful you share your talent and life with us. Hugs to you!

Shirley in Washington said...

Hi Terri, I have read your blog for years but rarely comment. I love your blog and enjoy reading about homemaking, living a frugal life, family and grandkids, cooking and recipes. To me, this is what life is really all about! I enjoy your writing and always come away encouraged to keep trying. We all struggle, stumble and "go over budget" but to read about your evaluating and adjusting is a blessing to me! Thank you for your blog! Shirley in Washington

Anonymous said...

Thank you Lana for reminding me to do more batch cooking. I have started doing it some already but need to step it up more. After almost 50 years of cooking here I too am tired of doing it. Actually it is not the cooking that is getting tiring it is that all the rest of homework is still here and after trying to handle as much of that as I can THEN having stop to cook. :-))) About the time I need to make meals I just want to sit down a bit!!! LOL Lately doing a better job of planning ahead and cooking knowing there will be leftovers I can use or remake into something else and making some ahead has been a real relief. Why didn't I remember to do this earlier? See Teri..this is no new idea...another rehash [a rinse and repeat. :) ] but a rehash of a good basic idea !! Thank you for blogging and keeping us exchanging ideas... Sarah

Rhonda said...

The life of a homemaker is wash rinse repeat - so true- and it does cause many women to burn out on it.
But I find comfort in doing the same things and in reading the same things.
And I love that you got so much support and so many sweet comments here about that subject

Veronika said...

Dear Terri,

I have been reading your blog for a while but I hardly ever comment.
One of the things I love about you is the stability. Our world is changing so fast that reading about your routine helps me to realize there is something good in the life that will always be there for us.
Continue to be yourself.
I love you the way you are.

Anonymous said...

Life is wash, rinse and repeat - but these actions ground us and keep us on the right path. Teri, your day to day accounts, the routine of life, is excellent writing. You put down what’s happening around you, just as Jane Austin did, adding your own special touch. Fifty years from now people will be mesmerized by life lived in 2018, as seen through your eyes. That along with the fact that you will suddenly throw a deep zinger of wisdom at us, causing me to ponder deeply about what you wrote and how God means it for my own life, keeps me coming back to your blog. Oh, and the fact that I’ve been covering you in prayer this last year. If you didn’t write I wouldn’t know what to pray for!
You are truly gifted by God. Keep going :)

Meal Plan for Second Week of March