Life Savors

Orchids re-blooming.  Above is the white one.  The purple one Bess and Sam gave me for Christmas re-bloomed yesterday.

Snuggling in bed on a cool night.

Hot coffee, Bible study and sunshine in my special corner.

Reading over old notes and realizing that long ago hurts have healed.

A date with my husband.

Strolling through the big antiques mall, waiting to find my treasure.

Found treasure.  Three vintage women's magazines from 1943, a lovely tin tea caddy, another Tole tray to add to my growing collection.

The agony and ecstasy of finishing a good book.

Hot coffee and a hot cheeseburger.

Free ice cream.

Showing John the old stone wall that marks our property line on the east side.  It's been hidden by undergrowth for years but the electric company cut along the power line that runs across my property and the drought kept the growth from coming back.  It's the first time we've ever walked that portion of the property.

Finding a big old pickle jar half buried in the ground.

Coming home to a clean house.

Acai Macchiato tea from Katie's stash. 


Anonymous said...

This sounds heavenly!

Listening to the wind whistling outside, knowing that we are safe and sound inside.

A hot, home cooked meal, followed by a hot cup of coffee.

Curling up with a good book knowing that all my chores for the day are done.

An old mixing bowl on the counter that was once used daily by my sweet husbands grandmother. Oh the stories it could tell.

The smell of rain in the air.

Freshly washed laundry, hanging to dry.

I love how so many of our favorite things are not really "things" but smells, memories and feelings.

Lana said...

Beautiful sunny days.

A lovely date night dinner out with hubby.

Silly squirrels eating all the leaves off the plum tree. They usually eat the green plums so we are puzzled but enjoying their antics of walking out to the end of the swaying branches to eat the leaves.

Smiling viola faces in my window boxes.

Hostas poking up out of the ground.

Hot cornbread baked in a cast iron skillet.

Rain on the roof overnight.

A very excited four year old grandson telling me about ice falling from the sky on the phone. Hail!

My husband getting better enough to work 29 hours a week now.

Free tires cause the man works for Michelin.

Hot cups of chamomile tea in the evening.

Green leaves beginning to show on the tops of the trees in our woods.

Fresh squeezed limeade.

Angela said...

Oh I love a stone wall! What was the book? I so love a good book!

Little Penpen said...

These are great! It truly is the little things, isn't it?

rebecca said...

You got me at that buried pickle jar! Can I assume one of the really BIG ones?????

Journal of My Week: Winter Again