Diary of a Homemaker's Week: Cool Down!


Before I begin this week's diary, I want to say thank you to two of you.  

Conni, I received your card and gift the day we were leaving for vacation.  Then I came home to find my email emptied of previously sent mails, so I don't have your last name.  I want to thank you for your generosity and tell you that we had a meal out courtesy of you.  It was lovely to know that a caring soul had provided that pleasure.  Thank you!  I am sorry I have been so remiss in thanking you.  I've gone to do it a dozen and a half times and then I'd forget or get distracted before I settled to do it.  Forgive me for that lapse.

Peggy S., I received your card just after we got back from vacation and then lost the envelope in a pile of stuff on my desk.  I found it last week and meant to send you a thank you note as well.  It was so dear of you to cheer me on!  The card is pinned to my bulletin board above my desk now.  Thank you!

For any of you who take time to send a card, they all go on the bulletin board above my desk.  I look up there at least once a day and think of you all thinking of me and I feel cheered.  Thank you!

Saturday:  Last night before we ate supper John whispered to me, "When he goes to b-e-d, we'll go to the d-u-m-p and then have a r-i-d-e."   Yes, we are now at the spelling stage of life, lol.  And that is so absolutely necessary with Mr.  Eagle Ears in the room.  He picks up really quickly on any plan to ride!  He'll have his shoes and hat on and insist we pack up right away and hit the road.

I made another Tik-Tok/short vlog recipe for our supper last night.  I did the one pot spaghetti with the Alfredo and Marinara sauce mixed.  Only I can't say I really did the recipe because I used what I had on hand.  I don't buy Alfredo, I make my own, so I just dumped the Parmesan, garlic, butter and Half and Half right into my homemade sauce from the freezer.  It was good.  I can't see me making it as often as I do plain old Bolognese sauce but for a change it was nice.  

I cooked it in my new slow cooker (SO love that metal pot vs. the heavy crockery).  It was an easy supper.  And since I always heavily load my spaghetti sauce with vegetables, I didn't bother with sides.  We had eggplant, peppers, zucchini, broccoli, tomatoes, mushrooms, onions, carrots and celery in this batch of sauce.

When Caleb was safely down for the evening, we gathered trash and off we went.  It was hot when we went outdoors.  John pointed to the thermometer reading on the car.  "98F and the car's been sitting in shade all day...and it's 7pm!"  I told him, 'Brace yourself.  Tomorrow and Sunday are meant to be even hotter."  

We drove and drove and drove.  We went from here to Butler and then back to Reynolds and down to Garden Valley, over to Marshallville and back again, along the backroads to Reynolds.  We got a smile as we came up to a certain corner on that backroad.  In long ago days, when he worked nights and I worked days and he was going to Medic school, we'd meet on work-day mornings at that corner all week long.  It was the only way we ever got to talk!  I'd share what had gone on at home and what he needed to tell the kids that afternoon when they came in from school.  He'd tell me about his night and what few plans he had for home, then we'd say, "I love you," and wave and off we'd go in opposite directions.

We said our Shabat prayers there in the car as we drove.  There's something rather sweet and peaceful in looking at the evening sky as we say our prayers that makes it extra lovely, as lovely as candle lighting at home is.

One of the things John wanted to do was drive by his dad's last home.  It is such a sad run-down looking little place now.  The beautiful shrubs and roses, the huge Oleander shrub that divided it from the next-door property, the neat little garden where he grew enough for the neighbors, too, are all gone.  The house was always so pristine, inside and out.  I thought longingly of sitting at the kitchen table in the yellow kitchen drinking coffee and sharing recipes with Mr. Harry.  I miss him as much as I miss Granny.  They were similar in so many ways.

When we got back to Reynolds, John said "Do you want anything?"  I'd been feeling a little unsettled in my tummy and said, "I'd really like a Dr. Pepper."  He immediately pulled into the station and said, "I want..."  "I know what you want.  Ice Cream!"  He laughed and said, "Yeah, I do."  I bought him a Creamsicle, something he hasn't had in a very long time.  That ice cream cost MORE than the huge Dr. Pepper I bought.  Goodness!

