Goals for July

One more week of June...I've just been to look at my June goals and I didn't touch on half of them I don't think.  I did work and I worked hard for the first couple of weeks and then I slowed down considerably due to a painful knee...Oh and have I mentioned that John is using sick days to extend his time off so he's been home more days and you know that means I get less done.  It's one thing to ignore my basic needs and push hard to get things done, but he balks when he sees me in pain and when I ignore his needs.   Let's see...I think he had three five day stretches off this month...So yeah, that took a bite out of project time.   As well, we had far more rain this month than we did in May.  It's made a huge difference in the ability to do things.  We had six inches of rain from Wednesday through Sunday this past week (writing this on Monday, June 24) alone.

If you want to see what I did do for June, then please check the June goals post.  I've scored through those I've done at this writing.  If I get more done, I'll note it in this weeks' frugal living post.  In the meantime, the reason why I didn't get some things done...

Café set: found a table I loved at Aldi but John didn't want to buy it  though it was affordable and discounted.   I  decided against it myself because it had no chairs...Every thing I've looked at looks flimsy or is not affordable and I've only seen any café sets  online.  There are none in the stores at all.

No plants for the patio as of yet, except that avocado tree that I planted from a pit I started last summer.   We'll see how it does there in that sunny location away from the eaves of the house.  Rain has done it's best this past week to drown that little tree of mine.

I bought only two six packs of plants and two hanging baskets and  haven't bought any more. .  I didn't move my flag yet.  I should really go out in the shed to look for that flag pole bracket, I saw it when I was cleaning up in spring.  Nor have I bought paint to use on any outdoor items.

And just NO on cleaning railings or rafters on the porches.  My knee hurt and I've been limping along, quite literally.   Saturday Taylor and I were playing and I told her to copy me in doing something, which happened to involve walking.  My knee wasn't hurting but it was stiff and sort of locked up and John snorted when she said "Gramma I can't  walk like that!"   It's been hot.  When it wasn't hot it was storming.  Ditto for why the two access doors on the foundation of the house are not yet painted.  They've been too wet.  I've got more excuses...

I did a lot more in the house than I'd planned...just none of the jobs I'd meant to tackle.

I am on target financially with all my plans...Though I did end borrowing from a sub-account all over again.  John had a fun fling this weekend, something he wanted to do while Taylor was here.

I found a pair of sandals...just one.  I am shopping mostly Goodwill and thrift for accessories and so far not so good.  However, I did see a tutorial on making kimonos that I plan to try with two or three really large scarves I have that are just bulky when tied about my neck and shoulders.  Repurposing accessories to create new accessories works fine!

I am woefully far behind on my New Year's resolution to read a book a week however, I did finish one book this month and started two more.

Enough of what I didn't do!  Here's my plans for July.  Note that few of the planned jobs for June are carried over.  I might get to some of them and if I do great and if not, they'll wait just as they've been waiting all this time.  It's getting warmer and warmer and I've no intention of being a sweat bomb outdoors nor in.

I will buy some more landscaping blocks for edging and two cinder blocks to expand the new flower bed and bring in a few bags of soil to start filling that.  It will all be done a little bite at the time, because it is hot and it takes me a long time to cool off once I get heated up.  Then I am drained for a day and can do nothing else.  So little bites.  No more.

Front porch: continue to look for a café set. In the meantime,  I'll buy paint and paint the one I have on the back porch and use it on the front porch until Katie calls for it and takes it home.

Plants for the planters on the patio.  I'm going to look at plants that need a bit of rehab.  Mama has a small gardenia growing in her flower bed that I'm going to see if I can pull up.  It's self rooted there and John would love to have gardenias here.  It's one of two flowers he's mentioned he really likes.  She also has some creeping jenny that would do nicely in one of my shady spots on the patio.  I'll get enough to start a pot.  I think I've got coleus seed in the seed bag but where is the seed bag? Hmm?

And if I feel super perky or need to work off a worry or upset, I know where my list from last month is to guide me.

