In My Home: Jingle All The Way

Saturday:  John had to run down to work to pick up something, so I went along.  It was gray and brown and overcast outdoors.  All the glory of autumn leaves drifted to the ground this weekend, turning brown on their way.  It was cold out there but the car has a great heater and so on our way home we took the long way, literally over hills and dales and forested roads.  It was lovely to do something out of the ordinary on our Shabat and yet not really 'do' anything at the same time.   We held hands for most of the drive and chattered away, which is also lovely.

John offered to stop in at the local grocery and pick up something for dinner.  He mentioned pizza.  I told him I could make a perfectly good pizza and while it might not take much longer than it would take to stop in at the store and heat the oven and bake the frozen one.  I got the dough all mixed up and was prepping the toppings when Samuel and Isaac popped in.  Isaac is funny.  He turns to me and gestures and speaks and it's all gibberish and random hand movements and yet he perfectly communicates to me what he wants at the same time.  This time while he was pointing and chattering he hands me the tv remote.  "Oh.  You wanta watch cartoons?" I asked and he nodded and climbed into Grampa's chair.

Samuel asked if I had hot chocolate.  No, I didn't....but it's about the third time he's asked me since it got cold.  I think I know what to put in his gift bag.   He mentioned he would make it from scratch then said "I haven't thawed out milk!"  I have a glass milk bottle that I've kept for years that has a screw on lid.  I filled it with milk and handed it to him on his way out the door. He was pretty pleased and told Isaac they were going to have hot chocolate when they got home.

Well Sam had the right idea.  Come suppertime, I made toasted cheese sandwiches and hot cocoa for me.  John wanted his chocolate milk cold.    It sure did hit the spot.  It also brought back memories of long ago and far away winter Sunday suppers.  We'd leave church and get home about dark.  Mama always made canned soup and sandwiches (toasted pimento cheese, peanut butter and jelly, grilled cheese, Po'boys).   She'd give us kids a cup of hot cocoa.  This was partly due to the fact that we lived in a very old house and our heat was a Ben Franklin stove in the dining room turned den and it took a bit to warm up the place.  Naturally by the time we'd had Sunday dinner at Granny's and afternoon services at church the fire would be out when we got home.

In the kitchen we sat near the stove, wrapped in flannel pajamas and robes and socks and slippers and Daddy would turn the tv so that we could watch it while we ate supper.  Lassie was a favorite and The Wonderful World of Disney.   We were always put to bed after warming our selves to the point of roasting by the Ben Franklin stove, then we were put in a bed piled high with thick quilts.

These were the days of essentially living in one or two rooms for a season, because we heated only that den and on particularly frigid days a propane heater would be lit in the bathroom just to keep pipes from freezing.  It's not my imagination to say that the house was COLD.  Nor is it imagination to say that we seldom were cold in our beds.  Heavy cotton quilts were wonderfully insulating.

Sunday:  We didn't get up quite as early as planned this morning but we were up early enough for me to carry out my plans to start a pot roast in the crockpot.  I browned the meat in the same  pan I toasted our cheese sandwiches in the night before and deglazed it to add to the crock with the meat and vegetables.

We bought Chinese take out on our way home the other day and I noted that the vegetable dish we bought had a very clever use of the broccoli stalk.  The chef had peeled it, sliced it into thin rectangles of about the size of a bamboo shoot and steamed it with the other vegetables in the dish.  Instead of 'saving' the stem until it's well past use as I've done in the past, I followed the Chinese chef's example and trimmed, sliced and steamed the stalk along with the florets.  I've also found that cutting an ex at the base of the broccoli head makes the broccoli more tender when steamed.

While putting on my makeup this morning, I asked John to please try and open the bottle.  It clearly had a good 1/2 inch of product still in the bottom but the pump would not bring it up.  Well he got it off and I'm going to continue to use it up until it's well and truly gone.  I loathe throwing away any good product with stuff still in it.

We did not go into grocery at all today after church.  John went by the gas station and filled up the car.  I did ask for a cup of coffee.  It was quite cold out and our church has concrete floors.  I don't care how well heated a place is, concrete floors just seep cold gradually up from your toes to your knees and beyond.   John is so funny.  He wants plain black coffee and nothing but.  However, he is more adventurous on my behalf.  He loves to mix and match creamers.  Today's blend was vanilla mocha.   He's always brought Katie and I weird juice blends or flavored waters, etc.  This amuses me no end since he's such a 'just black coffee' sort of person himself.

When we returned home John went to work on putting a couple of items from his shed into the dumpster.  Before I opened the back door I could catch a whiff of the pot roast.  My but it smelled good!

