Goals for August 2024


It's that time of year here in the South when school starts once more.  I always get that New Year/Fresh Start feeling when school begins.  I want to restock my school supplies, start to tidy up my home and do some deeper cleaning tasks, declutter, and just generally sock myself into my home and yard and get things squared away once more after going about feeling leisurely for the past few months.

Now we all know I've been leisurely because it's HOT and I don't do hot very well, but it still starts to feel like I've been on an extended vacation after a few weeks of trying to stay cool indoors.  And I start to miss the rhythms and routines that are my usual mode of operating.  I want orderliness and discipline and schedules once again.  I function better, my home and surroundings look better, and I am better satisfied with life overall if I get off my chair and begin to tackle tasks as though I have a mission.  And I do! I lead a healthier life in many ways when I focus on what I want to accomplish and see results as I work away.

The Homemaker Plans Meals: Expired Pantry Items, Week 3

I'm not posting a full breakfast or lunch menus, but I am sharing a couple.  We'll eat other things, too but I wanted to be sure to include these items since they will be using expired items. 


Carrot Cake Muffins, Sausage.  It occurred to me I could drain and mash the canned carrots and use them to bake with.  I don't put a heavy frosting on my carrot cake muffins.  I do use raisins and then just drizzle with a bit of glaze, so they are just sweet enough without tasting like a dessert.

Pumpkin Pancakes, Bacon.  I'll serve my pancake (just 1 small one) with yogurt and chopped walnuts or pecans (for added protein) and a drizzle of maple syrup.  John can load his with syrup if he likes.

The Homemaker Plans Her Week: Summer Break Is Over


On Monday, Millie and Caleb will be off to school to meet the teacher.  That's two babies off at once and it's already made me nostalgic.  There's one more grandbaby to come and then there will be more additions to the great grandchildren side eventually...But right at this moment, my heart twists a little bit.  

Yes, the same woman who has chomped at the bits wanting her own freedom and time to do the things she wanted to do...I'll miss the children just the same.  From now on, it will be a challenge to fit in a visit when they aren't in school. Of course, there will be more summer breaks.  Perhaps next year, I can get Caleb and Taylor here for a few days.

A Homemaker's Diary: Moving On


Saturday:  John stayed home today.  I thought for sure he'd push through, but I think he feels bad. The cold/virus/whatever hit him as well and he didn't look worth two cents this morning.  

I actually felt better as the day went on and continued to feel good all afternoon, nearly restless and ready to tackle work, but I made myself continue with rest.   I've been making sure we drink lemonade and Pineapple Juice each day to help get us through this mess.

Thrifty Thursday: Restock!


Friday:  We were home...but what did we do, what did we eat?  I can remember breakfast and that's it.

Meals:  Omelets, Toast

later:  supper was Cheeseburgers and oven fries.  Lunch?  Really no clue.

The Homemaker Plans Her Meals: Cool Down

We're getting some relief from the high temperatures this week.  Saturday was almost autumnal with mild temperatures, slow rain, and hardly any AC running.  It was lovely!  No, I'm not rushing summer along.  I actually enjoy it, even when it's really hot, but I do prefer temperatures on the milder side, and I appreciate the break for the electric bill.  Who wouldn't?!   

I want to use my oven while it's a little cooler.  I think a lovely roasted chicken would be wonderful to have on hand this week.  We've enjoyed homemade bread, but neither of us cares for the odd shaped loaf that comes from the bread machine.  And I'd really like to get some bagels made this week.  I bought the last, but they don't even compare to homemade ones.  I'll try to do a double batch because odds are the very hot weather is going to return.  We've all of August, September and October to go before we get much relief from hot weather.

The Homemaker Plans Her Week: Come What May in July


This past week quickly descended into a forced rest period.  I got little done of my weekly or monthly goals.  No regrets.  I read.  I rested.  I kept up with the bare basics.  I used easy meals from the freezer and leftovers and a few of the expired pantry items.  It wasn't complete bedrest by any means.  But not a lot got done.

Diary of a Homemaker's Week: Hot and Cold

Saturday:  A very relaxed day at home.  We did a few chores and then we settled in to rest as we'd more typically do on a Saturday.  How lovely it's been to read, play games, talk and not feel pressured to DO anything more.

We watched two movies today.  "The General" with Buster Keaton was a silent film but so fun to watch.  I laughed out loud several times.

Thrifty Thursday: When the Grocery Budget is DONE...


Friday:  We kept Caleb and Bella today.   Katie very nicely provides us with lunch on these days when she finishes her appointments up around noon.  We had a nice meal today.  We weren't feeling particularly hungry this evening when suppertime rolled around but I was feeling snacky.  

Iced Coffee Chat: Mid-July


Hello loves.  Come in and have something icy with me.  I'm opting for coffee.  I'm still eking out those cold brew sachets that John bought me a couple of months ago.  There's lemonade, tea, or good well water over ice.  We are so blessed to have such clear water without any mineral taste at all.  