Home, we came, having seen a lovely soft sunset, and the evening went on quietly.  John has now embraced having ear buds on for most of his tv viewing and I'm deeply appreciating the quiet evenings without sirens and political arguments.  So nice!

Today we took a long ride into the foothills to have lunch at Chilis.  I cannot deny that I've gained a few pounds of late, and I know it.  But as I sorted out the things that were uncomfortably snug and put on a shirt from two years ago which happens to fit perfectly, I told John that every shirt I put aside today was bought in the last six months and they are the same size as the ones I had from two years ago which all fit comfortably...Something is fishy here.  I have gained weight, perhaps five or six pounds, but why are all the new things, most of which are the same patterns but different fabrics, so very snug?

I will tell you that was a sobering moment and altered my lunch plans.  I had a Tex Mex Salad bowl instead of the crispy chicken tenders I'd wanted, and I brought half that salad home.  I might have been tempted by other things, but since they now obligingly add calorie counts onto menus, it made it easy to look for something that was lower calorie when I was so fresh from the reality of my closet!

We talked constantly all the way up and back again but not in the restaurant so much.  It's not the friendliest space acoustically speaking, and since we are hard of hearing we have trouble hearing each other, but we can hear others at their tables very plainly.  But in the car, we talked and talked and talked.  

When we got home today, the thermometer read 102F.  The cat and dog haven't eaten all day.  They have no desire for food at all.  I've made sure they have plenty of fresh, cool water to drink.

No desire to turn on the stove today.  John commissioned Kate to pick up a pizza on her way home from the fast-food place she was taking Caleb to.  We've more than enough pizza for a meal tomorrow...and we brought home half our meals from lunchtime as well.

Sunday:  Off to church early this morning.  We were meant to meet up with our friend who hosts the small group Coffee House so that we could turn over materials to him.  It happened that they were still using the QR scan sign up.  A glitch last weekend had prevented anyone signing up to anything.  I don't know how it went this weekend.  I guess we'll wait and see.

One of our youth pastors spoke yesterday as the pastor was out of town.  This young man always brings a powerful sermon.  I was in tears at the end of the service because I felt so convicted by what he had to say.  

After that we went over to the Publix across the roadway and picked up another $100 in groceries.  Did I buy unnecessary things?  No...I got bagels and bread, just to prevent having to turn on the oven this week.  I'll wager it would have cost a lot more than the $10 I spent on those items to cool off the house once the oven had heated it up for an hour.  I got Caleb's juice, and fruit for him (bananas and grapes).  I picked up half and half for my coffee, lactose free milk, cheese.  I got a pound of deli ham on sale for $5.99.  I can't buy and cook ham for less than that for our lunches. I caved and bought squash because I've been longing for it all summer long.  The price was no lower than it had been, but they are at least in season. Tomatoes, too.  We had three bags of groceries.  To be fair the juice and milk were 1 gallon each.  Nothing was cheap though.  $33 a bag...I shook my head as we walked out of the door.  The best I can hope for is not to go back into the store this week and to insure we don't waste what we have.

At home, we reheated leftover pizza for our lunch.  After that I sorted out the fridge for the week ahead. No wonder things are crowded!  I have two mustard, two mayonnaise, two syrup...I'll combine things tomorrow and cut down on the crowding.  I know some of this was things I took along for vacation and simply forgot to decant once more.

Katie put Caleb down for a nap, then went off to help a friend paint his apartment.  We had quiet time until about 3pm.  From 3 until 4:30 Caleb whined and whined about being hungry despite having a substantial snack.  At 4:30 I was starving myself.  I refused to give in and prepare supper until 5pm, but I'll tell you something.  I thought long and hard about how hungry Caleb must have been and how he has no control at all over when he eats.  He is totally reliant on another to feed him at this stage of life.  I reasoned if I could make him wait until 5pm, I could certainly make myself wait, too.  It seems unfair to give in just because I'm the adult and have power he hasn't got...But I want you to know that had I felt he was truly starving (he'd eaten well all day long, not just at snack time) I would have happily fed him something to tide him over.

He has shown interest in getting into his 'no-wear' (training pants) so I need to make sure I get those ordered.  

I noted Katie coughing in her room last night and today as she was getting ready to go she was coughing again.  I asked if she was okay.  She said she felt sure it was just allergies, so she took a pill before she left home.

