To Do List: September Out, October In


It's a straddle week.  September closes out and October eases in.   Towards the end of the week, it rained and cooled off a bit.  I'm grateful for that.

I know I shared my Journal for the week a bit late this past week, but now you know why.  But play time is over and we're getting right back into routine work.   

1.  Since the bulk of this week is October, I'm going to start out with Zone 1, Living Room/Front Porch/Entry.   In my home, it works more like this: Patio, front porch, main living room.   For the patio, I just want to blow off the debris, rearrange things in a more pleasant way.  For the porch, it just needs blowing off and the tables wiped down.  

Indoors, it's just routine: vacuum deeply (didn't get done last month), clean the ceiling fans, dust.  I never decorated the bookcases beyond putting the glass pumpkins on top.  I want to finish decorating the living room.  I am still not wanting to go over the top with stuff.  I just want it all to look pretty and fresh for the new seasons ahead.

2. Prune the roses.

3.  Work on the Herb bed.  The herb planter is pretty much shot.  I don't really know what to do with the few herbs I have.  The chives have always been scraggly at best, the oregano died back and only one little bit is struggling to return.  I think I'm going to empty the beds, clean them and put a fresh coat of paint on the planter.   I'll have to buy soil before I can replant.

4.  Order seeds.  I am going to order fresh seeds since mine are so old they did nothing.  I won't order a load of them at once. 

5.  Buy local eggs and honey.

6.  Go by the library and see if the October calendars is out.  

7.  Start a pantry and freezer inventory.  Pull whatever items are getting near expiration in the pantry, make notes about what we need to restock (green beans I know for sure are getting low).

8.  Go see Mama.

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To Do List: September Out, October In