I steamed broccoli and while it cooked,  I cleared the armoire we've been using in the kitchen.  The contents are now stacked and piled all over the place.  I hate messes and I've got one until we get the replacement pieces.

Monday:  When I awoke this morning, John was in his music room sorting out the contents of his closet.  He's been at it all through the morning and afternoon.  He's had the best time, as most of this stuff has been packed up quite awhile and he keeps finding sentimental things and treasures that's he's tucked away.  Unfortunately none of the treasure has proven to have any value thus far...but we remain hopeful, lol.

I took out chicken this morning to thaw and it remained most solidly frozen.  I decided to make something different than I had on the menu:   Arroz con Pollo.  We have plenty of leftover yellow rice and I shall use it to make a variation on a menu item later this week.  We'll have Black Beans and rice and a salad instead of the planned Red Beans and Coleslaw.

While John sorted out the music room closet, I went through the plastic storage pieces and tossed the broken and those missing tops or bottoms.  I don't know just how it is we have so many with missing pieces, but we always do.   I then went through our medications box and sorted out the vitamins and those things we no longer use and the expired items.  Now I've got things from the former kitchen armoire consolidated and neatened up and all put in one spot until the new cupboard arrives and can be assembled.

As I sorted medicines, I realized that I have loads of contact paper and all of these appropriately sized sturdy cardboard boxes.  I do not need to buy bins for the medicines/vitamins but can use the boxes.  I will only need to pick up something to put the plastic pieces in.

I then went on to sort out the mess John gave me.  He had a box of music Cds in his closet.  This led to sorting out the cases and matching Cds to cases and trying to determine where all the loose cds/cases mates are.

Washed and dried sheets and towels today.  No hanging outdoors.  The sun shone a full five minutes and then it started to rain again.

Looked at a big sales at Kohls (online is where I was looking) at the make Coffee maker John wants to replace our iffy unit with.  I was shocked at prices even with a double discount! I haven't finished Christmas shopping and while I won't be spending a lot of money on that, I have decided we can wait on the coffee maker until our birthdays.  If our current one does go out we've a perfectly good one we can use.  We take it on vacation with us and it's almost new we've used it so little.

Later this afternoon the new kitchen cabinet was delivered.  It took a bit of struggle on my part and then an admission of defeat to John that I simply couldn't make heads or tails of the thing beyond the part "A" wood dowels and where they went.  He very kindly came and put it together with me watching and handing him things or lifting and turning as requested.  Bess stopped by with Josh and Isaac and we were glad to see them, but immediately realized the very real temptation of touching all the things and emptying out packets of screws, etc. for a four year old.  When he stomped one piece of the cabinet (no harm done thank goodness) Bess quickly rounded them up and ran them home, lol.
It was nice to hear that Josh enjoyed The Nutcracker Ballet on Saturday and to see the boys eyes glow over the Christmas tree.  Josh kept saying, "You have another tree?"  He couldn't seem to gather in the information that it was the same with additional ornaments on it.   Isaac stood and stared and said " Itty" which is his word for 'pretty'.   The boys left with a cookie in one hand and a mandarin in the other.  Just call me "Gramma".

We ate Chinese take out leftovers for supper.  It wasn't much but then I didn't need much of any component of that meal.  After I cleared up, I worked on organizing the new cabinet.  John worked on the music room mess, as it's in that state at present.  He got it down to just a few things.  He said he couldn't go to work with it as it was.

Tuesday:  John back to work and went off in his usual manner...except I forgot a little ritual we have and I found his wallet lying on the chest of drawers where it most certainly should not have been after he'd been at work two hours.

I'd spent a productive hour and half after he left: washed and hung a load of laundry to dry, cleared up the house entirely, such a mess!  Washed a full load of dishes.  I was just about to contemplate a second breakfast when I found John's wallet.  I called him to let him know he was unarmed and hurried through makeup so we could meet up.  That meant missing the post office opening as I'd planned.  Oh well.  Fortunately he was able to meet me at a point that was about 25 minutes away in the direction I'd meant to go today instead of having to drive south and double my mileage.

Went on to Mama's early.  She had an issue with her car again today.  This time a tire was low.  I'm only upset about it because she took it to the dealership and they didn't fix it though they told her it was.  They'd over inflated three tires and not put air in the one that was low.  Fortunately I do business with a tire place in her area and they kindly fixed it without any wait or cost.

