Frugal Boot Camp: Blogs Worth Reading

During my weeks of Frugal Boot Camp, not only have I been reading the books upon my book shelves and scanning Pinterest for interesting money savings tips, I've been reading the archives of some of the blogs from my favorites list.   Some of these bloggers are fairly new to me.  Some, like Rhonda and Annabel I've been following for a good long while.   I spend a good bit of time online (don't ask how much, please.  You'd be shocked I ever get a thing done!)   Some may be new to you.  This is a shortened list because I follow other's blogs on a less regular basis but I follow them.  I just prefer to keep my favorites list short and then I'll do a marathon reading day and catch up with others.  But I wanted to share a few of my favorites with you.

Can I just share how I go about reading blogs?   I follow a few weekly.  I visit some on a routine basis throughout the month.  Now and then I take time to go to a blog I've enjoyed and read all the archived posts.  Another day when I've a need to rest harder I'll go to a blog and read through their blog rolls, the blogs they've listed in the side bar that the follow.  I've found some terrific blogs this way.

The blogs I'm featuring here today are here because they boost my frugal thinking power. I've learned things, I've thought harder about the things I do and why, I've been inspired  by the bloggers I'm listing below.  Some you may be familiar with as well.  Annabel started blogging about 3 years ago after she left a group list I'd stumbled upon.  I've followed her ever since.  Annabel adds elegance to being frugal.  She makes the most luxurious things and yet none of them are pricey.  She's a great one for 'getting the look for less'.  I've known Rhonda via email, various groups and her blogs and mine for years upon years.  We've raised families together and seen life changes together and I count her as a true friend.  Years ago when I was having trouble staying motivated, I posted Rhonda's blog title on my kitchen bulletin board.  "If you do stuff, stuff gets done."  It was just the daily reminder I needed when I was gazing at a project I had been procrastinating tackling.   Rhonda's money saving skills are spot on.  She cooks from scratch, she sews, she decorates, she gardens.  She works hard in her home and she's an inspiration to me every time we 'talk'.    And if you're looking for a recipe, check Rhonda's.  I've never ever tried a recipe she recommended and not liked it!  I'd heard about Patsy for years before I visited her the first time.  I thought I wasn't much interested in her blog at first, as I seldom use canning to preserve anything, but there came a moment when I realized that Patsy had a lot to teach me about building a pantry. Over the years I've come to appreciate what she has to offer.  Brandy has a lovely blog.  She is a talented gardener as well as photographer and she too has seen the hard times and lived to tell the tale.  She is such a gracious spirit and truly does her best to make things beautiful.  Her blog is fairly 'new' yet but she has a world of information and such on her website so explore it fully.  Sarah mentioned this blog to me about a year ago I think.  I let it go unnoticed for a  bit but after her second mention of it I went and then another reader mentioning her to me, I went ahead and checked it out.  It's such a charming old fashioned sort of blog and interesting as can be.  It's full of good solid thrift.  I discovered Mimi's blog about the time I did Annabel's.  I've only recently gone back to read her archived material.  It's a blog full of gems...which suits Mimi's sparkling style.

Now there are many more I read, but I don't have time or room to share them all.  However, if you'll start with these few and read some of those featured on their bloglists, you'll soon have a world of new bloggers to boost your frugal fitness.

P.S.   Sarah mentioned in comments about Laine's letters.  How could I possibly forget?  I've got that link in my favorites list as well!  And yes, she was very influential in my early frugal years of homemaking!


Anonymous said...

One of those blogs is new to me. How exciting! Yes I too scan my favorite bloggers blog roll since I figure if I like themIi might like what they like too! Also on their information page some list even more. I am so used to looking at my on screen list of bloggers I don't at this moment remember any ones I love you have not listed. I will check and get back to you if there are any. Do you keep a notebook for writing down hints and where you found them?
I remember when Laine's Letters had her newsletters coming to us or on line I just loved reading and rereading them for hints. At least I copied some. I do hope as Annabel said, she comes back. Does anyone know if her letters ares still online somewhere? Has anyone heard how she is lately? Annabel has not mentioned her for a while.
I have probably mentioned this before...years ago a man on the radio said to collect books on your work or hobbies. I love homemaking and saving so I did. Now I am so grateful as I don't hardly ever see books like this in our thrift stores. Also no homesteading or older cook books books. I could look on line.
A few years back I looked at Joanna York's book on line and was shocked on how expensive it was. Then again they can ask what they wanton one has to buy it! LOL I will get the information off mine and write it to you in case that helps. I probably have 5 different articles like her writing on feeding families cheaply. They used to feature things like that in Family Circle or Women's Day. I used to love those magazines. One lady said she was hoped to publish a book. I wish she had her hints were new and Good! I looked but never saw her name as an author. Thank you again!!!!! Sarah

Rhonda said...

Terri you are sweet ! Your blog is my all time favorite ❤️ How long have we been friends? I'm thinking since around 2003 maybe?

Rhonda said...

For Sarah, here is a link to quite a few of Laines Letters

About Jo Ann York, I do own her "how to feed your family for $16 a week" and I found it a thrift store for maybe 50 cents. It is a tiny paperback.
I have looked and looked online to find new information from or about Jo Ann York but have never found anything.

Anonymous said...

I had a paper back and a hard cover of JoAnn's book but gave away the paper back to another mother who was trying to save money too.
Thank you for posting Laine's archive site!! I went and read the last of her In My Home letters and it was so fun reading it again! Talk about ideas! Off and on I wonder how she and Amy D. are now. Laine had a lot of health problems. Their writing sure was a God send to all of us. How they and women like you do it with all the other things you have to do in your life is pretty impressive! Sarah

susie @ persimmon moon cottage said...

I have already been reading some of these blogs, but a couple of them were new to me. Thanks for the heads up on some excellent blogs.

Lake Livin' said...

The only one on the list I'm familiar with (and read) is The Prudent Homemaker. I'll definitely check out the others, thanks!

Journal of My Week: Winter Again