What Would You Do? Small Town Grocery/ Budget Meals


On my way over to the county seat last week, I thought of what I meant to do when I arrived: banking, post mail and buy stamps (forgot that entirely!), run into Dollar General.  As I exited the bank, I noted that the Dollar General parking lot was packed to the max.  No idea why they were so very busy, but it put me off wanting to go into that store entirely.  Instead, I decided to go to Piggly Wiggly.  

I wondered once again how anyone in that town, who might have no other choice, could manage to buy groceries on a very tight budget.  It's been my experience that some people are too proud to apply for SNAP benefits.  Suppose for reasons beyond their control they didn't qualify anyway, but rubber has met road and they must cut back hard.  Suppose they have no reliable vehicle to take them longer distances to larger towns?  There are all sorts of scenarios that one might find in a small rural town.  And so there they are with three stores to choose from wondering how to stretch their grocery dollar, keep their tummy filled and get by until situations improve.

Small town groceries tend to be higher than bigger town stores. They stock less, have fewer brands both name and generic.  This particular small town is in the middle of nowhere and any competitive marketing is 30-50 miles away.  Not a long distance for most but if you haven't a car, you're at the mercy of family and friends who are willing to take you along when they do their own shopping.

Why does this concern me so?  Because for a time during my single parenting years, my car sat in a repair shop for months.  There was a grocery store one block from my home and that was it.  My neighbor happened to work at the nursing home with me.  She took me to work and very kindly returned to pick me up.  She would run me by the grocery if I desperately needed something, but I was very conscious of the kindness she was doing me and didn't want to take advantage of her.  A bigger grocery shop had to wait until Granny or Mama could visit on a weekend.

So, there I sat today wondering how one manages on a budget in a small town with three stores to choose from.  In this town there is a Piggly Wiggly and Family Dollar (they share a parking lot) and across the street is Dollar General.  

I decided to do an experiment and shop at each of the stores.  I gave myself a budget of $20 for Piggly Wiggly.  I had a $10 budget for Family Dollar. I didn't shop at Dollar General today due to the heavy traffic there, but I will be doing a series of these posts and share what I bought for $10 or $20 at a variety of stores in the future, including Dollar General.

I started in the produce department at Piggly Wiggly.  I was dismayed at the prices to be frank.  High!  Cabbage was 79c/pound, bananas as much.  Potatoes were 69c a pound for a ten-pound bag or for just 48c a pound if I could buy 5 pounds.  Cauliflower was $6.69 a head, iceberg lettuce $3.79 a head, 4-pound bag of oranges $8 and a 3-pound bag of apples $6.99.  I did note that you could buy 2 oranges for $1 and if I had chosen to do that, I'd have weighed oranges and bought the heaviest two in the lot of the loose ones!  Celery was $2.29 a bunch, and bell peppers were like $3.99 each. Baby carrots were $1 a pound but they had none.  A 3-pound bag of onions was $8 but now that I'm home with the sales paper I picked up I see that yellow onions were $2.99 for 3 pounds.  Sweet potatoes sold loose were $1.09/pound.   Can't help but mention here that at the higher end grocery sweet potatoes are just 69c a pound this week.  Just an example of how small-town shopping is higher than larger town shopping. 

I picked up the very smallest cabbage I could find, a loose onion ($1.69/pound) and a large, sweet potato.  Exit produce.  I looked at mayonnaise and pickle relish and decided the very best bet was to just cook the cabbage and forget about making slaw, my first instinct.

I went around to the vegetable aisle and found all canned vegetables to be $1.69/15 ounce can or higher including the generic brands.  Fruits were $2.29-$2.69 a can.  Pineapple was $1.89, an increase of 30c since I was last in the store 3 or 4 months ago.  That seemed a good choice, so I bought it.

