Budget Stretcher: Leftover Makeover Corn Dog Bean Bake

We had a rather hectic weekend.  Shabat we came straight home from synagogue and made dinner at home.  It was the perfect meal for what turned into a rainy afternoon.  The temperatures dropped a little and our supper of baked beans and hot dogs seemed just right for a comforting sort of meal.  However, there were leftovers of the baked beans.  Since we like the vegetarian beans we find them only in the super tall calls, too much for two.  This week it worked very much in our favor as you'll see.

I mixed our baked beans (which I always doctor with a bit of mustard,  brown sugar, onions and ketchup) and the hot dogs and put them in a deep casserole dish.  Then I made a half recipe of cornbread and mixed in a cup of shredded cheddar cheese, poured on top of the beans and hot dogs and baked until the cornbread was golden.

This was very tasty.  Next time I think I'll chop the hotdogs instead of leaving them whole.  It would certainly be an economical dish for a family as the ingredients can be inexpensive.  We found this hearty enough that four hot dogs could easily serve four grown people.  I served with a potato dish (leftovers) and coleslaw.  This casserole came together in no time and would work just as well without the beans and hotdogs being leftover.


Louise said...

I know I would sure love this dish.. I love hotdogs, love baked beans and love cornbread. I never have made cornbread before though.

doe853 said...

This sounds delicious. Terry. I am so inspired by your use of leftovers. We work really hard at this too. Going to try this soon. Thanks, Dale

Kathy said...

mmmm sounds good! Ill remember this for the next time we have leftover beans and hot dogs. Thanks!

sparky136 said...

I needed something to do with a half can of baked beans, so I'll try this. Thanks for the suggestion.

Rhonda said...

Fancy beanie weenies :)

Journal of My Week: Winter Again