The Homemaker Plans Her Week: May!


In my home this week, I am ready to tackle a new month.  Are you?  Even while I was busy puttering around my home on Friday, I couldn't help but feel a little excitement at the prospect of a new month ahead and started planning what I hope to accomplish in it.  The list is lengthy.  Some of it will be difficult, if not downright hard.  All of it might not be accomplished but I'll do the progress is progress method, meaning anything I can do towards a goal is something done towards the goal rather than ignoring it completely.

The roses are blooming and so lovely I could cry.  Two of the three Amaryllis are blooming.  I should put the other one in the ground and see if it will bloom next year, too.  Pineapple sage returned from last year.  I was so pleased to see it.  I even have a marigold that self-seeded last autumn coming up.  And the seeds I scatted from the touch me nots that went to seed popped up a few stalks already.

Over the Fence: One More for April


It's late afternoon.  Late to be stopping for a chat but you see, April ends this weekend and I really wanted to have one more chat before it was over. 

 I'm not really sure that I have much to say.  I'm in a period of writing something nearly every day just now and you'd think I'd have poured myself out and have nothing more but that's mostly been targeted pieces on specific subjects, and I want a chat.  Chats tend to be mostly random things that lead naturally one to another and somehow end up having something in common that reveals itself later on.

Diary of a Homemaker's Week: BANG!


Saturday:  We don't go to the Strawberry Festival every year, but we do enjoy going occasionally.  I'd mentioned to John I'd like to go this year more than once.  Each time, he'd remained quiet.  I was all too well aware that his not answering is an answer of sorts but this morning, I asked him one more time if he'd planned to go.  "No, not at all."   I knew Katie and the children were going, I knew Bess and the children were going, and I really wanted to go as well.  I told Katie I'd drive into town and call her when I got there, and we'd meet up.  

John was absolutely not having it.  He went and got dressed, grumbling the whole while. I explained to him that I am perfectly able to go into town on my own.  No, he wasn't going to let me go on my own. I told him he didn't have to go.  Oh yes, he did.   Finally, I said, amongst the grumbles, "You are a very dear man..." and he snapped hard, "But...?"  "There is no but.  I said you're a very dear man and I mean it."  I confess I bit my tongue hard at that point and I do mean hard.   The truth is he is also a very reasonable man for the most part and he knew full well what the 'but...' was that I might have added to that statement.  However, I sincerely was saying to him that he was a dear man and that was all I meant.  He left it at that, and we proceeded to go to the festival peaceably.  Why spoil a pleasant time if we could just get along by not saying unnecessary things?

Wednesday Ramblings: Big Mama's Rainbow


When I worked, I was known for wearing a scarf with any top or a button-down shirt with a brooch at the neck.  I collected several brooches from antique shops, and I loved them all.  But one I had owned for a long time.  It was and is still, very special.

I've often mentioned Big Mama, who was my great grandmother and Granny's Mama.   I've mentioned the river valley view as you're coming nearer my town.  That's such a special view to me and while the new road doesn't have quite the same spectacular perspective it's still pretty impressive when you come to the point in the road where you look out across the river valley over the tops of the trees and clean to the patchwork of fields of a tiny mill community some five or more miles away.   

Food Inflation: Ten Tips to Help A Tightening Budget

Last Wednesday, I looked over the USDA food cost chart and compared prices of February 2021 and February 2022.  I noted that while there was an increase in all levels of food cost (thrifty, low, moderate and luxury plans are available), the thrifty food plan had seen the highest increase, coming in at around 77% based on figures for a male and female in the 50-70 age group.   

In 2021, a family of four might have expected to pay about $604 a month on the thrifty food plan.  In 2022 it's estimated they paid $889. That's a 67% increase. (If I'm wrong someone who does math better than I do, let me know.)

The Homemaker Plans Her Week: Plan A/Plan B

In my home this week, I could easily make out a list a mile long and still not have everything I see that needs to be done on it.  I'm at the point where I just do what I can and then go on to the next thing.  The truth is, it's never all going to be done, there's always going to be something else that needs doing.  I've made up my mind to do what I can and what I can't I'll help brainstorm what can be done about it but I won't knock myself out trying to do it all by myself.

We went to the local Strawberry Festival today.  We had to park at Katie's and walk the five blocks into town.  That didn't include walking at the Festival.  Nor the walk back.  Thankfully Katie called to say she'd come pick me up and take me back to her house to get our car.  

Diary of a Homemaker's Week: Working Hard


Saturday:  Woke early, hearing the first pings of rain on the bathroom vent cover.  I prayed about the weather clearing, thinking of the 35,000-egg hunt at church, prayed for a few others and naturally drifted back off to sleep.  At that point I dreamed a very vivid dream of a friend who was very close to me at one time and from whom I've seen or heard little.  I woke as we parted in the dream...