Pasta was $1.25/pound for generic brands, but spaghettis weren't included. Spaghetti was $1.79 a pound.  Elbow and spaghetti, penne, etc. were $2.29/pound for name brand.  Whole Grain spaghetti, the only whole grain option, was $2.59/pound.   Canned spaghetti sauce was $1.25.  I recalled that the ad for the discount store in the town to the east of my hometown had it listed for 84c for the same brand and size can.  1 pound of brown rice was 79c which I thought was a good price.  Looking over the dried beans I found they had a good variety and they ranged in price, depending on the sort you wanted from $1.49 to $1.79.  Not by any means exorbitant and certainly affordable.  They had a really good variety.  I chose 1 pound of red kidney beans/$1.69.

I looked at tomatoes and tomato sauce.  At first, I saw only the name brands and they were as much as any of the vegetables but after looking high and low I found a generic tomato sauce, 15 ounces/$1.19 and the same sized can of generic diced tomatoes for 99c.  Both were well hidden by a hanging display of something or other, one of those clip-on sorts of things.

I looked at flour.  I felt it was higher than I wanted to pay at $3.59/5 pounds, although they had a 25-pound bag of self-rising for $19.99.  Not an ideal for making bread, but something I'd have considered if I had more money to budget for this challenge.  I checked for corn muffin mixes and found one for 69c.  It calls for an egg and 1/3 cup of milk.  I had that at home and didn't see any point in buying those at this store even for the purpose of this challenge.   No one is going to sell a single egg.  I only have about 1 cup of milk at home.  If I were truly working from a hard budget, I'd certainly make use of what I had at home!  I'm not starting from scratch here, just working with a limited budget.  I'm counting on using my own seasonings at home.

I went to the meat aisle.  I looked high and low.  I might have bought a one-pound container of chicken livers for $2.69.  Personally, I like them, and I have cooked them in a variety of ways.  I will probably purchase them in the future, but since I was technically planning to feed two adults (my household) I felt I had to account for John's taste.  He is not going to eat chicken livers!

But just for the sake of letting you know how I'd make them:  I'd fry half and for a second meal I'd sauté the rest in a bit of oil with onions and then make a creamy gravy (using the last of my milk, some water and a bit of flour to make the gravy).  

Since we don't eat pork, I didn't look there at all. I went over the beef counter and most prices were beyond my budget for today.  They had a sale on ground beef but only in huge family packs.  I ended up with a package of chicken tenderloins, a wee bit over 1 pound, $3.59.

Chicken Tenders   $3.59

Pineapple tidbits $1.89

Corn Muffin Mix .69

Tomato Sauce $1.19

Diced Tomatoes .99

Cabbage $1.60

Sweet potato $1.46

Onion $1.27

1-pound brown rice .79

1-pound red kidney beans $1.69

My total for Piggly Wiggly: $15.16

My meal plans with these things in my cart were as follows: 

#1Oven Fried Chicken Tenders, Steamed Cabbage and Sweet Potato oven Fries.    I would use half the cabbage; I'd save back some of the tenders (I'm thinking I can save back 2 tenders each.  I think I counted 8 in the package) and a small portion of the sweet potato.  I don't think we need to eat a bit over a pound in sweet potato fries!  Potatoes are nice to have because you can use every bit of them.

#2, #3 Chili (Kidney beans, onion, tomatoes and sauce, chili powder (from home), over rice with corn muffins.    I'd use half the packet of beans.  Once the beans were cooked through, I'd season with chili powder and salt.  I'd add half of the onion and the can of tomatoes.  I'd rinse the tomato can with water and add that extra liquid into the chili. I'd probably cook half the package of rice which would net me three cups.  This would serve us at least two meals with corn muffins and possibly leave us with a bit of chili and rice over.  

#4 At this point I'd seriously consider mixing the last of the chili with some of the chopped baked sweet potato, just for a change of pace and as an extender and serve that over rice, too.

I'm not upset at the idea of four meals for $15.  That works out to about $3.75 a meal with leftovers of rice, beans, tomato sauce and pineapple.