How've you been?  It feels like I haven't sat down to talk in ages.  June and the first part of July were busy days.  This week is blissfully wide open with only one library visit if the kids even care to go and a day out to visit Mama.  Those are all my commitments this week.  

Ideas for Using My Expired Pantry Items


Earlier this year, I took six weeks to eat my way through all of the things in the freezer that had been there for a bit longer than they ought to have been.  It was rather a fun period to be honest because we ate really well.  I have seldom been as creative a cook as I was during that period, and I especially enjoyed it from that aspect. I am learning to date meats and entrees, broths and such when I put them in the freezer these days and that's helped me stay on top of using those items.

But I knew the pantry held secrets.  Things I'd passed over last time I was doing a pantry inventory.  And probably four or five times prior to that.  

The Homemaker Plans Meals: Expired Pantry Items Pt 1

I made up my list of recipe possibilities last week to use those expired pantry items and I've gone over it again today before I started planning meals.  Then I went over my freezer inventory list.  I've a couple of frozen meals from April I'd like to go ahead and use.  I also sorted out my fridge and gathered all the leftovers in a basket there.  

I wasted a pot of cooked rice and a dessert I'd made July 4th that got pushed to the back of the fridge and forgotten.  I'm going to do better with these forgotten things and get myself back to as near Zero Waste as I can.

Gathered Fragments

The Homemaker Plans Her Week: Hot, Humid, July


I am starting this on Friday afternoon and feeling particularly lazy at the moment, so take that in consideration as you read, lol.  It discolors my perception and makes my disillusionment with summer higher than usual.  

Diary of a Homemaker's Week: Fresh Start


Saturday:  Just about the time we were leaving home today to head to the park, the clouds came in dark and heavy.  Katie was obsessively checking the weather and telling me how the chances of rain kept increasing.  

Thrifty Thursday 1st week of July

Sunday:  We've eaten leftovers for the past two days, though we did stop for burgers on the way home Saturday evening.  That was a pricey meal but when I entered the receipt into Fetch, the point count soared.  I was surprised.  I earned 1000 points which shoved me right over the top so I could purchase a $25 gift card to our favorite restaurant.  

After church today we went into Publix.  Lots of good Buy One Get One sales this week.  I bought mayonnaise, barbecue sauce, peanuts, Rice a Roni mixes (had a coupon on those, too, making the price even better), and cheese.  I picked up some produce items that we were out of.  And I added an Ibotta deal that was a BOGO online of frozen chicken tenders and nuggets.  I had to purchase two items, but one of those purchase prices was refunded.  

Boot Camp Week 1 Thoughts


I started last weekend with Laine's Letters, which I enjoy a great deal.  Lots of good tips there, not to mention just all-around good Christian inspiration.  So many of the letters I tried to view are now corrupted files on that website, so it was eating up time sorting through to find those that are still readable.

I moved on about mid-week to A Cultivated Nest.  Manuela has been blogging for years.  Over the past few years her method of imparting information has somewhat changed but you can go way back to 2008 in her archives.  That's where I ended up this past week.  I'd like to share some of my thoughts on bits I culled from there.

The Homemaker Plans Meals: Less Not More


Hello everyone.  I have done a pantry and freezer inventory and know what I have on hand.  I also have sorted out the fridge.  I actually did that Friday evening because I wanted to make room for drinks to chill overnight before packing them on ice for after the wedding.  I discovered then that we needed to cook nothing this past weekend.  We simply ate the food we already had.  I did not complain about getting a break from preparing meals!  It was a most welcome break.  I love to cook, but there are times I get very weary of it.

The Homemaker Plans Her Week: On Track


Officially the last holiday for several weeks ahead is behind us, as is the wedding, and the busy, busy month of June.  From now forward about the only thing I have planned are library dates, mostly once a week until school starts at the end of the month.  The heat of summer has set in and is baking everything nicely.  Despite the heat, the tomatoes and bell peppers are blooming nicely.  Will they all set fruit?  One can hope!  But let me plan below not here in the opening paragraph!  I'm getting ahead of myself.

Diary of a Homemaker's Week: Independent


Saturday:  Nothing much to report about today.  We were lazy.  Truth, we were tired. 

The Homemaker Plans Meals: What About Snacks?


The boys had a conversation in the car the other day.  Isaac declared his deep desire to go to the beach.  Yes, he's mentioned that before.  Josh began a recitation of their daily schedule if they should go to the beach.  "Have breakfast, go to the beach.  Go back to the room, have lunch, rest.  Go back to the beach and then out for a late supper and then..."  Isaac protested immediately, "Hey wait a minute!!  What about snacks?"   Josh and I both chuckled.  I said to Josh, "You know Isaac..." and Josh said, "Yeah.  He doesn't want to miss out on any opportunity to eat!"   Isaac is slender but he has, from the beginning of his life, been one who can and will eat.  He's the least picky of all the children and the one who is perpetually hungry.  A day at the beach would surely generate a greater need of sustenance. Josh quickly amended his vacation day itinerary to include snacks twice a day.