Today's Life Savors

Bluebirds flying across the yard.

A kitty cat purring happily.

Wisteria winding in the branches of a blooming red bud tree.

Winter cold air mixed with wood smoke and the scent of Wisteria.

Bunches of cut daffodils, looking like buckets of sunshine on this cloudy morning.

The long cut home.

Taking my time to just look in a store where I'm usually hurried.

A warm wool coat and scarf and feeling quite comfortable wearing them both.

Real peppermint tea.

Another area cleaned for spring.

Hot coffee on a chilly evening.

Be sure to read the comments...Others have shared their Life Savors too!


Lana said...

Forsythia blooming in most every yard I passed today.

Breakfast out with my husband.

A big fat nap.

Visit to a friend who is helping to naturally restore my husband's health.

A friendly black lab.

Dinner with two smiling and silly grandchildren.

A gorgeous sunset.

A snug, warm house on a very cold and windy night.

Anonymous said...

Cheerful, bright yellow daffodils blooming on a rainy day.

Leftovers that got eaten for dinner, not thrown away.

A t.v. show that I enjoyed.

Lots of bargains at the grocery store so I could buy what I needed for the week with the money I had.

An empty exercise bike at the YMCA, and the strength to ride for over 5 miles.

A big girl who is washing all the dinner dishes as I sit here.

A pleasant hour playing Hot Wheels with my nephew.

6 games of Yahtzee with my nieces and daughter.

A good, productive day of home school, with 2 girls who were pleasant and cooperative.


A nice soft, warm bed at the end of a long day.

Allegra said...

Blackcurrant shrubs in full bloom.

Dog coming in all warm from the sunshine.

First seedlings poking their little green heads out in the greenhouse.

A tall pile of library books, each one a world waiting to be discovered.

A thieving squirrel making off with nuts from the bird feeders. I can't help myself, I know they are thugs, but they are so cute.

Anonymous said...

Schools closed
Foot of snow
Nice warm home
Lunch of leftovers
Chicken noodle soup cooking
Cozy chair to sit in and watch the sun finally start to peak through
16 degree temp with minus 1 windchill
Street plowed sevweal times today
Gramma D

Anonymous said...

Thank you! I needed this today!

Warm house with gas fireplace when it is 18 outside
Daffodils on counter that I can enjoy while the ones outside are covered in snow.
Playful cats
Hugs and kisses from family


Anonymous said...

I love this!

A warm home
Groceries bought and put away (and under budget to boot!)
Sunshine on the porch
A hot cup of coffee by the fireplace
A phone call from our son and daughter in love last night before bed 💗
A day spent at home puttering around
Amarillas in bloom all around the house
Soft blankets for curling up in my chair
A heavy Afghan at the foot of the bed last night--it was cold!

Camp Mac said...

Beautiful sunny weather.

A creamy cup of morning coffee.

A very fast internet connection.

Lovely kindred spirits.


Good thoughts.

Plus a multitude of other blessings too numerous to mention!

Journal of My Week: Winter Again