Indoors:   Little jobs I've seen all this month are going to be my focus.  The bookcases in the living room look messy because I've added books and the children have moved some things about and then I came along and put things back on the fronts of the shelves instead of where they ought to have gone...So I'll be sorting out the bookshelves once more.

Oh I've seen a bookcase wall I love and have saved the picture for the future...It's from an Instagram account Chrislovesjulie (Julia?) or something like that.  I don't care a thing about pot lights but I love that the whole wall has free floating shelves.  I can dream...

The broom/cleaning closet is a mess.

I'm running out of room in kitchen cupboards and some things don't fit well in their space.  So all those will get sorted out this month.  Sort messy cupboards.

Our bathroom needs a good turning out.  The cabinets need to be decluttered further, the curtains I bought irritate me no end, they are just all wrong.  The boys wanted the little blue chair moved to the living room so they could fight over who gets to sit in it and so there's now a tray table to drop towels on next to the shower and that's all wrong...I also have no pictures on the walls at all.  The baseboard area is dusty beyond belief.  I noticed it yesterday and was horrified.

The bins above the washer dryer work too well... I don't know what on earth is in them!   So I'll pull them down and label them with  black board tags so I'll know what's what and incidentally clean them out and arrange them in a better way.

John has every single pair of shoes he owns in the back entry.  For years the man stuck with two pairs of shoes, now he's got ten and they are all under the bench and in the laundry area and it's driving me nuts.  I have to find a better way to organize that space and corral those shoes.

Overall, I am feeling it's time for a general house declutter so I'll tend to that as I go through each zone this month.

Continue with the additional savings.  It was smaller deposits for June to the new savings account and pushing up the account we paid for foundation/front porch from but I did make a deposit to each and it was all in addition to my usual sub accounts savings each month.   This month we have to pay for car insurance.  I'll want to replace that amount as quickly as I can so we're prepared for the next time it's due.  I have a sneaky feeling that we're going to have to pay another quarter of house insurance, and another quarterly bill as well and that will need to be replaced too.  Things are going to be a bit snug, but I'm going to keep pushing it.   We should have a holiday pay in July...and it works out so that we have three pay periods this month so savings should all receive a healthy injection if all goes well. Deposit for July into savings and repay a portion to other savings account.

I borrowed from the money set aside for vacation.  Not a problem since we aren't planning on going anywhere for a few months yet but...I'll spread the love from the above holiday/extra pay period to this account.  And I've an idea to boost it back to flush that I'll share in a moment.

My credit card has had quite a workout these past two months.  I used my personal savings to pay off the balance last month.   John purchased an item and we used my credit card.  I've got cash to cover that but I played free and loose with the card over this birthday month and ordered a substantial amount of stuff from Amazon for the household, as well and dog food subscription came, etc.  It is my goal this  month to put nothing on my card save the Amazon Prime and Netflix auto charges.  Since my bill dropped recently, I can tell you that this part of the July goals has already started.  That credit card is dead to me.

My freezer is full.  It's so full I can get nothing else into it.  The fridge freezer is almost as full.  This is a problem.  I can't put up any summer produce, not that I put up a lot.  I can put in no extra baking or entrees for those days and times when I don't want to cook or am ailing or someone in the family is ailing...  The freezer being full is a lovely problem on the one hand and a hindrance on the other.  So I'm thinking for July I'm going to do a pantry/freezer challenge and try to cut back on the grocery budget.  That money can go towards replenishing the vacation account.

I want to do a pantry and freezer inventory this month.  It's been about six months since I did the last one.  I'm in a better place with both than I was in January but I have little idea of what I have at present, especially in the freezer.  I expect to find far fewer outages this time around, but I always have a few odds and ends that I really want to plan to use, like that box of Matzoh crackers.  I also want a new shopping list to go by when I'm in the grocery so if I see a good deal on a pantry stock up item I can take advantage of it.

I didn't grill out as much as I wanted last month because my charcoal just wouldn't light.  It took an hour of trying and then calling John to get it going and it took him a half hour or better.  I bought a new bag of charcoal and will mix it with the old.   I'm going to try once more to grill at least once a week this month.  

