April Challenge, Seasonal Foods List and Pretty Things

Isn't April just grand?  It's so pretty.  It has a holiday smack dab in the middle.  That means that more than likely there will be family coming to visit.  Did I mention how pretty it is?  Oh family coming to visit...that means a little bit of extra work doesn't it?  I think we're all agreed it's happy sort of work, planning and preparing for family visits.

I have a few different things to share this month with you.  I'm down to cleaning the kitchen for spring.  I purposely procrastinated at the end of March and saved this room for April because of Passover cleaning.  It just made good sense to do it at the end, though I'd planned to start with it back in March. 

I've tidied the pantry and freezer and checked the food cupboards and they are all looking nice and neat.  It's just the ticky sort of cleaning that is required now: under the appliances and inside them, too (toaster, stove, microwave).  I'll wipe out the drawer of the island, as well.  For some reason that always gets crumby and so does the dishwasher door lip.  And then I'm calling Spring cleaning DONE and will proceed as I mean to go on by doing a few deeper cleaning jobs in each area over the next few months.  This big turning out of things took a powerful lot of energy and I have no desire to do the same in the Fall.  No ma'am!

The Declutter challenge calendar for April can be found here.  I've been sharing the 2016 calendars but this link goes to the 2017 calendar.  Let me urge you all to subscribe to the site because it's just smack full of good information and as a subscriber there are printables and such that make it worthwhile, not to mention the weekly newsletter.  

I confess, I'm a bit relieved to see this month's calendar because I have no attic, no basement and no garage.  That means I get the whole month free, right?  Not really, as there are plenty of tasks on this list that DO apply to my life.

If you're like me, you want to know what buying season it is.  Most months have a listing of things that are typically better buys.  I looked over several of these lists for April and this one has all the good information in an easy to read format.

Vegetables and fruits availability does vary from region to region.  I found this site to be helpful.  You get a state by state listing of links to click on to find what's available for your area. 

Now for the pretties I promised:  Have any of you seen the Beatrix Potter series of spring posts from  Strangers & Pilgrims on Earth?  Apparently this is an annual thing and there's such a lovely lot of concoctions and printables to go with each.  This year's sampling is here, with links to others in the post.

Hope you enjoy all these links and find them useful.  April is just around the corner!

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