I read Grace Livingston Hill's Blue Ruin <<Amazon Affiliate Link>> after reading the last Harry Potter book.  I felt I needed something less intense.  Honestly?  This is not one of my favorites.  There's a lot of hateful characters and far too little of the good ones.  Plenty of sermons and such given but no, I shall not keep this one.  I kept waiting for the hateful characters to become better folks and they didn't.   I'm going to put this book in the Don't Keep pile.  

Wednesday Rambling: A Strange Proposal


I've shared a good bit about how we met and even what a disappointing thing our wedding ended up being, but I don't think I've ever shared how John proposed to me.  

John is a romantic sort of man.  He was the one who knew which song was 'our song' (I still haven't a clue), and he reminds me constantly of some moment I've forgotten all about.   Before I met John, I'd have told anyone I was the romantic one, but somehow, I've ended up being the more practical.  And that's why his proposal seemed so strange.

Spring Wardrobe/Part 1

I snickered as I wrote the title.  Spring wardrobe indeed.  At present it's probably also going to also be my summer wardrobe and some of these pieces you'll also see in fall or winter.

Even though I keep pieces a long time, I do try to keep them fresh in some manner either by changing up accessories or alternating what I wear the tops with.  As I've shared, I think I'm finished with Stitch Fix, at least for a time.  It was nice to have some fresh pieces and to see how someone else might pair things or style me, but I've missed shopping for myself.  I think now I'll be a little more open to paying more for pieces and less prone to just settle for whatever is on sale and then attempt to fit it into the wardrobe.  

The Homemaker Plans Her Week: Getting My Head Back in the Game


In my home this week, I'm going to work on my focus and be mindful of my overall purpose.  The truth is, I've been all over the place. I know what needs to be done but do anything else but those things that really ought to be priority.  I'm supposed to be working in this or that zone, but I focus everywhere else.  I know what my financial goals are but I'm off track.  I know what I want with my family life and my date life with John but where am I?  Nowhere near where I want to be! It is time to get my head back in the game!  

Diary of a Homemaker's Week: Begin Somewhere


Saturday:  I've been fighting off anxiety for a week now.  Panic will suddenly rear up and I can't breathe and then it subsides just enough to make me feel that something truly awful has happened.  Nothing has but that's the way it's been, and it's gone on for a week now.   I hope as the Niacinamide builds in my system once more that it will begin to abate. 

I think part of it is barometric pressure which has been everywhere, up and down, and no rhyme or reason to it, but another bit of it?  John's back on his jag of listening to news and political commentary.  Yes, he does stop and put on a sermon, or a symphony performance or something that is soothing and innocuous.  He's being very balanced.  

Leftover Makeover: Western Chicken and Rice Casserole


This past week I had a few leftovers from Sunday dinner, namely cooked, instant brown rice (why does that always seem a little more than al dente?  Is all dehydrated rice that way?) and some of the fried chicken.   As you all know I don't like to reheat fried chicken a second time. I had a thigh and a whole breast half leftover.

Wednesday Rambling: Easter Memories


I've been listening to people discuss Easter for the last couple of weeks now.  I've been astonished at the toy sales going on.  I've looked in vain for the Easter outfits.  I've been amazed at the count of eggs being used in egg hunts.  

I miss the Easter of my childhood.

What Would You Do? Small Town Grocery/ Budget Meals


On my way over to the county seat last week, I thought of what I meant to do when I arrived: banking, post mail and buy stamps (forgot that entirely!), run into Dollar General.  As I exited the bank, I noted that the Dollar General parking lot was packed to the max.  No idea why they were so very busy, but it put me off wanting to go into that store entirely.  Instead, I decided to go to Piggly Wiggly.  

I wondered once again how anyone in that town, who might have no other choice, could manage to buy groceries on a very tight budget.  It's been my experience that some people are too proud to apply for SNAP benefits.  Suppose for reasons beyond their control they didn't qualify anyway, but rubber has met road and they must cut back hard.  Suppose they have no reliable vehicle to take them longer distances to larger towns?  There are all sorts of scenarios that one might find in a small rural town.  And so there they are with three stores to choose from wondering how to stretch their grocery dollar, keep their tummy filled and get by until situations improve.

The Homemaker Plans Her Week: Where Do We Go From Here?


In my home this week, I've just finished a cup of coffee and finished the last Harry Potter book which I found extremely intense and absorbing.  I'm glad I'm done with it because it was a very long book and though I read steadily it took me a goodly portion of three days to get it all read.  

I'm late.  Not because of the reading frenzy.  Katie called on Friday evening sounding the worse for wear.  The stomach virus had hit her that afternoon.  "Can you get Taylor?  And can she spend the night with you?"  It's been forever, or so it seems since we last saw that girl and I was happy to be asked. I checked with John, Katie checked with Taylor's dad, everyone was in agreement with the plan.  John and I felt sure that Katie would be better before the weekend was over but having experienced that nasty virus firsthand, I urged her to take care and stay away until she was sure she felt better.  