Mama had pecans on her mind today.  We were within a few miles of the place she'd wanted to go when she changed her mind and asked to go to another instead.  She laid out a small fortune on pecans, which are less per pound than in times past but still costly enough to have made me determine that I'd buy just one pound myself.   Mama wanted to 'treat' herself to candied pecans.  Truth:  if I had a penny for every time my mom said she was going to treat herself I'd be wealthy!  I have no objection to anyone treating themselves to something special or that is especially wanted.  I just don't believe in treats being a regular thing.

All snarky remarks aside, she also insisted on 'treating' me to the same candied pecans.  I will not complain.  Nuts are a great snack and low in carbs when you factor in fiber.  It's not a very sweet sweet and has the added bonus of having protein.  It's something I'd probably never have allowed myself even so because it is a costly treat and I'd have spent the money on something longer lasting.  As is, I'll put these out for our family day gathering.

I saw a Tomte Gnome when I went into the store and ignored it.   All I've priced have been very high indeed but there was one sitting on the register...and I asked how much he cost before I left.  Well he was very reasonable.  And cute.  And I decided to treat myself.  I've a stocking for myself to fill and I think he'll be a perfect little stocking stuffer.

Mama bought us lunch and we each put half aside.  It was a modest lunch but the sandwiches at this place are very generous.   I drove over to the grocery store to pick up the items she requested.  Quite reasonable this time, she only wanted five items...well six, but I promised to bring her one from my own pantry next week which is well stocked with same.

Drove home and stopped at post office.  Discovered it was closed for lunch.  I was weary enough to want to just go on home.  This makes twice I've been and it's been closed, sigh.  Will the third time be the charm?

For my supper tonight I had a single brew cup of coffee.  This is no savings over a big pot which may sound odd but it takes more coffee to make one good cup of coffee than it does to make four cups of coffee.  Really it does!  I was puzzled about this until I was reading my oldest cookbook a couple of weeks ago and they said something close to this, "It's not worthwhile to make less than 8 cups of coffee as it's difficult to get the amounts perfectly correct.  If you can't drink 8 cups then have a cup of tea..."  Well...At least I know it's not my own lack of skill, lol.   I did get tonight's cup strong enough but usually I skip it these days.

I didn't just have coffee.  I had one of those quiche I'd made and frozen.  I've found the crustless ones are wet.  Quite wet.  To the point that I must drain off the fluids before I can eat them.  They are delicious and tasty just the same and the cream cheese and herbs ones are especially nice.  However, I'm wondering if any of you have had experience freezing Quiche?  Crustless ones especially.  Would adding a spoonful of flour help reduce that wateriness?

I did a small amount of my Christmas shopping today.  It's a grocery item I found on sale as a BOGO.  Cost for both the boys was so low I can add to their gift and stay well within my budget of $6 each!

Wednesday:  I do look forward to the day when I no longer am so discombobulated by the work schedule that I wonder "What day is it?"  I had to check the calendar.  I know the date, but not the day and this happens to me all the time.

John in from work this morning.  It was very frosty out this morning and the world was glistening a grayed white color with a pale blue and soft pink sky to enhance it all.  John mentioned how pretty it all was on his ride home from work.  I can well imagine, since the yard here was beautiful.   Some days I feel I live in an enchanted spot it's so gorgeous, but then I do love the land here.  It's always been my safe spot and peaceful place.

Big breakfast morning.  I cut up potatoes for hash browns and went on and did enough to make roast beef hash tomorrow or Saturday.   I cooked some of the deer sausage Samuel made which was very good and tender and not too spicy.  I also made muffins, just plain old muffins for the base but topped with some of the coconut and brown sugar streusel left over from Thanksgiving's Sunday Sweet Potato casserole.  I have plenty of that left yet to top just about anything we choose I guess.  It keeps very well in the freezer.

John gave me a 'Christmas Bonus' this morning.   When he first worked with EMS his bonus each year helped pay for the children's Christmas.   Nowadays, he usually gives me more or less half of it and my portion always has a $100 bill.  This is my 'start the New Year with cash in your pocket' money and I won't spend it for several months ahead.   The amount remaining will no doubt purchase something for my personal gift to me.  I'm thinking skin care products, but it might turn into books, lol.  After all it's Christmas money!

John put together the new bed foundation and we are both rather pleased.  When we took up the box springs, he was surprised to find it broken in so many places.  I don't know why the great surprise, we knew the day we put the new mattress on the bed frame that the box foundation was broken.  The new foundation is all metal construction and we were able to put gliders under the legs which allows us to move the bed easily even with the mattress on the foundation.  I will be able to slide the bed out to clean under it now.