Thunder began to rumble along about 4pm today and I was so hopeful we'd get a smidge of the rain promised for somebody somewhere, but none came our way.  We did however get a sturdy breeze that cooled things down ever so slightly.

I've been faithfully uploading receipts to Ibotta and Fetch over the last couple of months.  I cashed in Ibotta points today for a gift card to one of the restaurants we like to visit.  I need to earn a few more points before I can get a decent amount on a gift card from Fetch.  I'm also using Microsoft Edge Shop points and my credit card points from online shopping to purchase gift cards to national franchise restaurants we like to visit.  Those points take forever to accumulate!

Monday:  My day to be 'back at work'.  

John mentioned that he wanted pancakes.  I happened to have some in the freezer.  I cut the pound of sausage into slices and cooked them all at once. It doesn't take any more time to cook 10 pieces than it does to cook 5.  The rest were wrapped up and put in the fridge for another day.  

I went outdoors with Caleb this morning.  We had a huge watermelon rind to take to the compost bin.  Caleb was disappointed there was no lizard or spider to be seen this morning.  I stopped at the flower bed near the shed to deadhead one lonely Rudeckia that had bloomed.  I dropped that seed head into the flower bed in the hopes it will scatter its seeds and bloom there come next year.  

We walked to the back of the house where I deadheaded zinnias and then gathered seed pods off the handful of Touch Me Nots (Balsam) that had bloomed this year.  The seeds are prolific on those plants.  I drop those too into the pots so they will return next year.  When a seed pod is fully ready, it will immediately burst when it touches the palm of your hand and inside are substantial looking seeds.   

I put out fresh water for Rufus and Sassy then at Caleb's request we walked all the way around the outside of the house.  At that point, I went up to the front porch and he played in the yard.  We had our water bottles of iced water with us.

When Caleb had enough of being outdoors, we came indoors, and I started work.  I didn't get nearly as much done as I'd thought I might, but I worked hard just the same.  The entire kitchen has had a nice wipe down.  I still need to sweep and ought to mop (we'll see.  After supper, once Caleb is in bed, it's possible it might happen).

John told me this morning that when Katie had left for work, she'd said she thought she had a chest cold.  I just went on and started a pot of chicken broth right then.  After lunch, I made the broth into soup.  I am debating whether to make rice or noodles.  I have some cooked noodles in the freezer.  I think I'll take those out to thaw and cook some rice and let everyone decide what base they want for their soup broth and chicken.  I have a feeling for those who are not sick I'd better have something else to go with it.  I think a tomato sandwich would be nice.

I don't mind telling you all that (a) the kitchen needed more of a cleaning than I'd anticipated and that (b) I got quite tired by the time I stopped to make lunch.  I think I got a bit too warm this morning outdoors with Caleb. I'm sure it couldn't have a thing to do with not working hard all last month!

Lunch was an easy thing.  I had leftover spaghetti for Caleb.  There's plenty more of that so Katie can take it to lunch this week.  I reheated mine and John's leftovers from our lunch out on Saturday.    Not an exciting day by any means, but it's been our day just the same.

later: During quiet time today, I ordered Caleb some new training pants.  

The soup was delicious this evening.  I had enough noodles in the freezer that I didn't feel it was necessary to cook rice, too.  I reheated the noodles and added those to individual bowls when I served.  Glad I thought to do so since Katie didn't want noodles.  

As usual I've loads of soup leftover.  It's in the fridge in several smaller containers at the moment.  I added the remaining noodles to only one container.  I'll wait and see if Katie wants any of this over the next day or two before I put it in the freezer to save for future use.

The tomato sandwiches were a nice accompaniment and for those of us who are not feeling ill, it made the meal feel a wee bit more substantial but didn't add heaviness the way a grilled cheese or meat sandwich might have done.

I got my Stitch Fix box this evening.  I found two of the blouses fit beautifully, one was just a wee bit snug and the other, same maker, same style, same size, same fabric but a different pattern/color was so much too small it was laughable.  From this point forward I'll not be ordering for a little while as I wait for the season to change, and I start to pull out my cooler weather clothing.

Tuesday:   I had my first chiropractor appointment today and as usual, felt just anxious enough that I slept poorly.  I was up early this morning getting myself ready and made breakfast, though it was hours until time to leave.  

