Questions and Answers and Comments, Oh My!

It is September...And just saying that makes me happy.  It means that cooler weather is that much nearer.  I only hope the leaves can stay on the trees long enough for the cool weather to arrive!  The leaves are drifting down with regularity and there's a carpet of leaves under nearly all the trees in the yard.

I'll start where August started for comments, with a Frugal Week Post.   In Week One Susie of Persimmon Cottage shared her own little dog's 'guilty' face.  Maddie doesn't seem to have one, but Trudy did.  She would look up and then down really quickly and I always knew when she'd done something wrong. Sparky shared that her sister's Jack Russell likes having his back rubbed, too.  Must be a JR thing, lol.

I'd forgotten all about that plaguing shoulder until I re-read comments this evening for this post.  It was my right shoulder and I  am right handed, so I naturally used that hand/arm more than the other. Including lifting...I finally decided to act as though I had put my arm in a sling.  And with the addition of some extra over the counter pain relievers I was soon mended.  It just feels like forever anymore, lol.  No fear Sarah, I didn't take too many.  My idea of extras means that I took some after 8 hours!

Week Two  I shared a photo of Katie's wedding.  I thank you all for your lovely remarks.  And yes, Gramma D, it was FUN.  I knew it was a simple, sweet affair but had no clue what the budget had been until Bess shared with me a couple of weeks later: $200.  That was flowers and food.  It didn't include the cost of her dresses, which I'll share that she bought years ago, anticipating her wedding day.

And Sarah you made me chuckle with your comment about the 'first oatmeal of the season' with your one day cool spell, lol.

Week Three  I talked about Morning Glories and got a lot of positive responses...well I confess disappointment.  The flowers are teeny tiny this year, no doubt having reverted completely back to original stock...and the vine is attempting to take over the back porch floor.  I'll plant fresh seeds next year.

I haven't had the Chicken Dumpling recipe nor the Cranberry Chicken again, but it's a fair possibility on the Cranberry Chicken.  I altered this week's menu to have Chicken and Dressing and there will surely be leftover cranberry sauce.

And welcome to Alyssa and Avalon.  I'm so glad you came by!

Week Four  Sarah wrote this about my Living Well post on keeping Shabat:  "We have noticed a renewed freshness in our days after a day of rest too. Why not? God designed us to be this way! :-)" 

Last for August  Glenda commented that she often flavored her French toast batter and then scrambled it as an addition to their meal.  It certainly does not bother John that the eggs taste like vanilla and nutmeg.  I used to save the liquid and use to make muffins or pancakes, but once he started asking to have it scrambled I did that instead.

Weekly Menu 1  Yes, as Sarah pointed out, Woman's Day still publishes a months worth of menus.  I like the older menus better than the newer ones posted in the magazines each month.  I have some of the older magazine recipe menu books from Woman's Day that I use to help plan.

Week II   Quiche!  That was the subject, after my disastrous quiche experience and the discovery just moments before serving that John disliked it.  It's not the crust either, by the way, it's the whole 'egg pie' thing that botheres him period.  I might mention he is not fond of custards either and let's face it, Quiche is just a savory custard.

August Recipe Challenge  Many of you mentioned trying the Cranberry Chicken recipe and two or three left comments that you LIKED it.  I did, too. I couldn't imagine how the flavors could meld the way they did but I'll keep this one on my rotation.  As I said, I think this one will go on my menu for next week.

July Q,A,C  Several shared how they did on the Nothing Extra Challenge for July.  I confess that August has been a spendy month for me with shoes and several other necessary purchases.  Good thing I had a lower spending month for July.    I think September needs to become a Nothing Extra month too!  And  a Pantry/Freezer challenge month as well.  Hmmmm...

Sarah, I don't know if we're going to see the same sales cycles we've been accustomed to seeing.  Remember the baking sales at Christmas and Easter?  I haven't seen one of those in a few years.  I haven't seen condiment sales in a long time, nor even soda sales for the main summer holidays.  I'm still adjusting my price points in my head, recalling that the prices I see these days are often the best price, though they look much as non-sale prices did a few years ago!  I suspect we might have to adjust many things.  If you follow news, corn and soy beans did well this year, but there's no plan to lower costs for at least two more years.  Drought in California, per Brandi, the Prudent Homemaker, means rising milk costs for many in the western states.  And a drought in Spain means an increase in Olive oil costs.  I checked at Aldi today and their olive oil specifically said 'sourced from Greek, Italy and SPAIN, so I'll look for that item to rise.

