To Do List: September is Moving Fast

I like to come to the end of a week with a feeling of accomplishment.  I just do.  This past week was a not a great week for accomplishments.  This weekend was a busy one.  The weekend before this was a busy one. I was tired coming into the week behind us and I'm tired coming into this new week.    I said I'd give myself grace if I didn't accomplish all I'd planned.  Now I have to live up to that, don't I?  

I am officially calling this a quiet week.  I need it.

1. So aside from the usual routine housekeeping duties, I have no plans for big projects this week. I worked hard last week to try to ensure that this week would be an easier week overall.  We need it.  And let's face it: sweeping, making beds, washing clothes, preparing meals, and cleaning up behind daily living is plenty of work all by itself.  Throw in a few messes due to an accident that happens, and they always seem to happen when you're tired, well...that's work aplenty for anyone.  Agreed?  

2.  Read.  I've need to choose a couple of books off my shelves since I haven't had time to go to the library this month.  Josh was super disappointed that it will be October before we can go back.   I also have a stack of three- or four-years' worth of Victoria magazines, all September/October issues.

3.  Start a new Bible study.  I decided to just power through finishing up Romans and that's just what I did.  I think I shall skip choosing another book by Paul and look elsewhere in the Bible or find a new study online that is less concerned with just one book.

4.  John and I haven't had a date in quite a long while.   I'd suggest a picnic, but I think it's going to be too hot and then it's meant to rain at the end of the week.  I'll see if we can't sneak away for a little while.

5.  Making lists.  I love to make lists!  I just do.  I sit down with pen and paper and think of all the things I want to buy, fix, make, enjoy, learn, do for someone else.  October isn't far off now (well it isn't!  I'm not rushing it in!) and I want to think about my goals for the month ahead, determine what projects will be priority this month, create a to do list of things I want to make sure I enjoy, books I want to read, etc.  I also want to concentrate on my next area of stocking up.  I've just made sure we have plenty of personal care items on hand and cold/allergy supplies.  I know our laundry items are in good supply.  I think this next month it's going to be either paper goods or pantry basics.  And I want to get my lists made for holiday meals.  I would like to have those basics on hand as well.  

It's also nearing the time of year when I stop and look back and assess how the year went, what my goals were, how close I came to them (or how much I forgot!).  It's a good way to prepare myself to think about the upcoming year (I know...I know!  I just keep rushing the year a little bit, don't I?).

6.  Creating my Self-care Journal.  I decided to get a little 'extra' with this project and make it an art yeah, I'm still working on it.  I'm in the idea stage at present and I need a blank notebook.  All I have are lined paged notebooks.  It's been a long time since I did something creative and I'm really enjoying being inspired to do something.

7.  Go thrifting.  I had a list at the start of September of things I wanted to put into the guest room, or wanted for the house overall.  I haven't done a thing towards that beyond ordering a set of pillow covers for our bedroom.  I want at least one nice lamp possibly two (not necessarily a matched set) for the guest room. I need another lamp in the living area.  John wants a lamp on the dryer once more.  The utility area does not have lighting, and he likes to have the lamp to use in that space.  I borrowed the lamp that was in there to put on the little table in the kitchen window which has been super nice to come home to or to leave on when a smaller grandchild is sleeping here.  I need picture frames.  The list goes on and the thrift store isn't a bad place to start.

8.  Follow my self-care routine.  I want to make this a habit once more.  I have ignored my self-care for so long, but I'm feeling very much in need of giving myself this bit of attention again. 

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1 comment:

Karla said...

I like your goals for this week. You definitely deserve a rest after the hard work you've done the last few weeks preparing for and then helping with Mr. Henry's arrival.

I hope you find yourself lost within whatever world you read about!

I am going to be working on our bedroom - I have to assemble the nightstands we bought, will need to assemble the headboard system as well and then we have someone picking up the old stuff on Thursday so I have to disassemble all of that and transition it all over, plus hang curtains (we've had them for ages but haven't been able to hang them due to the current headboard system). I'm looking forward to getting the bedroom looking "new" this week and hope to have it all finished this next weekend. I'll continue my evening ritual of watching an episode or two of Outlander after husband goes to bed (he goes to bed at 7:30) and I'll also keep reading the Outlander books. I'm farther ahead on the show than the books but I'm loving both versions so much that I don't mind.

Journal of My Week: Winter Again