John seemed grumpy enough this morning that Caleb and I steered clear of him.  I sorted out Caleb's clothing drawer.  He's fresh out of 2T's and 3T's are a bit snug already.  I took all the 3T's from his drawer and noted that much of what he's wearing is a 4T!  No wonder this child has been proclaiming himself tired and hungry.  He went through a true growth spurt and skipped a whole size!  I have some clothing set aside in a bin and will go through it to see if I have any suitable 4T clothing in it.  I believe there are several things there as well as some 5T's, but we don't even want to consider those yet, lol.

When we finally left home, John was just as grumpy as he was this morning at home.  I asked if he was alright, and he said he was just tired of it all.  Not much to be done about that except just let him soak in his feelings.  I've been there myself.  I was apprehensive enough about the chiropractor visit that I was all too willing to let him soak.

At the chiropractor, I asked that her first address be to my aching hips and then to my shoulder that is permanently tight, followed by the knee pain.  She did some adjustments today on my left hip and neck and did work on my shoulder.   I felt so relaxed and really good when I walked out of the door, but the doctor told me that I would experience some tenderness and soreness as my body would release toxins and the body adjusted to the realignment.

John seemed in a better mood when I came out and said he wanted to take Caleb to play at the fast food playground.  Because it was still hot (mid-90's today), I suggested we go to a place with an indoor playground.  We headed over, a ride of about 15 minutes.  On the ride, I started getting a slight headache.  Nothing major just there.  

We had lunch and John's grumpy mood seemed to return.  He got ready to go before we'd been there even a half hour.  Caleb was upset that we were leaving so soon and cried loudly.  He seemed to be fairly wound up already.  I know he and John had several run-ins this morning at home.  I'm not saying Caleb was being bad or that John was being unreasonable.   I will say they both have tempers. They were both acting about typical for their ages, lol.  I myself had been fairly chill but by this point I was pretty well fed up with the fusses from both sides.

We headed home and Caleb ate his lunch, typical of what he does if we go play.  He didn't make a mess or anything.  He wanted more drink, and I offered him some of our water.  All was well until about 1 mile from the house when John said, "What are you doing, Caleb?"  I flipped down my little vanity mirror and looked and he had emptied the emergency bag, gotten out the diaper rash paste and was squeezing the stuff out...

By this point I was fairly miserable.  My whole right side was complaining, from shoulder to hip, my head was throbbing and despite drinking water and taking Tylenol I was getting no relief.  I felt nauseated.  The fussing had been enough, but the mess was the straw y'all, and I was the camel.

We got indoors with John fussing mightily and me attempting just to get all the things indoors.  I found a loaf of bread that had been in the car the past two days as I picked up contents of the diaper bag.  Good gravy!  And it costing $4.50 a loaf!   

John took Caleb to the potty, and I unloaded stuff and started to clean up the backpack which thankfully had taken the brunt of the paste.  I could hear John and Caleb fussing at each other.  

I started to cry a little.  John came in and asked angrily, "WHY are you crying?" and I said I was tired which started a whole mountain of fussing.  Caleb was upset that we were upset with him and with each other.  John was stomping about, I was crying.    I got Caleb settled down for quiet time, then I chewed John out.  I rarely get very angry, but I was today. I told him I was tired of clearing up messes, and tired of trying to figure out what we would have at every meal and especially at supper, and tired of hurting, and tired of him being grumpy and tired of not crying, then I sat down and cried and cried and cried.    

I think at that point he realized that he had been something of a bear all morning and I was without a doubt reacting as much to the back adjustment as to the day itself.  He offered to make me a cup of coffee.  I accepted but just sat and cried for perhaps an hour.  Not deep sobbing, nor pity party, but just that slow leakage sort of crying that you can't quite seem to staunch.  Eventually after sipping the coffee, I started to drift off and though I didn't fully go to sleep, my body relaxed and stopped aching as much.  I can't tell you that Caleb was an angelic 3-year-old or John an exemplary 69-year-old, or that I was calmer 64-year-old after all that but we all at least calmed down a bit and so things were better.

I realized I had an easy meal option on my menu plan.  I wish I'd remembered that when I was fretting over what to make for supper all the way home from the restaurant!  I sorted that all out and had dinner on the table in under a half hour this evening.  

