While a dip in a pool is the nicest thing ever on a hot summer's day, there are many ways to take a dip and feel restored. Wading in a lovely little stream. Sitting in a lawn chair within reach of a sprinkler (a bit of a shock to the system but awfully nice all the same and besides I'm far to lazy to dance about jumping back and forth over said sprinkler). Going swimming in a lake...
Yes, lovely things each one, but I haven't any of those things. So. What about a cool shower or soak in a tub? Works lovely if you've gotten hot and dusty while out in the garden and it's awfully refreshing. Long ago, when I was unable to bathe myself, a nurse's aid gave me a tip: if you want to stimulate and feel invigorated, rub the washcloth up the arms and legs and up the torso and back. If you want to calm and relax, rub downwards as you bathe. I find it works just fine as she said.
Sometimes, we don't feel like a heavy meal for supper on these hot days. So why not have appetizers to go with your salad? Or chips and dip? I found this article this week on how to improve various dips on Southern Living. Some are rather obvious and some are truly helpful. I didn't know that salsa should be salted and allowed to rest for 10 minutes.
Here are two helpful hints of my own: for pimento cheese, whether you use it as a spread on bread or crackers, always add a wee bit of the juice from the jar with the chopped peppers. It makes a huge difference in overall flavor. In the South we use PIMENTOS which are not the same as roasted red peppers but roasted red peppers will work just fine if you can't find proper Pimentos (I like Dromedary Diced Pimentos). For goodness sake don't buy them off Amazon. They are crazy expensive there!
Now and then just having chips and dips for supper or a snack is refreshing, especially if the dip is a creamy cool one.
If you are the sort who just wants something quick and classic like old fashioned onion dip, don't use a whole packet of soup mix unless you're making a quart of the stuff. I know what the original recipe says, one packet to 16 ounces of sour cream. Take my word for it, it's just too salty and it's too much when combined with salty chips. Instead mix in just a couple of tablespoons of the soup mix and make sure to get a little of the powdered broth as well as the dehydrated onions in each spoonful. Mix well and then resist temptation and put it in the fridge for at least one hour. And yes, you can use dehydrated onions and a bit of powdered beef bouillon with the same results. I've done it loads of times when I had no soup mix on hand. A teensy bit of garlic powder helps if you're using the substitutes.
I always buy hummus...And then I watched a girl make it on a YouTube meal prep video this week and I thought "Why on earth am I paying that much for hummus when it's soooo easy and simple to make?" The Southern Living article makes the point to peel off the outer skins which they say will take ten minutes and I'm willing to bet will take less, but admittedly I haven't tried it yet. The skins on the beans is apparently what makes the dip grainy. I can buy Garbanzo/Chickpeas at Aldi for 49c a can and I don't guess spending a couple or five minutes skinning them will put me off saving that extra $3 over buying it.
While on the subject of 'cool' foods, check out my Gathering Fragments post for this week. On Saturday's section is a really lovely and fresh tasting Orange Gelatin Salad. I think we've lost something in not eating Gelatin Salads as they did once up on a time before air conditioning. Maybe it's time to have a revival of Jello?
I don't know that this is 'cooler' by any means but it is an interesting article about housekeeping that I read this past weekend on Southern Living about task based cleaning. The idea of cleaning one room at a time, and assigning each room a day of the week is the method I generally have used for years but I rather like the idea of shaking things up a little and doing task based cleaning.
Task based cleaning means that you dust not only the bedroom but go on to dust every room in the house and then you do the next job, say vacuuming, and you vacuum all the rooms and then...Well you get the idea. With task based cleaning, you can assign a task to the days of the week so that you do dusting on Mondays and vacuuming on Tuesdays, etc. I'm thinking on this one as I type it out just now...Maybe by the end of the week I'll have an idea of what days I'll assign to which tasks.
How about starting a collection for summer? I was scanning on Instagram and I didn't note who posted but I took a screenshot of it. Someone's therapist suggested they stop during moments all throughout the day: A sunset, contrasts in paint, a pretty photo of a room in someone's home, a child's laughter. Take note and recognize the joy in that moment and do this multiple times a day. The therapist suggested that this builds a reserve of cheerfulness to draw on and negates a bad experience or feeling. That's the gist of what she said. I kind of like that idea. Yes, it is gratitude based but it's more. It's taking the time to recognize what happiness or joy really feels like and honoring those moments.
