The Week Ahead: Gramma Daze

What a fast paced weekend it was for us.  We headed to Kingsland to see the children there on Friday.  Saturday afternoon we headed home and found Taylor and Katie waiting on us here.  I'd seen Josh and Isaac on Wednesday of last week.  I've played and colored and loved on six of my grandchildren this week.  What a lovely way to spend time.  I won't lie though...I'm in a bit of a daze after our race through the days John had off but what a lovely daze it is!

Well the weekend is over and it's time now to get back to the daily work of life.

Here's what I managed to get done last week:

I bought and laid 18 bags of mulch and several yards of landscape blocks and then gathered a pile of rocks and bricks I used as border.  I cleared and cleaned the front porch.  That was a lot of outdoor work.

I learned to make bagels.  They are quite good.  I'd meant to have them for breakfast this morning for Mother's Day but John made breakfast for Katie and I.

Indoors, I did my regular housework and got the living/dining/entry dusted and vacuumed.  I also moved some things around on the mantel.  Not happy with it but it's different from what it was.  Did not get plants repotted.

Gardening, bills, errands, and calendar were attended to and babysitting was done.  Had a grand time with Isaac and got to see Josh after school.

For meals I made all but the roasted chicken and asparagus meal.  I find often enough that if we don't have a planned meal for dinner at midday we'll have it for supper one evening.


This week I hope to get the front porch floor painted, provided the weather is as sunny as promised.  I would also like to paint the patio furniture and get my front porch all set up for summer.

I'd also like to get the blocks off the patio and do my best to clean it up as well.  When I move the blocks I'll go on and start the new flower bed (a proper flower bed, not a mulched bed with pots) on the side of my shed.

Now that is quite enough outdoors work for this week.   I'm not going to plan a thing more though possibly mulch may come home with me, I won't be laying it out if I do buy it, though.  Our weekend was just too hard paced to keep going at the same rate all week long.

In the house, I shall work my daily routines.  I feel I want to just fluff my house a bit this week, with proper cleaning and cook proper meals.


I'm going to do beds and baths this week.  The guest room looks a fright and of course, I had guests this weekend.  Even if it was Katie, she had to shift a load of stuff off the bed in order to crawl into it.  There are boxes stacked up etc.  I want to just clear it up and make it nice once again.

In my room, I'll vacuum deeply, moving funiture to get under it.  I also want to clean the little white bookcase that's been in my bedroom.  I've offered it to Katie to use in the children's room at her house.


on my own x2, one of those out with Mama

We ate out on our way back home.  We stopped for a rest stop at a fast food place.

Beefy Pasta Bake, Salad, Key Lime Pie

Pakistani Chicken, Rice Pilaf, Salad

Sirloin Steaks with a Cream Mustard Sauce, Asparagus, Mashed Potatoes

Mac and Cheese, Green Beans, Green Salad

Gratitudes and Smiles:

Spending a lovely time with Isaac this week and then having Josh come by for a bit after school.

Seeing my three grandchildren in Kingsland.  I received a lovely card from them and one of those tear jerker cards from my eldest son.  It was lovely to get to spend time with family.

We haven't had cable tv since January which has put John on something of a news fast.  I was sure when we got to the hotel he'd turn on the TV and gorge himself on news programs.  He didn't turn on the tv even once.

Came home to Taylor and Katie for the weekend.  Taylor is at that stage where everything she says ends in 'poot' or 'butt'.  Josh is at the same stage and it's a battle to redirect these kiddos from what they consider dirty language.  I got rather put out with Taylor Saturday evening and spoke to her very firmly.  Her blue eyes welled with tears, her lips trembled and she asked "Am I in trouble?" and this stern Gramma melted like a popsicle on a 100F day and said "Of course not darlin'. "  Sigh.  What happened to that mama made of stern stuff that I used to be?!  And kudos to Taylor who only slipped up and said "Pooty" one more time and she immediately apologized for it.

John cooked a big breakfast for me on Sunday morning and cleared up behind it all, too.

The deep satisfaction I feel when I look at the work done in the yard.  It's not colorful at the moment but it looks neat and polished up.


Lana said...

We stayed in Kingsland on our way to Florida a few weeks ago. The person on the other side of the wall behind our heads kept the TV on loud all night long. Ugh we hate hotels. But the Cracker Barrel was great. We saw one grandchild this weekend. They stayed overn and then left after we all went out to breakfast this morning. We had so much fun playing outside yesterday. After the kids left we loaded up the van and headed to the lake. The contract on the house fell through so we ate staying for two weeks. Ah bliss!

Out My window said...

Oh that stage, little boys never out grow it I am afraid.

Mazie1956 said...

Wow, you've been busy! And the kind of busy that will pay dividends for a long time to come. I admire your fortitude and "gumption" as my grandmother would have said. Sound like you had a great mothers day weekend to cap things off, too. My oldest daughter's birthday was Wednesday (42), my grandson's college graduation was Saturday and we went down to the coast for a couple of days, so it's been busy around here also.

I did notice something that I thought might interest you. I was at the Fresh Market and saw that they now carry bulk Brazil nuts. They're pricey ($16.99/#), but I think you only need a couple a day to supply all the selenium your thyroid requires. So you might want to watch for them if you still shop there for chicken on Tuesdays.

Have a good week coming up, and don't overdo.

Carol in NC

terricheney said...

Lana we always stay at the Microtel in Kingsland. Only once have we had a deep snorer on the other side of the wall. This last visit we were on ground floor right next to the office. I think it was the best room in the house! John told me to ask for that room if we ever go there again. I usually book through a service so I don't know if we'll ever get it again.

Carol, I shall keep that in mind. I haven't been to The Fresh Market in months. I think I'm going to have to plan a trip there soon. Even Aldi's best prices ae seldom as good as those on Tuesdays. Knowing they might have the brazil nuts is added incentive to go look...but in the meantime I have a 3 pound bag of them in the freezer I got from Amazon. And yes, it takes just 1 brazil nut daily to keep up the selenium the thyroid requires. John hates taking selenium supplements but doesn't complain about eating a brazil nut, lol.

Out My Window, No I'm afraid little boys rarely do...just hope Taylor does! It's that age for her, being almost 4 and those are the rudest words they know, lol.

Lana said...

Thanks for the hotel recommendation. We usually call on the morning of our stay and remind them of our needs such as ground floor. It almost always works everywhere we go.

Journal of My Week: Winter Again