After that I got Caleb dressed for bed.  I have to report that he had only ONE wet pull-up today after we left home, which is rather major, I think.  I'll take heart in that.

As for his being 3, he still was when he went to bed.  His last act today was to pour water from his water bottle into a 'cup' which just happened to be a cup meant for stacking and had four holes in it.  Carpet and chair were soaked.  Sigh.  

I think I'm going to go tuck myself into bed early tonight.  I was going to go over to Pinterest and look for some more options for setting up my wardrobe pieces but that can wait.  I think rest would be the better thing.  It's finally starting to rain, and the heat is breaking...Blessing!  

I am aware of the hurricane activity going on and praying for those in the currently supposed pathways.  We shouldn't be seeing anything more than outlying bands of rain at this point, but just in case I've drawn up some water.  I'm definitely not as prepared as the lady who was in the Chiropractor's office when I arrived.  She'd bought water, gasoline for generators and stocked up on foodstuffs.  She had propane for her grills and put away all the yard furniture.  She also went on to say how she wasn't sharing her generator with anyone nor having anyone come stay with her because they were ill prepared...I roll my eyes here.  Why brag about how well prepared you are and then begrudge it to anyone (family) who might be in need?  When I prepare, I kind of prepare for family and a neighbor or two, too...Don't you?

Anyway, I hope we see a bit of rain.  We could use it after this heat!

Wednesday:  I was not a happy camper last night, lol.  I dozed off early but was awakened by a nerve that wanted to act up.  I'm suspecting the sciatic nerve was protesting the adjusting yesterday.  I could feel the path from hip to ball of my foot.  Just about the time I'd doze off, it would feel like it was running a race down my leg and boy did it irritate. It wasn't painful, but more like having a deep itch that you can't possibly get at.  Ugh!   I got up to sit in the living room rather than continue to jerk and toss and turn and disturb John.  My chair is next to the guest room wall. Katie was in her room chattering away on the phone at whatever hour that was, and I decided to let her have her privacy and went back to bed.

I do feel better overall today but as the doctor reminded me, I'm not going to be right after just one session.  The shoulder and right hip made their protests this morning.  Pfft! to this old body!  I'll continue until we're adjusted and go on from there...

I had a lovely hour on the back porch with coffee, Rufus and Sassy and a softly pattering rain on the roof.  Caleb found me about 8:45, a reminder that I needed to drag myself indoors and get food on the table.  

We'd just finished up breakfast when I heard a tiny knock at the door.  John answered it and found Millie and Sam outside.  Sam has been experimenting in his kitchen again.  He made Pumpernickel bread.  The tiny crumb I allowed myself to taste was quite good.  I will serve slices of it with butter with supper tonight.

Sam and I sat and talked for well over an hour before he had to go home to do a Zoom meeting.  I thoroughly enjoyed that talk with him.

After they left, Caleb and I saw John off.  John's having lunch with his partner today.  Then we came indoors, and I looked at the house and thought, "OH BOY."  The children had strowed toys all over the living room.  The kitchen was messy, I had meatloaf I was mixing on the counter just waiting on me to get done with it, dishes in the sink, counters that needed to be wiped.  And when I stepped to the door of my bedroom and saw that mess, I was really put out.  I made my meatloaf, put chicken wings in the oven alongside and then cleared the kitchen.

I told Caleb, "Well...I guess we get to clean up."  Caleb immediately protested.  "I not make mess.  It Miwwie.  I go pway."  LOL.  Not so quick young man!  I have found that giving him just ONE focused task, rather than a general order is the best way to have him cooperate.  "You pick up all the cars..." and there he goes and picks up all the cars.  Then I can say, "Oh! Will you pick up the blocks while I get this, and this done?"  And then he'll do that.  Within a few minutes the living room looked quite nice.  I cleared up his room which needed only minor attention and the majority of the living room mess and then straightened up our bedroom.

I came out of the bedroom and found Caleb had made a much smaller mess in playing.  I said, "You need to pick up the cars, since you started playing with the shape sorter."  "I not make that mess.  Miwwie did it!"  I told him Millie had been gone too long for him to blame her and reminded him I'd picked up all the other mess.  "Your turn to clean up your mess, " I said. He did just that.