Let's see what I might do with that after I shop at Family Dollar.

In Family Dollar, looking about took little time.  It was a much smaller food section with a lot fewer choices.  Their prices were more than competitive with the market next door.  You'd be wise to make sure to shop at BOTH stores if you were already shopping at the grocery next door!  

However, over half the freezer and fridge section at Family Dollar was out of order.  There was little in the freezer section.  I'd be curious to know how it looks when it's repaired and restocked.  Milk (which I failed to note prices on), mozzarella or Swiss cheese were all I saw in the fridge section.  I did note one package of frozen beef patties but no clue how much they were.  Prices in that area were obviously also not being kept up.  Mostly bare shelves in that whole section to be honest.   I was hoping they'd have a heavier freezer and refrigerated selection, like Dollar General.  Not so.

I looked at pasta and seasoned pasta sauce with meat for $1 each, I got one of each.  Corn, Peas, Green Beans, all name brand, were 80c each.  I looked for rising agents like baking powder and yeast.  I remembered I had a 3-pack of yeast at home in the freezer. No pricing on the baking powder, and no yeast.   Flour, however, was well priced at $2.35/5 pounds.  I included one bag in this challenge, but I did purchase two.  

I examined the protein contents of the pasta sauce (1/2 cup serving, 1 gram of protein) and decided that wasn't enough protein to suit me, especially since I would have to eat white pasta, but 2 ounces of pasta would add 7 gm of protein as well (same protein count as whole grain by the way).  I looked for protein and my options were tuna (overpriced in my opinion at $1/5 ounces), canned chicken bologna, 11 ounces for $1.85, and 12 ounces of ham.  I nixed those and picked up a jar of dry Parm/Romano for $3.20 for the store brand. Romano has a lot of flavor compared to Parmesan by itself.  2 teaspoons per serving, 1 gram of protein there as well.  I wouldn't increase servings of this too much as this product tends to be higher in sodium.  Back to the fridge case to look at the price of the Mozzarella.  There were only packets of shredded.  The store brand, which closely resembled the name brand next to it, weighed 8 ounces and cost $2.65.  1/2 cup per serving nets 7 gm protein.

I bought:

5 pounds flour $2.35

Mozzarella, 8 ounces $2.65

Parm/Romano cheese $3.20

Hunt's Meat Spaghetti Sc. $1.00

16 oz. Spaghetti $1.00

16 ounces Del Monte Green Beans 80c

 total: $11

#5, #6 The only meal I'd make with this as it stands is Spaghetti with Sauce and some of the cheeses (recommended serving of Parm/Romano and 1/4 cup for each of us of the Mozzarella), Green Beans and probably a loaf of bread or breadsticks, made using the flour and water and yeast I have on hand.  I have a 3-pack in the freezer that's been there for the longest time now.   I'd be sure to save the liquid from the green beans.  That's goodness and it's full of vitamins and minerals same as the beans that were in the liquid.

There would be enough spaghetti sauce to serve us twice, even if I double the serving of pasta (about 1 cup cooked).  Note the protein count on this is now at about 20gms per serving.  That's a good amount of protein from a non-meat meal.

And ya'll...I'd go the extra step here and add a bit of water to the pan I cooked the sauce in and rinse it and save it right along with the green bean liquid.  If a budget is really tight, every bit of food/flavor you can get from what you've got is going to be counted!  Freeze that liquid.   I really ought to say here, if I chose to fry the chicken tenders, I'd probably rinse that pan and scrape up all those browned bits and save that liquid, too.  

 I'd have half a box of spaghetti leftover.  I'd still have 12 cups of flour left. I'd have about 1 1/2 cups mozzarella left.  

My total for meals from this store thus far is looking rather high.  This is coming in at $5.50 per meal and the second spaghetti dinner is not going to have green beans, though there should be bread to go with it.

Now I'd start mixing the leftovers from the two different stores...