Personal:  I'm getting better at turning off the computer and walking away from it rather than just wasting time to waste it...That said, I can still stand a bit of improvement in this area. 

I read through my goals for the New Year this morning and I have some work to do there as well. 

I might not be able to make my goal of reading 52 books this year but I do want to try and read more.  I would like to complete three  two   one more books in July.

Make music a part of every day in my home.  And a good sermon to listen to while I'm working, too.

I've really indulged in sweets this month.  It's been six weeks of  birthdays (or will be by the last day of June) and we've celebrated and then we  got in the habit of eating something sweet a little too often.  I'm not going to say I'll cut out all sugar, but I'm going to cut down to a half serving once a day instead of a whole serving of anything sweet twice a day.    Besides there are so many good fruits right now that it's a shame to waste time eating anything else!

Really concentrate on the accessory side of my wardrobe: purses, scarves, shoes, toppers like kimonos, cardigans, shawls and light jackets.  All from the thrift stores, too.  I'm not buying new unless I come across an awesome clearance!

In the meantime it's still June...and I've a whole week to accomplish something more of those June goals, so off I go!


Debby in Kansas said...

Hey, you shouldn't shake up a person like that lol! I've been floating along thinking that it's just mid June and I realized from your post that July IS NEXT MONDAY! Gah! I'm grateful that we've had a long spring and no real sweltering days yet. Our a/c is on its last legs and I'm praying it through summer. July, in my mind, is the halfway point of summer heat. Once Ind Day passes, all the back to school stuff will start and I'll start to feel the Fall yearnings.

I chuckled at your husband's shoe thing. I'm so guilty of that! I pile mine underneath my bedroom vanity and then trip over them. I finally moved all but one pair of sandals to the closet over the weekend. Can you buy one of those cubby things and just keep the shoes in there and off the ground? My friend did that after stepping on her teen son's gigantic shoes and spraining her ankle.

We've had so much rain again that I think I'm just going to face that I'm not potting any flowers or anything this year. My goal has become to just keep things tidy. And weeded. My gosh, I've never seen so many weeds. Weeds are crowding out weeds lol!

One of my favorite things to listen to everyday is Elisabeth Elliot. She's on at 10:15am here every weekday morning on one of the bible radio networks. You may want to look for it. It's always spot on and mostly directed toward women. It's 15 minutes of soul food for me! You can probably google it if you're interested.

I really want to attack my kitchen, but that's a winter job because it's in the southwest corner of the house and one could make beef jerky in there just by hanging raw meat from the chandelier. It's awful. So, I've tagged the 3 bedrooms upstairs as the summer months projects. Enough of all the stuff.

I wish I knew just how many books I read in a year. I should keep track next year. I'm always reading several at a time and I cycle through several of my biblical womanhood books non stop. Once I finish, I start right back over, reading several pages after my morning bible readings. I do the same with the Gospels. And I learned from Dave Ramsey that with 31 chapters in Proverbs, it nicely fits into a chapter a day all month! So, I read a lot more than whole books. Hmm. You've given me something to think about!

You've also made me realize that it's time to put together my July goals list! Yikes!!!

susie @ persimmon moon cottage said...

So much rain, so many weeds. We have some kind of weedy, giant,brontosaur-snack-type of grass coming up. I've never seen that kind of grass anywhere before. It grows so fast, too, it's hard to keep it in check.

Your scarf kimono idea sounds good. I have a couple of beautiful scarves that are huge. I got carried away and bought them because of the beautiful pattern on them. The problem is, that as a scarf, each one looks like it is wearing me. Big as I am, they look and feel like they just engulf me. I was trying to figure out how it would look if I could manage to carefully cut each one down to a more reasonable size. I have tried folding them various ways to make them seem smaller, but then there is too much bulk to deal with. I wish I would start seeing more thin, light, silky fabric scarves in more reasonable sizes in the fall.

