Advent Week 4: Hope Is Born


There are stages in our waiting season.  The moment when we rest.  The moment when we begin to prepare.  The moment when we begin to look beyond ourselves and love one another.  And then, when we have become comfortable in our waiting season, and are thinking perhaps after all it's not such a bad spot to be, we find that anticipation comes.  We begin to prepare with fresh strengths. 


Perhaps the darkness at the start of this waiting season made us forget that there was such a thing, but upon examination, we realize that we are hopeful.

Hope In God

There is no visible sign, nothing to assure us that the moment of passage is near, but we sense it all the same.  We look into the sky, seeking the guiding star.  We watch the rhythm of the days from sunrise to night fall and something in that daily ordinary occurrence reassures us.  We listen more carefully than ever to hear the faintest whispers from God. We are awaiting something with every cell of our being.  Our spirit aches and pushes, laboring to move us forward.

We hope.

Hope is a lovely thing.  It's new life blooming in the midst of a difficult place.  It's a feeling of confidence that this too shall pass, and we shall come through.   We are sure of an outcome, a moment ahead when the door will open, and we will step through into the next realm.  


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautifully said Terri. That is exactly how I am feeling at this moment in time...waiting to "step into the next realm". My hope and optimism for the future is huge, that said, we may need to go through a bit more of a difficult season before we get there, but get there we will! His promises never fail.
Much Love,

Journal of My Week: Winter Again