Lunch was easy.  I am trying to watch what I eat and since John was gone, I prepared myself a salad with chicken on top.  Spoke with Katie for a few minutes who told me that she'd have Taylor for an extra day this holiday weekend.

I cleared lunch items, then went right to my room and set up four outfits for the coming week.  I'm rather proud of how those outfits look and look forward to setting up a few more in the days ahead.  I then decided that since I can't seem to get black jeans in my Stitch Fix orders that I'd look for some online at Cato.  I found a pair and ordered them.  Fingers crossed that they fit...I've had no luck finding black jeans in store either or I'd just go to the shops near me and try them on.  I think, with the exception of a winter coat I'm ready to face a new season where clothing is concerned.  

Have I done any of the cleaning and sorting and decluttering I promised myself?  No.  Yesterday was taken up with the chiropractor visit and today has just claimed time as its own.  Never mind.  I'll likely end doing something more before the week is over.  But for today, I am just going with the flow.

Thursday:  I didn't quite get to drink my coffee, but it stayed hot (lovely, lovely gift from Karla!  Thank you so much, love!), so I was able to sip on it all through the hectic morning and it was consistently very warm, which is the way I like my coffee.  Why so hectic?  Because Millie arrived almost as soon as I had poured my coffee.  

The first two hours with her and Caleb are HARD and generally end in John and I having words as we vent our frustrations at the constant fighting the children do.  After that we just let them sort out their differences and they play together just fine.  

Today I was in the kitchen getting a stew started in the slow cooker for our supper, and the two were playing in the kitchen sitting area.  I heard their conversation going back and forth but I really tuned in and listened and realized they were talking their own language to each other.  One would say something and the other would answer and the only distinguishable words were "yes" or "no".  This went on for a good half hour.

I managed to get the back door really clean inside and out this morning.  I had hoped to start on the front door, but I was reminded that littles like to eat lunch about 11:30. They assured me they were "Hunry".  The children got PBJ, Popcorn, and Blueberries as their meal.  While they were eating, I cooked bacon and made myself a BLT salad and John BLT sandwiches.   After the children were in quiet time (a relative term.  They are NOT quiet.), we sat down to eat our lunch.  

The house is a mess.  I have a headache, thanks to allergy season, and am not much interested in pushing through to get work done right now.  I'll just wait until Millie leaves then see if John will help get things put back together once more.  

later:  I did push myself to really clean up the back door, inside and out, but that's it for today's push to get things done.

I'm changing my mind.   I don't believe I feel very well.  Not as sick as Katie was earlier this week, a much milder form of it, much as Caleb has.   I laid down for two hours this afternoon after Millie went home and managed to get the house picked up when I got up, but I'm weepy and weary.  I know this will pass...I hope my family survives my lousy attitude!

Bless Caleb's heart, I told John and Katie I wasn't feeling well at the supper table and Caleb came over to me and then looked at his Mama.  "Mama!  My gramma doesn't feel good! She's sick!"  He was so concerned.  I assured him that not feeling good wasn't the same thing as being sick.  I had him 'check my forehead' and see how cool it was.  

Friday:  Have just finished proofing the paragraphs above and doing some editing work.  I wonder how many mistakes I shall find come Monday when I once again look at this post?

A very busy productive day.  I did not sleep well last night but I think it was because of the weather change.  We were slated to get cooler temperatures mid-week but missed them.  I thought we'd missed our chance though the temperatures were lower (just not in the promised 75F range).  I mean 90 is a lot cooler than 102!   Anyway, the humidity was heavy this morning when I took my coffee cup to the back porch to have morning coffee.  But then it began to rain gently, and the temperature dropped a wee bit.  Sassy decided that this morning she simply had to sit on me and knead me with her paws.  I stopped trying to fight her off and just let her show me her affection.  I figured I could bath again if needed and would take an allergy tablet.

Caleb came out to sit with us.  Only he wanted to run back and forth across the porch. I told him I needed to make breakfast, but he could stay outdoors.  "Just don't go out in the rain!"  And he didn't...No indeed, instead he stood on the end of the porch and let the rain drip all over his head and shirt, lol.  When I called him to come to breakfast and saw how wet he was, I never fussed.  I figured if I was three, I'd have done the same...It's just rain and it wasn't cold.  Clothes can be changed; hair can be dried with a towel.