#7, #8 With what I have on hand, (1 packet of yeast from the three I have here at home, water and 3 cups of flour), 8 ounces of the can of tomato sauce and the cheeses (likely all the Mozzarella, and perhaps 1/2 cup of the Parmesan/Romano) I could make 2 cheese pizzas.  That would be one to eat fresh and one to freeze and bake later in the week.  So, let's say two meals more with leftovers for lunch.

I could also make an extra loaf of bread or a dozen rolls with 3 more cups flour, water and the last yeast packet. This could go with the final meal very nicely.

#9 If the saved tenders looks particularly skimpy, I'd chop the chicken and mix everything together with more cooked spaghetti (probably 4 ounces).  I'd add in the last  8 ounces of tomato sauce and some of the Parm/Romano, to make a Parm Chicken Casserole.  I'd probably do a Salad of raw cabbage sliced up very finely and tossed with some of the pineapple juice and serve Pineapple on the side.  Add a little salt, pepper, maybe a smidge of mustard and some oil or a spoon of mayo and you've got a sort of dressing for your salad.

And here again, rinse those cans and save that liquid with the rest.  We're going to have a soup container in the freezer...

Now my totals, combining stuff from both stores looks a bit different.  We're coming in at $2.88 to serve two, or $1.44 per person.

At this point, I'd have half a bag of dry kidney beans, half a bag of rice, some bread, probably 6 cups of flour, 4 ounces of pasta, well over half a jar of Parm/Romano cheese, half an onion, the saved pan drippings, juice from the green beans and rinsed cans (freeze it!  It's good to add to soup), and quite possibly some cabbage if it looks like it's going to make too much salad. 

There is a lot of repetition here and I realize that.  Not much fun but if you're on a tight budget you're not going to get a load of variety in a small town for your funds.  I didn't even attempt to make breakfast foods, but with what I had left to spend, I might easily have added in two $1 boxes of grits (the grocery had these in a weird place tucked away from other foods and I happened to stumble on them), and we certainly could have toast from our loaf bread.  Again, I didn't price cheese or eggs or milk at the grocery because they are so very high there in that store, even without shortages, etc.  They had no eggs at Family Dollar. 

I feel I did as well as I might have on an almost $30 budget.  I came in under my planned spending because I figured higher on paper in Piggly Wiggly than it actually came up to and frankly I might have bought more.  Maybe the grits, perhaps a couple of can of evaporated milk at the dollar store, another can or two of vegetables.  That would push me ever so slightly over the $30 mark but not by more than $1.   If that were the case, I could make biscuits or muffins, since I have baking powder on hand,  as well as grits for breakfasts.  

I'd love to go to Dollar General and see how it compares with these two stores on the same items.  In my own small town our DG has fresh produce and a lengthy wall of fridge and freezer items that is fairly well stocked.  And maybe I'll do the same at other stores I normally might visit and see what $20 would purchase there and what I might make with those items.


Cheryl said...

The prices are way high in that grocery store. You would think they would be competitive so people wouldn't travel. There is a YouTube site called frugal fit mom. She use to do very frugal meal ideas using dollar tree products. I stopped watching after every video was a paid promotion and she certainly isn't doing frugal from what I've seen.

Lana said...

Cheryl, I agree with you about Frugal Fit Mom. Everything she does is just to keep a Youtube audience and her husband has even retired at age 40 because they are raking in so much.

The food deserts in our nation are real. Our daughter worked downtown as kind of a city ambassador standing on a street cornier directing people to parking and whatnot. She was shocked to find that many in the inner city can only buy food at the convenience stores. It has improved some there but still only one store to shop at besides the dollar stores which are horribly dirty and disorganized.

Terri you did well with the little money you had to spend. I think if your only choice was that sort of shopping you would get better and better at figuring out how to stretch a dollar but only if you had real cooking skills to begin with. Real cooking skills are being lost and when our SonIL was a pastor in the inner city he found that many renters did not have a stove or cookware not even mentioning not knowing how to cook things like dry beans or perhaps cook at all. That is the reason we see so many SNAP recipients buying a cart full of frozen meals. They do have a microwave and can heat things that are already cooked.