Your kimonos sound like a good idea for wearing to doctor's offices and restaurants so I would have something light weight to put over my shoulders, as those are places that always are so cold in the summer around here.

I can't believe that July is almost here. We had our grandson here last night and spent a long time out on the porch doing those little firework snap and pops that you throw on the concrete and they pop, and then we were making weed guns like my husband and I did when we were kids, where you take those weeds (I think they are plantains) that have a longish thin stalk with a small rocket shaped part at the top. We showed our grandson how to wrap the stem over itself and then slide it up the stem and it shoots the little rocket shaped seed part three or four feet away. Our grandson got a kick out of that and we had fun firing those at each other for quite a while.

terricheney said...

Debby, I was thinking we have two full weeks left too, until I checked my dates/calendar yesterday and realized we'll be in July on Monday! And the Independence Day holiday too! Ack...so confused by our current life schedule.

Susie, I will find the vlog that posted the link. I've just cut four scarves as she said do it, but haven't begun sewing yet, as I need to find the vlog with the instructions, lol. On the other hand, I did cut out the pillow covers for my other pillows from the bedskirt fabric.

doe853 said...

I just bought this table from wayfair for our porch. It’s really pretty and seems sturdy. We had a bigger table out there but then there wasn’t room to get around it. I didn’t buy chairs as we happened to have some folding chairs that were perfect from our local hardware store.
Today is pouring rain after 3 days of 75’ and sun, no humidity. Just perfect. Rick and I are just sitting here reading.
I hope you have a great day. Dale



Out My window said...

Eeks the month went by fast. I only have a couple of things to get off my June list. Don;t know if they will get done or not. I love shopping at thrift stores, you can find such nice things if you are patient and look.

Anonymous said...

Hi my name is Judy Shank. You make me feel so good because I have the same thing going on in my house here in MN. Shoes in my laundry (some I think no one wears), 2 bathrooms that need help. After reading your blog, I know I am not alone. Enjoy the rest of your day. I love reading your blog.

terricheney said...

Dale thank you for the link to that table...It's exactly what I had in mind as far as size and the metal goes. I suppose I could always use the metal folding chairs I already own and paint them. Something to consider! Thank you again!

Out My Window: I tackled my bedroom closet yesterday and it went a lot quicker than I'd thought it might. I may not finish my list but at least I've reminded myself what I meant to do and do what I can.

Judy, Life here is by no means perfect. It's a home where people live but I'm always striving to make it neat and nice and comfortable.

Mable said...

We had the shoe problem, too, so finally bought one of those shoe holders that hang and have a pocket that fits one shoe each. We hung it on the back of the entry way door where no one sees it and it solved the problem. Might work for you...How nice for you that you and John are getting to spend more time together!

Anonymous said...

Hi Terri! Just a quick note to say how much I enjoy your posts, as always! I also wanted to tell you I am STILL laughing at your comment about the credit card! So funny and so true! I can't tell you how many times I've thought similarly about those blessed thing over the years. Several years ago I gave up on using one altogether and just use the debit card for the Amazon subscribe and save etc. We still have one, but only use it if were traveling etc.

Anonymous said...

My grandson lives with me and I had the same shoe problem.I just got a big box(mainly for effect) and put them all in there. When he started having to dig his shoes out of that box every time he needed a pair, guess what happened. He started putting his shoes away in his closet where they belong. I have pretty low tolerance when people are inconsiderate.A sprained ankle is no laughing matter.


terricheney said...

Mabel, I have only an entry way door in that area and I can't hang anything that hooks over the top there, nor is there wall space enough to do it anywhere.

Tracey, LOL...I have memorized my card number BUT you can't cite it from memory to use at any store offline, so it will stay home...The home shopping business will be a great deal harder, since Paypal is so kind as to keep my number handy for me. It's going to take some real discipline to stick to this. I've always paid the card off in full but I'm at a point where I am not sure I can any longer and the idea of how much money goes out each month is a bit sobering. So...

