November Goals and Plans


I reviewed my October goals the other day and I was ambitious in many ways.  There wasn't nearly enough time to do many of the tasks I'd listed.  It rained often enough that buying mulch was completely out of the question.   Well one way or another, I didn't get a thing done on the October list.  Period.  And here I'd thought I was being so moderate in my goals!

Well here we are about to enter November and there are things I simply MUST do this month.  I must finish Christmas shopping for one thing.  I have four more gifts to buy that require thought.  I have two or three more that I can fill in with various things I can find most anywhere.  But yes, Christmas shopping is priority.

There are other holiday related tasks I'd like to get done but it's hard to think of Christmas when we're here at the very end of October and haven't yet thought of Thanksgiving.  To be honest, I'm not really ready to think of Christmas except where gifts are concerned.  I want to think of those just not the holiday meals etc.

So what other goals shall I have for November?

Remember the Pantry/Freezer challenge I was going to do last month?  I didn't do it.  No indeed I did not.  In light of the notices from the two main stores where we shop about shortages, outages, no rainchecks, etc., John and I discussed going to the grocery on a weekly basis from here on.  We'd been doing one big shop at Aldi each month.  Today Katie went in to pick up things on special while she was doing her shopping.  Well she tried to pick up what I wanted.  There were more substitutions of things that I likely would have skipped but she tried to make good, though I did assure her from the start that if something weren't available to just skip it entirely.  I deeply appreciate her picking up what she did and will, as John said to me later, 'put them to good use'.   But yes, I plan to shop weekly and will make sure to keep a running list of things we are low or out of so that I am assured of getting them as I see them in stock.      As I explained it to John, it is easier for me to substitute or think on my feet when I have a week's worth of substitutions to make, and a whole lot harder to think of a full month's worth.  

I raised my grocery budget prior to July and in August decided to cut back to my former grocery budget amount.  I'll stick with that for a little bit yet until things are a bit more on an even keel.

One more grocery goal and then I'll move off the subject entirely.  I want to purchase what I can towards holiday meals a little each week.  I have no clue at present who might or might not be here for Thanksgiving, but I'll try to get a reasonable amount for the gathering.  I can always add sides or desserts  as needed if I find myself with more guests or decrease it all if there are less.

I must get my plants ready to come indoors or to protect them as there is frost expected this week!  I've made cuttings of the coleus and while I'd like to save them I do not have nearly enough room to keep all the plants.  As it is, I now have 8 Kolanchoa.  Where I shall put them is beyond me...

November wardrobe set up will go on this week.   Truthfully at present I have little use for a whole lot of outfits but we do still attend church and now and then we have a free weekend where we go out to church or for a date.  So I'll try to set up 6-8 outfits for the month.

While I'm setting up the wardrobe for the month, go over my pieces and look to see what needs to be replaced.  Noted today that  pants I've worn often and often over the past three years are looking worn and need to be replaced.  Ditto for a much loved shirt.  I realized it's high time to retire some pieces and replace them but need a list in order to buy a few things at a time.

Look for a couple of pairs of shoes, specifically to wear through the colder months. 

Caleb's birthday party will be held here.  We are only opening the house for guests to come enjoy his party but nevertheless it will make for a busy-ish weekend for us.  We don't have to provide food but obviously there will be setting up and taking down to help with.  We have a meeting to attend that evening, the next day we'll likely have visitors.  I'm pushing to NOT baby sit that weekend...

Make apple scrap vinegar.

Make apple jelly.

Thanksgiving Day basic menu should be worked up early this month so I can be assured of having what I require on hand.  Pretty sure I have a few ingredients already and I will set those aside in one place marked as Thanksgiving Day provisions.

Get outdoor areas, faucets and pumphouse winter ready.  This will truly be mostly John but I do need to prod him and might have to help with a few things.

 I've mentioned before that we're about to hit a heavy sub account (or sinking funds) drainage spell.  In fact, I got all the tax notices this past week, the house insurance for this place is up for renewal right now and we have several more items coming up in the next three months.  It's making me very nervous to 'lose' those funds but paying these particular bills is what they were set aside for.  Still it make me want to be extra especially careful about how and where I'm spending.

Focus on gratitude and the abundance of what we have, not on lack. This truly must encompass ALL areas of my life.  I can be Debbie Downer in a heartbeat if I start to believe the outlook is grim.  I can do much to refocus when I am prone to worry or be anxious that will help alleviate those feelings.  

Do make up, hair, nails, moisturize daily.  I need to take care of me.  It's not just hair and makeup that makes me feel better but it does help as I've discovered over the past two months.  

I plan to get outdoors in the sunshine every day for some small portion of the day.  Remember last year when it got cold and we made it a habit to go outdoors and sit in the sunlight each afternoon.  There are so many benefits to be derived from sunlight alone.  

I need to be more mindful of my diet.  I didn't put on weight in 2019 when the world closed down.  No, I put on weight this year when I started to 'eat my feelings' as things went more and more wrong from the end of 2020 through the past few months.  I need to nudge my diet and lose these added pounds I've put on.  It's the difference between pants that fit comfortably and pants that are snug so not a great amount of weight needed.  I need to make better choices when I do feel I need a snack.  I need to watch portions.  

I need to be more careful of what I put into my head and the state of my heart.  

I need to focus on body, mind, heart and soul.  The truth is, I tend to be so focused on doing things for others that I forgo what I know I need in order to feel I am healthy and cared for.  It's not that I'm so very selfless, but I do tend to lean too hard in one direction and I always have done.  I need balance and I need to promote my own self-care as much as I need to care for others' needs.