Friends of ours went through a real hard time some years back since her husband is a contractor and building was off for awhile. She said she tried to apply for SNAP but as a family whose only income was work for himself they could not come up with the documentation of monthly income because it varied every month. This needs to be corrected by our government because so many that have a real need cannot get the benefits.

Jenny said...

Your shopping experiment is interesting. If I understood correctly, you were trying to see if you could make enough meals from shopping today? not necessarily from your pantry? I meal plan from my pantry & shop to keep it topped off or by what's on sale so I'm not really buying what I need to eat this week beyond fresh produce & dairy.

I also think it's worth it to go ahead & buy family sized packages of meat then divide & freeze. I cook for two, my husband & myself & this is how I shop for meats.

I live rural & our nearest small town (5 miles from home) has a Dollar General & a Harp's grocery store. I shop them for convenience but try to stay stocked from Aldi & Walmart. I drive about 11 miles to shop those stores.

terricheney said...

Jenny, my purpose was to see how someone unable to go to lower priced shopping areas might make out in that particular town. There are many seniors who do not drive outside of their own small town. There are many young adults who are on SNAP who might not have a car, etc. During Covid, floods, winter storms, etc. we might not be able to reach other towns even if we did have a car. It's happened before when we had excessive rains that washed out roads and made crossing bridges dangerous. We were stuck with what we had nearby. In our case, pantry and freezer because there's a creek between us and town and a river between us and the next county town.

The town in question is the county seat for our county and it is 11 miles from the town I live near (one small grocery and another Dollar General, here). To reach an Aldi or any other store would mean a 30-50 mile trip for anyone living in that county seat.

My scenario was that I was on a super tight budget, so I couldn't buy the less expensive potatoes, nor the family pack of meat and these local stores were my ONLY options.

Personally, speaking we shop mostly at Aldi, usually but that is 40 miles one way. That is a larger base city and has many options other than Aldi like Save A Lot, Food Giant, Publix, Kroger, Food Lion and lots of international markets and likely more groceries I haven't names, plus Walmart, Dollar Tree, Dollar General, Family Dollar and more.

We keep a stocked pantry and freezer, but I do like to 'practice' different situations one might face. I have a series here on the blog about NOT having a pantry or freezer and how I managed a very tight budget and used the items I purchase to build a tiny pantry.

Cheryl, yes, the prices are very high at that grocery, which I knew from past experience with them. Occasionally I run in to see if they have markdowns or to pick up items that are really good sales, but mostly I find it's not worth my time to go into the Piggly Wiggly at all.

Lana, I agree with you and Cheryl that some of Frugal Fit mom's videos are not my idea of 'budget meals. For those I'm more likely to find See Mindy Mom. I do like the posts FFM does about Kroger markdowns. It's what's inspired me to get back to looking at Kroger sales ads and has benefitted me to scan for markdowns as well, something I used to do a lot of pre-Aldi.

Back in the day when John and I were living together, I applied for EBT/SNAP. Our combined incomes and total family members were very low and our grocery budget overall was about $40/week for 7 plus buying diapers, dog food and baby formula. I was told I qualified, but I'd have to say on the application that John and I cooked our meals separately. I refused to say that because it was a lie and the lady who was doing the application, folded the paper and said "Well okay. You're on your own then." The sad thing was our combined incomes and household still qualified but I didn't meet all their 'requirements' by not lying!

terricheney said...

Lana that last paragraph should say, our combined incomes were low and we had a family of 7 with a grocery budget of $40/week..

Donna said...

