Weekly Meal and Jobs(?) Plan

Oh dear at the computer woes!  Our internet has the habit of dying briefly if thunder rumbles then returning in a few minutes.  It makes getting off the computer in a real storm no hardship at all!  Well you could hardly call it a rumble yesterday but out the internet went, the wind blew over whatever weather it might have been rather quickly and yet the internet never returned.  John called this morning and got then to come out and check the lines.  Ours were just fine.  Turns out the trouble was up the road at the actual box or whatever it's called.  I can't for the life of me remember what the young man called it but it's a common enough word.  Anyway, we were without internet until mid-morning and by then I was busy as could be with a variety of things in the house.  I thought I'd settle in to computer time after I was done, but John called to say his meeting was over and he was on his way home and would I please be ready to leave when he got here?  So I ran to wash my hair, dress and make-up.

Yes, I did say wash my hair.  Sounds rather old-fashioned doesn't it?  I forgot to do the job while in the shower this morning. I think I was too groggy to think straight.  I remember distinctly that I cleaned the soap dishes very nicely, right after I shaved my underarms, but after that?  Who knows where my mind went?  When I came out of the bedroom later I reached into the cabinet and got down a glass which I filled to the rim with hot coffee...Then realized I'd meant to get a mug.  John wisely suggested I settle with my mug (poured right from the glass, lol) of coffee and actually drink it before doing anything like touching the gas stove.  I guess the idea of breakfast could wait in the light of going kablooey...

Well, anyway, all that to say really, that we left home before we'd eaten dinner/lunch today and went off to do an errand.  Then my husband surprised me by taking me out to the Subway sandwich shop with the lovely covered patio, which is where we ate our meal.  The sodas were cold as ice, the sandwich fresh tasting and the breeze just right to keep us cool and comfortable.  It was so nice and a real treat for it's very unexpectedness.  Had he asked, I'd have told him I had some foods prepared here at home, but I'm not in the least sorry he didn't ask.  It was just the sort of thing a woman needs now and then, to be spontaneously whisked away from home and housework and stove tops and treated to a lovely late summer al fresco meal.

On to meal plans for this week!

BBQ'd Chicken, Mac and Cheese, Pan Roasted Vegetables, Banana Cake
I used bottled sauce, which I seldom do.  I actually went to the pantry to get ketchup and found a bottle of Sweet Baby Ray's Raspberry Chipotle Bbq Sauce.  Awesome!  I'll buy that again if I happen to think of it/see it.  I served this meal to family on Saturday.  The cake was an experiment with ripe bananas and my favorite Dinette Cake from Betty Crocker.  John and Bess thought it great, I thought it passable and Sam said "No thanks," after one bite.   It was texturally challenging, lol.

dinner out with my sweetie

John's working, I'm on my own without leftovers...

Tomatoes stuffed with Tuna Salad, Warm Muffins, Creamy Potato Soup
I always add a wee bit of shredded apple to my tuna salad.  It might sound odd, but it does something nice to tuna, sort of cuts the acidity of it without sweetening the salad in the least.  I thought a hot and cold meal would be pleasant with our summer coming to an end.

Fancy Pants Burgers, Rice, Green Beans, Coleslaw
I was reading through one of my vintage August magazines and saw the Hunt's tomato sauce ad with this recipe.  It's so simple and so good.  You make thin hamburgers (very thin) and then put sliced cheddar on one, top with another burger patty and seal the edges.  Once browned you add a small can of tomato sauce and salt and pepper to the pan and simmer the burgers for a few minutes until done.  Yum!

Chicken Broccoli Rice, Green Salad, Garlic Bread
I made twice the cheese sauce I needed when I made macaroni and cheese the other day and I have cooked chopped broccoli in the freezer.  I'll make rice and add chunks of cooked chicken too to make a casserole type dish for our meal today.

Fish and Chips, Hush Puppies, Coleslaw
I'll double up on the slaw earlier in the week.  I have frozen fish fillets because are what John likes.  I'll make the 'chips' from scratch.

There are weeks I wonder why I even bother to put down what I might do in a week's time.  I felt poorly last week. Nothing more serious than allergies or a very light cold or something, just enough to feel poorly.  I got more done than I felt like doing but not all that needed to be done.  This week is grocery week, too so that will take up one good morning's worth of time.

Last week:
Plan to spend a little time working on booth this week.List books on Ebay.
Start digging and dividing the iris.  And planting.  I can't forget the planting.
Mopping floors/washing down back porch flooring.
Sort stuff in craft/guest room and determine which I'm keeping for booth and which I need to donate or sell online.  
Make up new labels for booth.  I'm ready for a fresh design. I have the design but can't get layout to work.  Still working on this one.
Finish ONE project (I have about four or five in various stages of completion).
Thrift day.  

This week:
Fun day for me. I've been promising myself a fun day for two or three months and I've been NOWHERE at all.  While out I will buy what's needed to complete two projects.

Finish work on tags.

Start digging and dividing the iris by the back steps.  And planting again.

Work on front porch railings.  I've got two small sections done but really need to concentrate on finishing this job so I can get paint for the floor boards before end of month.

Cut down small trees in the flower bed areas.

Empty and move the bookcase in the guest room.  Work on guest room is what my big plans are this week, so I'm hoping to get more than just this job done.

Take a few things out to shed.

Finish Gone With the Wind.  I've promised Bess to pass it on to her so I have a little more incentive to read.

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

I hope you do get that fun day!

Coffee Chat: DO-ing Things