John and I commented the other day that we have noted the new motor in the heat pump seems to work especially well.  It's actually warmer in the house.  I think the new thermostat must be far more accurate as well.  At any rate, I've turned it back a degree or two now that we've gotten accustomed to the lower temperature in the house.

Today's dinner will be right off the menu for this week:  Black beans with leftover yellow rice and a big pretty salad.

The skip is, according to John, officially full.  We've a load of trash in the house (all bagged up) that we'll take over to the county dumpsters but we did indeed fill the skip as I predicted and honestly we're not altogether done yet.  We never pulled a thing from that junk pile out back.  Sam and Bess only disposed of one item from their yard.

All of this month, I keep hearing a single word echoing through my head, "Joy".  I won't tell stories, today has been miserable for me.  I'm in pain (bum knee is acting up and my compromised gait has got my hip on the other side acting up) and I'm emotionally weak at the moment.  I've wept as I've read each comment of yours from the Coffee Chat post.  You are the kind ones.  You have reminded me over and over of what I know.  I am not responsible for her unhappiness.  I do my best to honor her despite provocation.  It's all I can do.

Thursday:  The aroma of hash simmering on the stove is wafting through the air.  It's cold and gray out, after two lovely days of sunshine.  My pain is considerably less today and I am deeply grateful for that.  Mood also is improved considerably as well.

John asked if I'd like to go out for breakfast as a date today and I told him I would.  We went to IHOP this morning, not a place we head to often.  The food was hot and delicious and we reined ourselves in and ordered about what we knew we could eat.  We could have gotten much larger breakfasts but it's waste really if we can't eat it all and I really hadn't premeditated what I wanted so had no especial meal in mind.  We got the 2x2x2 meal which was just right.

I stopped at the post office on the way back into town.   All items mailed off to family now, which is a relief.

We stopped by the local hardware.  While John was in store, I sat in the car and was listening to a vlog post.  Someone tapped on my car window.  It was my brother who was in town for the day.  We spoke for a little bit and honestly ya'll, though we're not the closest of siblings, it was good medicine for me.  We talked of many things but a brief conversation about Mama pointed up that he gets just as frustrated and upset with her as I do.  I realized afresh that Mama's point of view is always askew, she is always the victim of others, etc.  We did not dwell on that point of conversation but it was enough to completely right my head once again.  I enjoyed visiting with my brother.  I have not seen him in months and likely won't see him again for months though he often passes right by my home to go to his old place across the field.

I don't have much to do today.  The house is as clean and neat as it can be.  Dinner is in the works and shall be a simple enough meal.  My biggest task after we eat today is to clear it all away.  I've taken time to sit down with cookbooks and plan both Family Day items and Christmas dinner for us.  I have a good book to read and think I shall indulge in that today.  Tomorrow John is back at work and I'll no doubt jump in with both feet so I won't fret today over having a day at ease.

Friday:   I can't say I've made up for lost time yesterday but I've been busy, steadily busy, all morning long.  I saw John off after making his breakfast and packing his lunch and we both ran through the checklist before getting distracted by kisses this morning, lol.  It will be many months before he'll forget that wallet again.

He sweetly pulled my car out from under the very wet carport so that if I decided to go anywhere I wouldn't have to stand in water to get to my car.  The weather has put me off going anywhere other than the Santa photo this afternoon.

Yesterday while we were out he helped me out of ,and on with, my jacket.  I noted a young woman at another table watching him quite closely as he helped me back into my jacket.  I remember watching other men helping their wives, opening doors for them, etc. when I was a young married woman and thinking it a romantic thing for a man to do.  Well I haven't changed my mind a bit and I whispered a prayer that she too might find a man who'd treat her with such care.

I've had Pandora on all morning playing Christmas music as I've gone about my duties.  I turned on the wax burner with some evergreen scented pellets in it and had the tree lit, too.  It was very dark and gloomy this morning and is still today.  I'm leaving porch lights on when I leave and a light or two.   I've got the table set for Shabat this evening.  The rolls are baking in the oven now, about 3 dozen total.  I'll leave them to cool on top of the stove.  These things will be at the ready when I return and I'll switch the tree on again as soon as I come in, too.

Bess has asked to treat me to lunch with her and Isaac.  I am looking forward to that.

So what have I done today besides making rolls?  I've done housework all over the house.  Every room except the guest room and the music room have been touched today.  It was mostly general straightening that was required.  I sorted out my drawer of clothes that I wear about the house.  Those things are looking pretty rough and I'll need to replenish soon if I don't move things out of my closet.  I glanced over the closet and I've nothing looking worn enough to swap over to the house drawer.  I noted that too is thinned out considerably.  I gathered all the empty hangers and over half of all the hangers were empty!