"It is well to have as many holds upon happiness as possible." - Jane Austen
Kate Swarthout used to do a tiny little paragraph in the middle of the back page of a woman's magazine, called "Life Savors". Each month there was a list of moments much as those I listed above. Simple things that changed a day, that filled the heart and soul with happiness. Yes indeed, this is a collection I'd like to start!
Last I shall end on a truly cooling note. Swimming is, as I said, a lovely way to cool off, but I've found over the years I feel less and less comfortable in the traditional sort of swimwear. I'm larger on bottom than on top. So if one area fits the other doesn't. And I've been embarrassed more than once by a baggy top that doesn't keep my modesty intact. Result: I stopped going to the beach or to the pool though I do sincerely love it. I'd made up my mind a couple of years ago that I'd invest in regular shorts/shirts and just GO already but those things weren't made for water and the weight of being wet made them hang and even pulled down the shorts if I wasn't careful. I was always afraid I'd look like I'd just stepped out in a vintage early 1900s women's woolen swimming costume. I am a vain creature, I admit it. I might be a large woman but I want to be an attractive one and there was nothing at all attractive about my attempt at modest swimwear.
And then this site came up in my Facebook feed one day. Modest swimwear is something I think a lot of us have wanted for quite a long time, but honestly, I'd noted that Jennifer of Daily Connoisseur's latest video featured her swimming and she wore a three quarter length striped top and shorts. The material is proper swimsuit type material, meant to be soaking wet and hold it's shape. I'm going to invest in a top and capri pants I think. And this year, when we're at the beach, I'm going to enjoy the water once more!
THANK YOU so much for the modest swimwear URL. I did not know such a thing existed and I have stopped swimming at the local pool because the only swimwear I could find did not fit modestly.
I find myself jotting down recipes for all sorts of cleaning products, foods, ect. In today's economy and not a very large income, I find it very helpful, and money saving. I have a section in my recipe box for do it yourself things. I think we will all be pinching those pennies more and more. I see those pennies saved as a way to buy some of the "little luxuries" I am also delighted to have a $ Tree in my neighborhood. Great place to get small amounts of seldom used items, and try new products. Gramma D
Woman within sells a variety of plus size, 2 piece swimming suits. The tops and bottoms are mix and match. I would like a two piece that the top comes down at least to the waist and then due to some strange swelling on my upper thigh by my knee, I need the swim bottom to be knee length. I don't know what I will do about my one swollen ankle, I guess it is just going to have to show.
I haven't bought one yet,I was waiting for a sale, but it isn't really looking like I will be going anywhere to swim anyway.
My Grandma was a large woman, but I don't think she felt self conscious about it. My favorite picture of her is when she would have probably been in her late fifties, and she had on a 1940's style house dress and was sitting on the gravel bar, at the edge of a clear water creek with her legs and feet in the water next to my older sister when she was about 5. Grandma and my sister were just smiling so big and the men and boys were out in the middle of the creek swimming and waving. The picture felt so much like summer in the country.
Susie, I love that 'photo' memory you shared. That is just lovely!
Mable, You are very welcome. I find I am more and more wanting to do the things I wish to do but to not be indecent or self conscious when I do them. I am over low cut blouses and see thru items and such. But I don't want to look as Michelle Duggar did either. She did protect her modesty in the water but good heavens she looked ridiculous. I just want to look neat and nice.
Gramma D I read this line "I am also delighted to have a $ Tree in my neighborhood" completely forgetting there is a store called Dollar Tree. I was immediately remembering a movie called "It Grows On Trees" starring Irene Dunne and that was what I pictured....Oh well...lol
I was just thinking a couple of days ago about having one night be "snacky" supper. Greg and I like to watch a livestream on YouTube on Tuesday evenings, but it's right at suppertime, so we could easily have a tray of snack foods between us and not have to worry about fixing supper after the program, which sometimes ends up being 90 minutes or more.
