The Week Ahead: Inspiration and Ambition

I am inspired this morning as I type out this post.  Even though the front and back porch is not complete, the fresh coat of paint has inspired me and spurred me on.  Were it not Sabbath morning, I'd be out there with roller and brush in hand, putting the finishing touches on those two porches.  It's more than one morning's work though and I don't do work on Saturdays but today's inspiration will hopefully be tomorrow's ambition!

Because the angle of the sun is different than it's been the past few years, the front porch is mostly shady all day long, while the back porch is getting more sun each day.  I'm not upset about that at all.  With the size of the front porch now, I can see taking my Bible and cup of coffee outdoors in the mornings to enjoy that study time before the day begins.  It will be a most pleasant spot once I've finished it.

But as much ambition as I might have, I really must remember there are other jobs and tasks to be done.  I can't over plan and run myself into the ground.  Balance is required.  I told John wearily Friday afternoon, "I see so many tasks to complete and so many things to do and I just want to put my head down and weep...but I want to get it all done just the same!"  It is overwhelming.  It looks at the moment as though I shall be working very hard all summer and fall long.  I am trying to marshall myself and finish one task before another is begun.  

While it might sound I've bitten off too much at once with the painting of porch floors, it really was an effort to use up all the paint I'd poured into my paint pan.  I didn't want to waste a single bit of that paint.  I'll have to take it in smaller doses as I do other tasks on either porch or patio or flower beds.  It was just a big chunk at once worked best in this particular instance.

Last week I got less done than I'd hoped to do.  I found I was gone from home too many days in a row and my energy lagged sorely behind after our flying trip to Kingsland last weekend.  I managed to do just basic cleaning indoors, some light baking and the first main coat on the front porch and just 2/3 of the back porch.  I kind of got the guest room cleared up.  It's neater than it was but not entirely clear of the clutter that was in the room.

I did not remove the blocks from the patio, nor get it cleared up, nor did I paint the patio set.  Nor did I buy more mulch.  We'd had heavy rains prior to the days I had available to go pick up more mulch and not only is wet mulch heavier it's also prone to leak moisture into the car and trunk.  No good!  I didn't clear the little bookcase so it could go to Katie.  I did very basic cleaning.  No deep vacuuming or deeper cleaning.  I did not find a place to celebrate our anniversary, not even on Airbnb.

I fell off my menu plan and didn't even stray near the thing after Monday.  Ho hum...

So that was last week.  Let me now plan for this week:


Finish painting the front and back porch floors.   Begin to move things back to the front porch.  And if Sam has returned the garden hose, finish cleaning the three remaining porch posts on the front porch.

Move the blocks to the shed to form that new flower bed.

Paint the patio furniture.

Bills, grocery, pay day errands must be attended to this week.

Research toaster ovens.  I've decided this is going to be my third appliance for summer meals, besides the grill and the crockpot.

Continue to look for a place to celebrate our anniversary.

Zone:  Shall we just say this week is going to be porch week?  Why plan on doing anything in the kitchen if what I really hope to be doing is working outdoors anyway.  Besides it's getting pretty warm outdoors and I don't know how much longer I'll be able to put in an extended work day outdoors.


Roasted Chicken, Oven Roasted Tiny Potatoes, Steamed Asparagus with Lemon Butter, Coconut Cream Delight

on my own x 2

Chicken Tortellini Salad, Crudite, Crusty Bread

Chef Salad, Garlic and Cheddar Biscuits

Loaded Baked Potatoes, Salad

Kielbasa, Buttered Potatoes, Coleslaw

Gratitudes and Smiles:

I was very grateful to make it through all the necessary goings last week.

I thoroughly enjoyed the day spent at home, alone, just puttering gently about.

Grateful for my children, all of whom acknowledged my status as their mom.

Smiling because I made it through the entire week without making even one trip to the grocery.  And I am ending this budget period with a portion of grocery money still in my pocket.

Early mornings that were just a little bit cooler.  I appreciate these especially because I know they are going to be fewer and farther between as summer comes on.


Louise said...

I've been checking Amazon for Counter top Convection Ovens. I have one that I've used for a good 15 years and it is starting to sound like it wants a vacation so I figure I should start looking for another since I love using them rather than my stove oven. This is the one I've been looking at..

Lana said...

We finally decided that two weeks at the lake will do it for our anniversary celebration even though it is not until June 10. I do have a $25 off coupon for Ruth Chris Steakhouse and that would be a really big treat for us. We find that trying to force ourselves to have an enjoyable time always bombs and we are often exhausted from trying to fit a short getaway into our schedule. I did find some great looking Airbnb places that I saved for later. One is a boathouse apartment right over a lake here in our own home county!

Karla said...

I have a Convection Toaster oven and LOVE it. I've had it for quite a few years and it's very good quality. We've always had toaster ovens since we've been married and we use them a lot. I even have small Pampered Chef stoneware pans and mini cake pans that fit in it. I think it's a Cuisinart. I am pretty sure I bought it at Kohl's years ago.

Kay said...

I had a toaster oven (wedding gift) for many years and liked it alot. My counterspace is minimal in this house so I'm not sure where I would put it, but I'd love to have one again. Another option is a large roaster. If you plug the vent holes it will hold the heat. I have used mine to bake bread on the back porch in the summer. I have enclosed porches on both sides of the house so I feel safe in using it out there. I also use the crockpot out there as they give off heat. I have the Instant Pot and plan to use it and of course the grill. These will get us through the hot/humid months. We have our Ohio bunch coming right after the 4th of July, along with ddil's parents. I'm planning menus now. That is 11 people in my house for 2 days and 9 for the remaining 5 days. We'll eat out 2 meals because it's not a trip home for Bry unless we eat at those 2 local restaurants. There is a 3rd but the past few years we've told him, he has to cover that bill. 2 are enough for my budget, even if one is just fast food, the other is an expensive Italian Buffet.
We are planning a cookout with extended family one evening which will be potluck so easy enough. I have some pulled pork in the freezer but need to cook up some more. One gallon bag will not feed us all. I'm so used to feeding just 2 or maybe 4 adults that I'm out of practice planning for more. And of the 9 that are coming there are 4 adults and 3 teens who all eat like adults and 2 pre-teens. 9 adult appetites. Any suggestions would be helpful. :) (remember summer meals. it's hot in Nebraska in July)

Kathy said...

Hope you were able to get away for an anniversary trip! Wishing you a very happy 25th anniversary!

Spring Goals for March...And Beyond.