We had our breakfast and then we three sailed through the morning's work.  I had stripped our bed and bath, John gathered up dirty clothes and started laundry.  I reloaded my canisters in the kitchen, then started making bread and burger buns.  I sliced and cooked the squash I'd bought on Sunday.  Remade our bed, laid out fresh towels in our bath, cleaned and swept in there.  We cleaned the ceiling fans and vacuumed (John and Caleb vacuumed, I cleaned the fans).  I loaded the breakfast dishes up and set buns to rise.  I planned tonight's supper (a new recipe for us) and decided upon lunch.  I had conversations with Katie (Taylor's got to go home on Sunday after all, her stepbrother's birthday will be on Monday) and my sister-in-law and Mama.  I was Caleb's patient.  Busy busy morning.  I did everything with ease today.  

Caleb's potty training has been off track since Tuesday.  Somehow, I expected it would be.  I want to be terribly upset and frustrated and in one sense I sort of am, but I also see Tuesday as a mark of change coming.  He went a whole day with just one accident.  Since then, it hasn't matter if we go every half hour, he absolutely will be wet when we go to the bathroom.  Not even bribery has changed that pattern since Tuesday.  

Since lunch, I got the bread baked, and the squash casserole mixed and baked.  And somewhere in all the morning, I baked a peach cobbler, too.   It's been lovely to go into the kitchen and bake all morning long without the house getting overheated.  I've missed this!

All the dishes are done and now it's only tonight's supper to be made.  I always try to keep it easy on Fridays and since I made buns this morning, all I have to do now is cook the filling for the buns.

And that was our week!  How did yours go?  Great savings, big spendings?  Wonderful blessings?  Tell us all about it...


Lana said...

Glad you got about the same as us from the hurricane. Lots of worry from family in the path though but they are all fine. That pressure drop sure messes with a body though. I have been out of sorts all week just like you.

We worked the grocery deals hard all week. We don't use pesticide sprays in our home so when I saw our preferred traps BOGO at Publix we bought enough for a year. We hit the salvage store and found some great deals like .50 tubs of potato salad and 3/$2 pop n fresh cinnamon rolls and worked all the deals really hard all over town. I was excited to see peaches for .99# at Food Lion. We went and found the most beautiful peaches I have seen all summer. I got 12 huge peaches this morning and will let them ripen and get them in jars next week. They will be wonderful this winter. We also got a huge watermelon that may be the last of summer. Lidl had Angus ground round BOGO so we got the limit of 6 pounds. Lidl has the best price on OJ in town so we bought what we though we could use by the date. I need bagels but the salvage store had not gotten their bread delivery yet and had none. I will wait and hope to get those Pepperidge Farm $1 bagels next time.

Our youngest son's family will be visiting this weekend and we are excited to see them. I will make lasagna for supper Saturday night and pancakes, eggs and sausage links for Sunday breakfast when they will be eating with us. We have to share them with her huge family. We have the screen porch cleaned and ready to eat out there so I hope the weather is decent and the air quality is good. I picked up an Edwards pie at Food Lion for 3.99 and delicious dinner rolls at the Lidl bakery. Food Lion probably had 12 kinds of pie! I was surprised because I always buy them at Publix and they have a really small selection. I need to look harder at the deals at Food Lion because they have great sales on produce and it is always fresh and beautiful. Rumor around town is that they have the best fried chicken too so we need to be more open to shopping there.

Wendi said...

I went to the grocery on Monday. Three different stores. I spent so much that I wanted to weep. The sad thing is that the only meat I bought was a pound of deli ham, a package of bologna (since hubby will be home and working outside next week), and smoked sausage. Thank goodness for well stocked freezer!

After some very hot weather it cooled down this week. Only to heat back up this weekend. It's suppose to be HOT all of next week. Very disappointing since hubby will be home and has plans for outside work.

I've noticed the same thing with clothing. I buy the same brand v-neck t-shirts from the same store and they are not fitting the same this year. I feel like they are shorter than in the past and the fabric quality isn't the same. It's frustrating.

Hope you have a great weekend!