This is a very interesting post and the comments are also interesting. Growing up on a farm, my parents raised a lot of our food and my mom canned and froze produce. We lived seven miles from the county seat which had a Kroger, Standard Grocery and an A&P, plus several neighborhood markets, which my mom did not shop in. My dad gave my mom $5 to spend at the store which included non-food items such as detergent, dish soap, personal items. Folks without transportation are at a real disadvantage regarding grocery shopping. I would think they would not purchase much since they would have to schlep it home either walking or by bus. It's true that a lot of folks have no equipment to use for preparing meals and no idea how to do it. After she retired from teaching, my daughter's mother-in-law started teaching people (women mostly) how to take care of household chores, meal planning and preparation and parenting. This is in rural Kentucky so it's no just city people who lack skills. Years ago we ran the food pantry at the church we attended. Normally we did not deliver but one older lady said she had no transportation so we took bags to her home. She had adult grandchildren living with her and there was evidence of junk food, liters of soda and cigarettes. Some folks never learn how to manage their money or what they have. That is one of the major things that Alana's MIL was teaching to the people in her classes. I would say you are a very good manager when it comes to buying groceries and using up every bit possible. Good for you for not lying on the application, even though you definitely could have used a boost. I so enjoy your meal plans as it gives me new ideas.

Rhonda said...

The prices at the local store are a shocker, yikes!
I think your meals sound good.
Your post and the comments are both interesting.
I see stories on the news every so often about food deserts, it sure makes life hard!

Cheryl said...

Terri I live 20 minutes from a super Wal-Mart, Aldi, and local store giant eagle which I think is very expensive. You have quite the trek to shop.

terricheney said...

Donna and Cheryl, We had a garden, my grandparents kept cows which were sold and or slaughtered for our personal use. My dad was very particular about not eating venison. While my mother kept a pantry and we preserved food, I remember she spent upwards of $120 or more every other week in my growing years in addition to all the stored foods we had. I learned my frugal ways from my grandmother and Granny.
John and I have never had a proper garden. I've played about growing a few herbs and the random vegetable here and there but he's not at all interested.

In my small town, we have an IGA which has turned into a gambling den and Dollar General. Apparently people here mostly shop at the Dollar General if they need something immediately and go elsewhere for other shopping but even here we see people who walk to the store (sometimes from as far as two miles away) or who are wheelchair bound and drive those to the store!

The town to the north of us, 15 miles away has a Dollar General and no longer has a grocery. They must drive at least 20 miles to larger towns to shop.

To the east of us, is a small town with a university. There's a privately owned grocery (seems to be IGA but that name doesn't appear anywhere), a Super Dollar General (which means they have a much larger food section), and Food Depot (the discount grocery), Roses, CVS all of which sell some type of food.

Truth: I can better afford to buy sales at the larger town where we typically shop than I can at any of these smaller towns. I do intend to do more of this series and shop at various stores with a limited budget amount.

Rhonda, I was shocked at prices, but just today I noted similar prices at Kroger. I bought some wonderful sale items but a 3-pound bag of onions was $6.99 at Kroger. I thought that too high.

Rhonda said...

Yes Terri, $7/3 pounds of onions is awful!

I don’t shop at DG much but I should. Today I was on their App and looked at their ad and digital coupons and I saw several good deals. Canned veggies basic varieties are .50 this week

You know I’ve couponed lots and the DG app and coupons are super easy

Chef Owings said...

My kids do like the Amish do (two get groceries at convenience stores). They give their list to someone that is going to a cheaper store. Might cost them dessert or a loaf of bread.
We lost our Kroger's, Kmart went out years ago. Walmart and Save A Lot is all there is. Thankful that both try to keep stocked and prices down as this is a "poor" community that is land wealthy and cash poor aka FARMERS

terricheney said...

Rhonda, that is a great price on canned vegetables, comparable to what I used to pay at Aldi...I'll have to run into the local DG this week and see if they have any in stock. That's been the biggest issue with our hometown DG is that they seldom have things in stock.

Juls, We don't have Amish groceries here. There is a Mennonite store where you can purchase in bulk etc but it's 40 miles south in a rural area and not near any place else we might go.

March 26: It Was Time