Diary of a Homemaker's Week: Let's Get Back To Basics


Friday:  I'd been awake off and on since daylight but when my phone rang this morning I got up.  It was 7:23 and the call was over before I picked up the phone.  I called back, since it was Sam calling, but there was no answer.  I figured, rightly it turned out, that it was a back pocket dial.  Saw Sam on our way into the road this afternoon when we came home.  He confirmed my opinion.

John and I had a date day.  Of course, he's still in pain and I steeled myself to hear him say that he didn't feel like going as planned. But he's stubborn when he wants to be and he pushed through.  He used the cane I'd bought for him weeks ago, and told me a bit later that it did help.  He's not happy about using it but as I pointed out he's not committing to using it forever, just for this bit of time.  He nodded at that and took it with him when we got out the second time.

Over the Fence: Greening

Hello dears.  Isn't the sunshine lovely?   Two days of heavy clouds and loads of rain, thunder, lightning and in some areas heavy winds have done their work.  Tender green buds have appeared and turned into leaves on our lovely Faith tree and even upon the pecan tree.  The world outside my kitchen sitting room windows this morning was blue and green.  Green grass, green trees, blue sparkling puddles reflecting sun and sky on the ground and overhead the most brilliant blue skies.   

The wind picked up about 10am and has lowered the temperatures.   Yesterday it was 89F and tomorrow it's meant to be barely 60F.  I think Spring is here! 

Wednesday Rambling: A Few New Favorite Things


I haven't done one of these posts since the end of 2020, I think.   I guess that's partly because I haven't bought just loads of things, but I have gotten a few. 

The below purchases were gotten from Amazon and each item has its own link.  I earn a tiny commission from Amazon if you use my link to go to the site and make a purchase of any item of your choosing.  It does not affect your costs to you.  

I bought these Wilton bread pans after seeing many vloggers using them.  I had a loaf pan but John disliked the size of my bread loaves.  They were smaller than the bread pan in the bread machine but he wanted a 'store bought' sized loaf.  Well that's what this pan gives.

What Can I Substitute for That? Part 1

In the current days, it's not uncommon to walk into a grocery store and find that shelves are bare of basic foodstuffs...BTW, not noticing a short supply of chips and candy (not including chocolate because that has increased) are you?   Me either.  I find that as interesting as I do the shortages of 'real' foods. But cream cheese, chicken, sausage (in my own area we've just gone through a two- or three-month spell with NO sausage available, not just turkey, but pork as well), aside there are things we can do at home for items we may have run out of or can't find at the grocery, or we simply don't typically keep on hand.

Someone before us has done the wonderful work of figuring out how to do without those things and manage well enough until they were available at some point in the future.  Some of these substitutes come from the depression and world war rationing days.  Other are modern inventions by those who prefer to remain egg and animal product free.  They all work to a degree.  I thought I'd share with you a few of the substitutions you might keep on hand to use in those instances.

In My Home This Week: Reset

She (the housekeeper) shall keep a clear record of all expenses, what is paid to tradesmen, what is bought on credit and comparison of those bills to the credit given.   An intelligent housekeeper will by these means be able to best judge the average consumption of each article by the household; and if that quantity at any time is exceeded, to determine the cause and the matter rectified, whether it's waste or carelessness. ~Mrs. Beeton's Book of Household Management <<Amazon Associate link>>

In my home this week, I started thinking about April on the last day of March.  A little late by any standard but I knew my actual work for the month wouldn't begin until the weekend was over, so I felt safe waiting to plan a new month until then.   There was so much I thought I didn't get done last month that I did and other things I thought would be easily done, weren't, some of which have been on my list for months on end.   I can look back over March and see progress even if it wasn't the progress I'd planned.    Progress is progress. 

Diary of a Homemaker's Week: March Away!

Friday:  Meals:  Waffles, Sausage

Chili Mac, Apples

Hot Dogs, Fries, Oranges

Saturday:  Thankful for the rest I got last night.  The children from across the field arrived about 10:30am.  I didn't ask when the parents would return today.  I didn't care.  I'd said I'd keep them weeks ago.  I can plan for dates.  I don't get to plan for sick children.  That's the way it ought to be.

The children played and enjoyed themselves with the toys.  Millie and the boys also had their Kindles.  At one point, I was in my chair with my feet on the ottoman, Isaac brought a pillow and crawled up on the ottoman, put the pillow on my stomach and made himself a lounging spot, Millie crawled over the arm and we three snuggled and read/watched videos for a good couple of hours.  It was so nice.

March 25: Purposeful