Do my annual review and plan for the coming year.

One day at a time.  Matthew 6:34  So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Here's where I'll leave off.  It's less project oriented this time around, but that's the seasonal rhythm isn't it?  


When we came through our small town this evening we saw lots of folks geared up for trick or treating or for Trunker Treats which seems to be a 'thing' these days.  The churches were setting up in the parking lot.  My own family were joining forces and going to the dragstrip where folks were set up out there.   I'm told it was a nice set up and that the children made out like bandits.

Wanna see some cuties?

Josh is Astronaut Steve from Minecraft.  I'm being educated on Minecraft by him and I have NO clue but there you are.  Millie is Minnie Mouse and she has a tiny black heart on the end of her perfect little nose.   And I think I was told that Isaac was Astronaut 'E' but I dunno know.  It's a cool costume though I think and I liked it.   But seriously...It's a hard choice between the three.

Captain America came by to see us.   This costume was worn by Isaac at the same age.  I told Katie that Isaac's shoulders then were so broad that he really bulked up the costume.  Caleb was cute as could be and getting a bit wild. He was on his way to see a family friend, his dad and do another trunk or treat with his mama.

 His Mama was dressed up, too.  She did her own makeup and she looked scary but she said not one kid was in the least wary of her...Just goes to show.  I did ask what happened to the little girl who wept and was angry with me because I made her an 'ugly' witch instead of a pretty one?  lol

Taylor's with her dad and was going out with her cousin.  Isn't she just lovely?  I adore that pose!


Lana said...

We are doing Aldi about every ten days and finding most everything on our list but we do not shop on the weekends because they are out of everything then. We seriously need to give stocking up a rest for a few weeks now since we are packed with groceries everywhere we can store them.

Anne said...

Love the pics of the grandkids. Wish you had included Katie. :D

You might be very interested in a book I just finished called "Mother Hunger."

Liz from New York said...

What a bunch of cuties! I’ve challenged myself to do a ‘No Spend November’. Seriously! Not buying anything, except groceries, gas for the cars, house bills, etc. No fast food stops, online purchases, haircuts. I’m focusing, shames you on what I do have, not what I don’t. The truth is, I could go for quite awhile without ‘needing quite a few things. Going to focus on a real clutter purge, and deep cleaning. Walks down at the beach even though it’s gets so cold. Anything that doesn’t involve spending money lol!

Donna said...

The kids are adorable! I bet they all had a big time.

This is getting to be a busy time of year for most folks. Our holiday time is very low key and simple. There are still gardens to put to bed and pots and garden ornaments to be put away. Rain barrels need to be emptied and stored. And of course, some deep cleaning should be done.

Why do all these big bills come due right at the holiday time? Property taxes and home owners insurance come due in November so there will be some belt tightening. If I can manage to pay both installments in the spring, that would help.

Our youngest daughter went with us to the new Costco down the road. It opened on Friday and we went Sunday morning and by the time we checked out about 11:00 a.m. it was getting busy. They were well-stocked, which is the same situation we have found at the other two locations we have been in during the last couple of years.

You are so right about taking care of ourselves. Just being in the sunshine, even for a few minutes, sure brightens my soul. Balance is the perfect word.

Sue said...

Your grandchildren are absolutely adorable!
I hear you about making hair, nails, and moisturizing a daily effort. I also need to take better care of me. I make everyone else in my home a priority every day, like I'm the Fairy Godmother on call. I need to be my own Fairy Godmother!

Tammy said...

Ah, eating your feelings. That's a something we've said a few times this past week. You remember Barb from CHL? My co-worker/friend for the past 30 years. She passed away last weekend and her funeral was yesterday. I let myself eat my feelings of grief all week long. It's better now that there's been the closure of the funeral, but I will miss her terribly.

Your costumed kids were cute! My grands were here for a snacky supper, then Jess took them to the town where most of their classmates live and the boys trick or treated with their friends while she walked Layla around. A change in our tradition, but those are bound to happen. I'm learning to roll with the changes.

terricheney said...

Lana, I shopped today at Aldi and had no trouble finding anything. There were smaller amounts of somethings but no limits had been put on them. People just seemed to automatically be cutting back there wants to an appropriate amount if they saw that there were say only three cases of whole kernel corn or five flats of beans.

Anne, I looked the book up and I think it might be something I would need to read. I've put it on my list of books to get. Thank you for thinking of me.

Liz, I'm too intent on shopping for Christmas to take a No Spend Challenge at present. Perhaps in December and definitely for sure in January!

Donna, I asked the same thing of John a couple years ago and he reminded me that it was because taxes were due that Christ was born in Bethlehem, lol...Seriously, I don't know but that's the way it falls. House insurance one, taxes on two properties with the town house having both city and county taxes, house insurance two, car insurance and then tags. Boom, boom, boom boom boom!

Sue, you are so right. I too tend to care for others and see that their needs are met but I seldom remember to take care of me. I'm working at (and it is WORK) remembering to balance taking care of others with taking care of ME.

Tammy, I do remember Barb well. In fact, I'd thought of her several times over the past three weeks. I am so sorry to hear that she passed away. I can imagine the loss you feel.
Yes, the kids are growing up and not doing the same things as they did when younger. It's funny how often our traditions end changing isn't it? It's a wonder we call it 'tradition'...but the lovely thing is that it's flexible and alters over time as needed and we feel it's still tradition.

Journal of My Week: Winter Again