The Homemaker Plans Her Week: Come What May in July


This past week quickly descended into a forced rest period.  I got little done of my weekly or monthly goals.  No regrets.  I read.  I rested.  I kept up with the bare basics.  I used easy meals from the freezer and leftovers and a few of the expired pantry items.  It wasn't complete bedrest by any means.  But not a lot got done.

I'm hoping this week to be on the mark once more.  As I write this, I don't mind telling you I'm beginning to feel a bit of cabin fever.  We'd planned to go to church today but we both had a rather horrid night of coughing ourselves awake.  Ugh.  I was so hoping we'd get out of the house, but I hadn't the strength of a newborn kitten and John has seldom looked as weary as he did this morning.


Pantry/Freezer Shopping.  I've thought of items over the last few days that I have added to my list.  I'm so happy for this blessing.

Keep Caleb and maybe Bella while Katie goes to her appointment.

Take Josh to the library to pick up the prize he won at the local library.  Return library books to the county seat library.  Encourage the kids to get more if they want them.

Pot up the last plants I rooted.  

Try to get back into household routines after last week's illness. (Saturday, I felt so much better.  Wish I could say the same for Sunday). 

Bootcamp continues.  I really hoped to spend all of July, but I can continue into August.  I do have ten more days to work on this.

I'll leave it at that.  I'm sure I'll feel better as the week goes on, but why plan more until I know?  I'm always getting up and doing odd jobs anyway, so at the least I'll get something done.


"Cooler" weather this week, mid-80's to 90F.  I want to use the oven.   I plan to bake bread.  And Bagels.  

Continue to work on the expired pantry items.  I used quite a bit last week but there's plenty to go.  Which leads into Meal Planning.  I have to PLAN to use those expired items.

Make sure I update my pantry/freezer inventory list when I bring in those new items.

Gathered fragments to use this week:

3 hot dogs

1 cup of rice

2 or 3 tomatoes that I didn't use last week

one single head of broccoli

Pot Roast with vegetables

1-quart of Chicken Soup

1/2 potato

1 serving Scalloped potatoes

2 slices pizza


Fresh Pedicure.  


Get back on the low carb track.  I defaulted to easy meals while I was sick and while I tried to make healthy choices some were probably higher than I would have chosen if I felt well. And there were days this week when I ate purely for the comfort aspect.  

Saturday evening it was my pleasure to watch a lovely sunset.  I want to make it a point to try and watch more of these.

Read.   I read two books last week.  I've started a third.  I finished One Thousand White Women which I'd been thinking of buying.  It was intense in some ways and there are things I don't understand about it, but it was riveting.  I also read Aunt Dimity Down Under.  And I've just started Aunt Dimity Goes West.  I need something a bit lighter to read after One Thousand White Women

Take the kids out for peach ice cream.  

Hard to believe that they kids have only 10 days until school begins.  I'm glad I'm keeping Caleb on Friday.  From here on he and Millie will be limited on visits. Gosh but they grow up fast!  

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Mable said...

I don't know if you have heard of this research, but this link should bring you to the NY Times articles that talks about how cooking starches like pasta and rice one day before serving it changes the starches so they are more resistant and don't have as great an impact on blood sugars.

I love pasta and while this does not make it health food, it makes it a bit more reasonable to eat.

terricheney said...

Mable, I am aware of that and try to employ it. Also potatoes. Cook, cool in fridge then reheat later. I did quite a bit of research to see what nutritionists and dieticians had to say and apparently it's quite true that this works best for those with diabetes.

Camp Mac said...

Hello Terri,
So sorry to hear you've been under the weather. I wanted to let you know I looked up the Aunt Dimity books after reading your post and now I'm on book two. I am currently on book 2 in the series and loving them! Thank you so much. I always get the best book recommendations from you. (I confess, I choose the lighter reading as the more intense stories leave me feeling less than, so to speak.) I also wanted to thank you for the information about potatoes becoming more starch resistant when you precook them at least a day before eating. I knew that about rice, but not potatoes. It's good to know because it's long been a habit of mine to bake a batch of potatoes and then serve them baked, fried, as hash browns or in a potato salad, now I won't be so guilt ridden when I eat them, lol. Glad to hear your weather is cooling down. Prayers for your and John's perfect health.
Much Love,

P.S. Mable, I enjoyed the article you linked regarding the resistant starches, thank you for posting that.