Shell, We've always left shoes at the back entry but here of late they just aren't well contained. The things I've used to gather them is too small to hold them all. I am going to move the ones he wears less often to our closest but the real mainstays will be kept handy at the back just as always. I just need a better solution for keeping them out of MY way. For one thing I can move the two gallon cans of paint that have been shoved under that bench and create a little more room...

Liz from New York said...

Lol if you think a 5 day stretch of hubby being underfoot is hard, wait till he's fully retired! My hubby is retired from the FDNY, and trust me, it's a challenge! I love him dearly, but Lordy, can he derail the best laid plans! And he needs to know what I'm doing every second of the day. I do work as a part time nurse in a school, so that keeps us from killing each other, but i do enjoy our little outings. We do as you and your husband do...errands, bill paying, having lunch out, Costco runs, but sometimes I just need that 'me' time. I love to read, and he sort of feels neglected when I do. Luckily we have some your kids still home(as you probably saw from my instagrram page) that keep us busy, as well as a couple grandchildren. Have a fun week!

terricheney said...

Liz, lol, husbands are good at derailing most plans aren't they? John used to take the entire month of October off and I got a pretty good idea of what life could be like with him at home. I've told him he must find a hobby that will absorb him and since he's so angsty about NOT working to find a part time job so I can have a little breathing space, and assured him that when he does retire MY plans will be included in each week as well as his own. I am sure we will work things out and somehow I feel John will be like his father and retirement will be just an excuse to find another job. He really doesn't care for any hobby like things and he doesn't want to do much besides mow at the house, and he likes being out with people on a daily basis, so I do expect he will find his way to keeping things 'his' way, lol.

Anonymous said...

As you know, Gramps and I are older than dirt! He never has been for hobbies, nor is he a do-it-yourselfer, sooooo.......when he retired he decided he was going to be me! He was going to show me how to do laundry, vacuum, and whatever else he decided he might like to do, except for cooking which I would love to share. Guess how that went over? After about 3 sweatshirts who were long sleeved,wrist was now at my elbow, he was banished from the laundry room in no uncertain terms! He vacuums and I get out the touchup paint. I convinced him to go spend time at the library, score one for me. Out of MY hair for a while! Mr.cat hater decided when his dog died to get a cat. Now the cat is old and starting to upchuck but she must still lay on a nice chair, so I informed him this morning the day she dies I go for new furniture. One of the best days ever was when our kids got him a tablet for an occasion. Imagine his dismay when he "she needs my help with everything (not so)" computer literate woman had to be asked how he does things on it? She just laughs with glee inside and acts a bit superior and shows him how. We do talk a walk each day and it is very enjoyable. This has all been in fun about Gramps, (based on truth), because I really do appreciate the fact that we still have each other at an age where most of his friends have passed away and my friends are widows. He goes to lunch after church with about 5 women and we all laugh and call us his harem. When you have a good man retirement is a blessing, but not without its challenges. You do have to be on the same page 98% of the time with just enough difference of opinion to keep life interesting. And the first thing I do each morning is to be thankful for him. Gramma D

terricheney said...

Dora, this is a hilarious comment, lol. I DO know exactly how you feel about Gramps so I took it all in the fun way you meant it, but I agree it will be a blessing. John is retirement age this year and I see all of the time people far younger than us in the obituary column who are leaving behind partner and family and already I am thinking how blessed we are! But like Gramps, John isn't a diy sort nor a shade tree mechanic. He likes to watch tv and he likes to play guitar and boy when he cranks up that amp, I can't talk on the phone or listen to tv or even have a conversation in the same room with someone! I love to hear him play, mind you, but thankfully I know his fingers can only press those guitar strings for just so long.
On the other hand, he made a comment the other night about not knowing if he could do EMS work until he was 80 and I thought "WHAT?!" lol I'm sure he will find something and it will be the right something for him. He has ideas but one of his ideas is to drive the Medicaid bus. I love my husband but he has no sense of direction at all and as he puts it "Can get lost in the parking lot at Walmart..." and he can, too!

Journal of My Week: Winter Again