I worked up the checkbook and got bills ready to go out on Monday and looked over our possible budget for the first quarter.  That gave me pause.  It's looking more like there's more going out than coming in at present but I remember that a good portion of our salary goes into savings each pay period and it looks a bit less sketchy.  I can see I shall have to give the budget some real work here shortly though.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.  I'm ready for it pretty much.  I have foods thawing and while I don't have time to do the prep I'd meant to do, at least I know I was well and truly busy all this morning long.

How did you save this week?


Lana said...

My husband always stands when I come and go from the table at home and out to eat. Well, one time we were out and he stood when I came back from the restroom after ordering but before our food arrived and the waitress rushed over to ask if there was something wrong that was making us walk out! We still chuckle about that! Hubby was so sweet this week. We made a stop after dark and I was going to sit in the car and he walked away and then came back to tell me to lock the doors. Then this morning as I was wrapping presents in the dining room he came and kissed my head and said thank you for doing all that wrapping.

Our grandson in Germany did that same gibberish talk as Isaac when he was a toddler and always made himself understood, too. It's really quite funny isn't it. If you think you are mixed up on the days now just wait until John retires! We keep saying that one week we are going to go to church on the wrong day and not know it until we are turning into the parking lot!

When I was a child we had fried eggs and toast and cocoa for supper on Sunday nights. somehow it has never tasted the same if I make it now. We lived in a tiny house with one free standing propane heater both when I was a child and early in our marriage. My husband lived in an old 2 story house with only one heater downstairs most of his growing up years. We often talk about toasting ourselves by the heater and then running to bed. Fond memories for us both but I am sure it was way colder than we remember.

Two years ago we spent $230 to have the Jura Impressa coffee maker that we found at a thrift store for $20 refurbished for our birthdays. We have never regretted that expenditure. Good coffee is an everyday pleasure here and we love to be able to make only one truly good cup of coffee at a time. If you put the one you are wanting in your wish list on Amazon and download their app on your phone it will alert you if there is a deal.

We have had snow on the ground for a week now. It is really unusual here and I am ready for it to be gone! The yard is a complete muddy mess so I think our inflatable snowman that we put up for the grandchildren is going to remain in the attic this year. We got the gifts that we had to mail sent off this week so that is done. The tree is finally up and all the gifts are wrapped. It is time to start baking cookies and washing up the guest beds. We are getting excited about having four of our grandchildren here but missing those little dears in Germany.

Have a good weekend!

Lana said...

Also,. Can I say that your Mom was just being nice when she bought the candied pecans for you. Unless i am missing something I see no malice on that.

Anonymous said...

I second the thought of not being sure of what day it is after you are retired. Every day is a weekend !! No outside work. We had a coal furnace when I was growing up and on the first floor we had the floor vents We would stand over them and let the warm air warm us..or sit by it and lean over it to ry our hair. It was fun to stand there as a 6 year old in your Easter dress and as the warm air came your skirt would billow out all round!

This house has a wall heater with no thermostat. The kitchen and one bedroom are always cold...or hot for that matter in the summer. Cement floors..You already addressed cement floors. :)

One thing that happened too with your spending. You have gotten many big items for your home that will not need replacing for a long time,.. if ever. More things going forward to make your retirement cozy. A smart and fun way to use your time , energy and money now. Good for you Teri !!

My sister sent a small box in the mail today. It contained a tiny container of the hand cream Mother used to always use..each time we use it the fragrance puts us right back to our home with her,.., the candy Dad always gave us, the candy Mom made for us, a dollar coin as our Grandmother used to give us, and a bag of foil covered chocolate coins we always got few of in our stockings. Our Christmas in a nut shell. So I have had my Christmas today. One only sisters would understand and love. She could not have gotten me and my sisters any better gift. Felt like we were all together again. Sarah

Lana said...

Sarah, I love that gift you received from your sister. I was just thinking a few days ago that my Mom always had a pink Kleenex in her pocket that smelled like Avon hand cream. Sweet memories.

terricheney said...

Lana, I like the gift for your daughter complete with recipes for using the essential oils Very nice. Please re-read my statement about the pecans. I was not at all upset over Mama gifting me the pecans and stated they were a good for me sort of treat which I'd never have indulged in on my own. It was and is much appreciated.

Sarah, a nice nostalgic gift! I think those are the nicest of all when you get to a certain age where memory recalls simple pleasures as the best ones of all.

Journal of My Week: Winter Again