Anne said...

I am absolutely snickering at you currently having to spell things out now in front of Caleb. And I'm wondering how long it will be that when he figures out that when you and John are speaking in "code" that you are actually thwarting his desires. I can just see his little eyes narrowing.

Some months back I managed to lose 15 pounds, very, very slowly and difficulty. I was extremely happy about it, but have managed to put back 4-5 of them. Okay, I keep telling myself, I can get them off again, but the largest problem is that my husband loves to go out to eat, he always has. I refuse to say NO to this as he asks for so little, and I do look at the calorie count on the menu. I think I am holding the line weight wise, but not going back down. But as my husband is 81 years old today, he can have whatever he wants.

terricheney said...

Lana, I think we get ourselves 'locked' into shopping at certain places and then forget there are other options available. In the town where we do most of our shopping there are Publix, Kroger, Aldi, Food Lion, Food Depot, Saveway, Food Giant, Walmart and heaven knows what all else. Do I shop at any of those other places? Not at all!

Fortunately, we've found the meat department at our local store is more than comparable quality wise to Publix and better priced than Publix or Kroger. I think from here on we'll do all the business we can there as far as meat purchases go. Otherwise, they are competitive enough in most areas that I don't mind picking things up in there rather than take time to drive an hour round trip to the other stores. I remind myself that time savings is a savings too!

Wendi, every year Bess's mom buys t-shirts at Walmart, and I guess in not paying attention she often picks up a V-neck which isn't her favorite. She will send that on to me rather than return it. This year when she picked up shirts, she sent two. I noted that they were a good 4-6 inches shorter, more cropped length. Ugh. And golly were they snug! Not at all my size regardless of tag. I doubt Bess could have worn them and she's barely a size L.

I'm glad to hear though that you too are experiencing the shrinking clothing syndrome in requiring the same size as in years past but finding currently produced clothing smaller.

I hear you on grocery prices, lack of meat and sticker shock. I promise my budget is easily double what it was two years ago. DOUBLE. I need to practice shopping multiples of sales at multiples of stores but find it very difficult with a small boy in tow. Just lifting him in and out of the cart once per shopping trip is hard enough. I can't imagine doing that extra lifting multiple times during shopping! However, when we no longer have him here full time (at this moment, perhaps next school year?) I will have to return to multiple stores.

And yes, thank goodness for the freezer/pantry and prayers! They do get us through the tight places!

Anne, I never thought I'd have a whole separate budget the size I do now just for eating out. This was something John asked for years ago, and I've only just been able to manage for us.

I was looking over the menu today at Longhorn's and noted that we shall NOT be ordering steaks anytime soon. I'll buy those at the grocery and make them at home. They've all gone up nearly $10 per type in the restaurant. Wowza.

However, as I was placing my order today I thought, how ironic it was that now I finally have enough money to eat what I'd like when we eat out, I can't because of calories, lol. Even figuring at half counts, some meals are just not do-able.

At least last week's efforts paid off. My jeans fit without struggle. Not yet quite comfortable for long-term wear and certainly not for eating out, but they zipped and fastened. Now to push myself to keep going.

Lana said...

Anne, Happy Birthday to your husband!

I am going exactly the same as you with the eating out. Hey bby enjoys it so much and so I do, too.

Karla said...

Goodness husbands can be a handful, can't they? LOL But I supposed they think the same thing about us.

The chiropractor always makes me feel worse before I feel better when it's been awhile. I'm glad she warned you about that. I'm also learning, in the last few years, that our bodies hold onto trauma and all kinds of stress so I'm not surprised that both you and Katie have been not feeling well and you've had so many painful nights. Between osteoarthritis (thankfully still mild), being overweight (working on it) and weather, I have so many nights of restlessness with every joint just aching. Sigh. This whole aging thing needs to be more fun. LOL

So glad you're enjoying the cup to keep your coffee hot! Hope your week gets better.

Karla said...

I forgot to add my two cents about clothes. I have the hardest time finding clothes that fit and are flattering. I have what my friend Soreeta calls "an oddy body". I'm not big enough for plus size but I'm not small enough for "regular" sizes. And yes, clothes are impossible to figure out what size will fit anymore. It's so frustrating!

To Do List: Last Week of February