All we can really do is the best we can do, adjust where we need to and learn to make do.  Routine stuff, right?

Afternoon Refresher 1  I shared my favorite photo from Katie's wedding.  At the end of the ceremony there was no "Now you may kiss the bride."  Only because her father in law asked them to kiss did they kiss.  Katie requested that the kissing photo be done and I think each of us females were giggling because the men were so silly, so it was more fun than affectionate, lol.

Afternoon Refresher II  Thank you all for sharing with me!  I sometimes get bogged down in thinking I have little to share.  But your comments made me feel I have some impact and that's enough, really it is.  I consider sharing my thoughts about lifestages I am going through and explaining how I save as my ministry.  Thank you for making me feel it has impacted each of you.

Sarah you made me think of some books I read many years ago, a whole series of them about a family who lived in Lapland, then migrated to the U.S.  I'll have to research and see if I can find this author.  There's also the I Remember Mama and Mama's Bank Account author, can't think of her name right now either.  Another that deals with Swedish immigrants... You have given me book fodder.

That winds me up for tonight.  Thank you all for reading, and commenting!


Anonymous said...

I think I still have the book that I got the idea from about praying for each child when you polished their shoes Saturday night and such prayer to find it! I have the Mamma's Bank Account that I remember Mama is based on. I was lucky to find it before I even realized what it was. Those are good real stores with plenty of knowledge tucked between their pages. By the way Jan Karon has a new book out just now. The latest in her Mitford series. I had no idea she was finally bring out another one. I was thrilled. The new book was on sale at Costco and is called Some Where Safe. If I find the other books I will let you know..whenever I find them! Please do let us know any other titles we might all be interested in too! Right now on tv they are showing the pilot movie for the 1974 series The Family Holvack . The movie is titled The Greatest Gift. You might remember the series. Stared Glenn Ford and Julie Harries as a preacher and his wife and family in 1930 small town. A beautiful series. I wish I could find it and the series for sale someplace. Also the series that was on I'll Fly away was so good. Many sweet series used to be on that made you think and taught you to be grateful for life and family. I wish more families had such nice shows to watch now on tv. Sarah

Anonymous said...

Sorry I did not give you the full title of the new Jan Karon book. It is Somewhere Safe with Somebody Good. Sarah

Wendi said...

I don't think I have left a comment before but I wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your post! I love to hear about the everyday. Sharing how you make do/stay within your budget is encouraging. When it seems many around you are living high on hog, so to speak, it can become discouraging when you are trying to be a good steward of your husbands income and make the pennies stretch. Thank you for sharing bits and pieces of your life!

Anonymous said...

The news this afternoon said wheat crops are naturally affected by the droughts so hay will be higher {thus milk/meat etc later} and also I thought they said oats too and one other grain. Yes we have been though ups and downs of prices all our married lives. Some go up, then down a bit but none usually go down as low as they once were. I did see 8 oz store brand tomatoes sauce 6 for $1 this week. They are probably clearing out the old cans so the new tomatoes crops products can replace them. Like gasoline we get excited [sort of:) ] when it goes down a few pennies but when was the last time you saw it at $1 a gallon?!! It is odd to get excited that it is getting closer to $3 a gallon instead of $4. Then we should really be happy we live here and not Europe where it has always been very very high. They are said too to pay more of a percentage of their income in food purchases than we do. I wonder if their farmers get paid more than ours do for producing the countries food? Yes our food pricing books have to be updated more often lately! I wonder when I see a sale if it is the new now low price or will it get lower..or higher?? :-) We used to have a pretty good idea what the rock bottom prices were for our basic groceries. Maybe we should think of the changing prices now being a new mind game to help keep our brains in tip top shape! I will say that a lot of things have stayed the same basic price though. For how long is anyone's guess! lol I looked at olive oil and most had very close use by dates so I am waiting for a new group on the shelf that hopefully has a further out date. I will get small containers as I usually do cause we do not use a lot each time I cook. So a closed extra one is better than I big one for us. I have heard it does not stay good very long? What have you heard? Would it help to put it in the refrigerator once opened? Too long again!!...bye! Sarah

Unknown said...

I went grocery shopping yesterday, I went to the local big store instead of driving to a bigger town to go to a discount grocery..... oh my! The prices on everything gave me sticker shock!! Even with the price of gas, I think I'll be better off sticking to the discount grocery!

Anonymous said...

Well, the weather is hot, hot and hot. However I believe that fall in on its way in. Leaves are falling and supposedly temps will go into the 70's tomorrow.

Lady M

Journal of My Week: Winter Again