I am with you on bathing suits! Two years ago I bought a swim skirt which is shorts with a skirt over. It comes to my mid thigh and I feel a lot more comfortable in it. Then I have a separate top that covers the top of the skirt. The skirt is black so I can add another top if I want variety. My late MIL bought herself a kiddie pool after all the kids were grown and spent part of every summer afternoon laying in her pool in her private yard. Why not?
Tammy we used to do movie weekends with the kids and it was all snacky meals and lots of films. We'd do that about twice a year and it was awesome. I think a seven layer dip would be rather nice one night for supper now I think of it...
Lana, I LOVE that story about your late mother in law. I wanna be that woman! lol
My son likes to make his own hummus too.. he said it’s really so easy, and he brings it to every party lol. I find the opposit with bathing suits, I’m large busted, and smaller on the bottom. So much so, that what I really want is a breast reduction, even the doctor recommends it for my back and neck problems. Husband disagrees (🙄).. so what I do is wear and old bra that I retired, a cheap cotton tank top, so it’s not heavy, and I usually buy swim shorts at the end of season from Lands End. I’d never pay full price, but when it’s on sale it’s decent and free shipping.. I cant even use bra size swimwear, because not all breast are the same, I pop out of every one. Supposed to have a heat wave up here this weekend, and the humidity has been off the charts. My son wants me to move to Florida eventually, but Florida humidity is worse than here, I like to be outside as much as possible, and in Florida it’s just not possible. Anyway, have a great week, liz
Liz, I agree Florida humidity is pretty much off the charts. It's bad enough in Georgia but it's so bad in Florida that we pretty much tend to avoid it from end of May (and even so it's hot at times then) through to later in October.
Terri, How I wish I had a dollar tree in my yard! LOL. Gramma D
Although I could use better coverage all round for sure in swimwear one of my problems is my upper arms are extra big. I don't know how or why that happened but is is like I was very over weight then lost a Lot of weight. Which I didn't. Lots and lots of excess skin and fat down to my elbow. I have to try to find blouses with a longer short sleeve. Thankfully I do find some. So many tops have the short cap sleeves now. Anyway.... :) .. I imagine even a top in those sites mentioned might have one for me. I will look. I am not so interested in swimming but actually think I would enjoy wearing it to garden! Afterwards or in-between chores just hosing myself off. Sounds like fun!! Thanks for the idea !!
The tone of this whole post was somehow different. As I said I cannot say why but it was and I really enjoyed it. :-) Also so many little hints and ideas and so summery! Sitting here trying to stay cool it was a good read for sure !
The neighbor next door when I was growing up always had a spick and span house. She probably used Spic and Span too! LOL She followed the one a month cleaning style. My words not her's. She would tear apart one room in the house each month. In the guest bed room she would take apart the bed and clean it from the metal frame , then mattress etc all of it. Then on to every other thing in the room till done. In rooms used daily she would take one piece at a time and work on it and on to the other but since she had all month she could do this. I mean she Really cleaned every corner ! I remember Laine of Lane's Letters, changing up her cleaning style off and on. Sometimes she would clean all the things glass in her home one day. Mirrors, windows , nick nicks that needed sprucing up. Then on to all the tops of tables and things or another thing. It keeps things fresh to change our routine up once in a while.
My mother used to make a pimento spread she put on bread for sandwiches. I don't remember how she made it though. It was similar to the one you used to be able to get in the little glass juice size container cold at the store of pimento spread. Kraft made this and other spreads like pineapple and cheese spread. Remember those? The little juice size glasses are still seen in antique stores. The product had a metal top you popped off and later you had had a new glass to use. I wish I knew how to make that pimento spread. Do you have any ideas? Sarah
Sarah, I wouldn't care to be that meticulous in cleaning my house...And I'm not ashamed to say it!
The pimento cheese I make is just pimentos, shredded cheese and mayo but the sort in the jar and often sold in the luncheon meat case at the stores was likely made something like this recipe:
I had a friend who made hers like this and it was more a smooth spread than the chunky version I make.
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