Advent Week 1: The Waiting Season


Several years ago, we took a sabbatical from synagogue.   During that time of intense personal study and digging deeper, we came to many realizations but most of all we prayed hard for direction in our life, most especially in our spiritual life.   At the end of the time of sabbatical, we were stunned to be told that we needed to step back entirely and leave synagogue.  It was not the answer we'd expected to hear.   

Diary of a Homemaker: New Days Ahead- part 1

Friday:  We are living in changing times and new challenges seem to be cropping up around every corner, but if we take notice, and adjust our homemaker habits accordingly, we can get through this.  Jennifer @ The Homemaker's Heart with Jennifer

I loved this quote on Jennifer's latest post and am sharing it here.  I am in 100% agreement with her in this statement.  I know many of you feel the same.  Let's be the quiet movement and make our adjustments as needed.

This Week In My Home: Winding Down

Years ago, my mom acquired metal beds for my brother and I from family members.   I remember those beds fondly and during Katie's childhood she also had one.   I have the headboard of an old Simmons bed in my guest room right now.   I adore them.  

I first discovered that Simmons (famous now for the Beauty Rest line of mattresses) originally made metal bedframes when I acquired a vintage 1928 Better Homes and Gardens magazine.  

A few weeks ago, I was looking at various vintage room decor and I found this old Simmons color ad.  I thought it was such a pretty room and wanted to share it. 

Diary of a Thankful Homemaker


Friday:  I said I wouldn't make a post this week but I thought I'd jot down a few thoughts each day of things for which I am thankful in this weekend and week leading up to Thanksgiving.

Today I am grateful that Caleb was feeling better.  I am grateful to have seen Josh and Isaac for a few moments.  Surprise of the day was to hear Isaac READ the first page of his new book!  He's just in pre-K so this was a very pleasant surprise indeed.

Lastly, Katie was given time off an hour early tonight so we were able to finish up our day and have Shabat on time this evening.  Lovely!

Diary of a Homemaker: Thankful Every Day


Saturday:  I woke after 12 hours of sleep this morning and felt so much better.  I'd followed Lana's advice of using the Lavender Oil on the soles of my feet, took myself off to bed and went right to sleep and there I stayed all night long.  I felt 90% improved this morning and felt better as the day went on until late afternoon when I started to flag.  I plan to continue to take it easy these two days I have off and hopefully will be right back to my usual healthy self Monday morning.

How To Survive The Current Season

I can't help but notice that of late there are a great number of headlines.  They are everywhere.  I don't watch news programs but I see and hear a few news items that slip through on search engines or ads on the side of a blog.  Equally as bad are Instagram post headers, vlog episode titles and blogger post headings.  I do realize that some are more interested in getting a view and so their headlines are meant to be clickbait, a lure to draw you in.   I say they are fear mongering.

I admit that after the past two years  we have good reason to be watchful at stores for outages.  Lana and I both noted fewer trains coming through our communities.  I don't live near a seaport as Lana does but I do live near a major portion of railroad line and multiple trains daily travel that line.   In winter especially, though I live 3 miles out of town, I can easily hear the train whistles.  I've heard far fewer of late than I normally have been hearing.  This tells me that shipping has slowed down.

In My Home This Week: Get Ahead

So often when watching English decor programs or YouTubes, etc. I see these narrow little rooms, often referred to as 'box rooms' and wonder, "How on earth do you call this a bedroom?!"  Well this room kind of answers that question and in a lovely way I think.  It's a design plan for a room that I believe was made about turn of the century.  Not how long and narrow it is.  It's meant to be a bed sitting room and I think it's made the most clever use of the space.

Let's start all the way at the window end.   Note the table in front of the window with the vanity mirror set upon it.  I think that table could double as a desk for the room as well.  To the right of that window is a doorway.  And then beyond the door is a wall hung bookshelf above a small chest of drawers.

Coffee Notes: November Is My Favorite


Hello all,

November is my favorite month.  In Georgia, it's when we get our first tastes of really cooler weather and the month when frosts comes and leaves begin to change color.  Oh there are a few cooler nights in September and more in October, but it's more consistent in November.  A few leaves will jump the gun and change with the blooming of the golden rod but it is after the golden rod is mostly done and only a few fresh stems remain that the frost begins the annual color change in our area.  This week we had our first frosts and now we've got the most lovely colors all about us.  

Diary of a Homemaker: Glorious November

Nov.6, 2021:  Last night just before we had Shabat, I stood at the windows and admired the most glorious and colorful sunset.  It had been a grey and dreary looking day with no sunshine and was plenty cold but the day ended with a warming sunset determined to chase away dreary clouds and color the world.  It was just beautiful and well worth taking the extra time to stand and watch it intensify and then fade before we officially ended our day and week with candle lighting.

This morning we slept in until nearly 9am.  It was mighty good sleep, too. 

In My Home This Week: Start With a Bang!

In my home this week:  I have no room photo to share this week because I am behind.   It is late and we've had two very full days.

Yesterday began slow and relaxed.  I received my new book for the current Bible Study at church and found the introduction video and a zoom class held by another church a year ago on the first chapter.  My morning was spent sipping coffee and enjoying the start of the new study.  I am currently working on Finding I Am by Lisa TerKuesrt.  (This link is an Amazon Affiliate link.  It will open in a new tab.  I receive a small commission from Amazon on qualifying orders that is in no way reflected in cost to you. You can do any shopping through this link.  You do not just have to buy this item to help me make a small amount of money.)  

Diary of a Homemaker: Only The Best


Saturday:  Not every day is perfect.  In fact, if you scratch the surface of most days there will be an upset, a hastily spoken word, a neglectful or thoughtless moment.  It might color the entire day.  It does, at the very least, tarnish a perfectly beautiful and blessed day otherwise.

I'm learning still, to navigate around these moments and not worry them to death while I examine them over and over again.  It's a difficult lesson, one I've needed to learn for quite a long while, but I'm trying my best to take each day as it comes, leave those single moments behind me and dwell long and hard upon the loveliest parts of the day. 

November Goals and Plans


I reviewed my October goals the other day and I was ambitious in many ways.  There wasn't nearly enough time to do many of the tasks I'd listed.  It rained often enough that buying mulch was completely out of the question.   Well one way or another, I didn't get a thing done on the October list.  Period.  And here I'd thought I was being so moderate in my goals!

Well here we are about to enter November and there are things I simply MUST do this month.  I must finish Christmas shopping for one thing.  I have four more gifts to buy that require thought.  I have two or three more that I can fill in with various things I can find most anywhere.  But yes, Christmas shopping is priority.

Journal of a Slow Week: Stopping Point