In My Home This Week: Spring In My Steps

In my home this week...
Well, we haven't gotten quite as busy as these folks but we each have been working a little towards sprucing the place up a tiny bit.  I've bigger plans than I've had time or money for at present but that usually all works out eventually.

March being the split personality that it is, we had a humid quite warm day March 1, then the wind roared, we go a bit of rain and it turned off cold.  We've had two frosty mornings back to back now.  Oddly, John had just asked me on Thursday to look up the last frost date.  April it said, and never ever any sooner than March 15.  Well, here's proof that some folks do know just what they are talking about. 

I've been trying to add a little spring freshness to the indoors.  So far that has involved rearranging pictures and painting frames fresh, creating a new little something here from a lot of old things...but it's not quite come together just yet. I was just contemplating possibly moving all the quilts off the backs of the chairs and then spent Friday night snuggled under one, so maybe not quite yet...

I shall play with my decor a bit more this week.  I expect it shall all start to fall into place if I take time to really think it all out.  I'm afraid I've been rather scatter brained in my efforts.  I see an idea and try to work with it and then another and work with it and then I realize the two don't quite mesh much as I might like both items.  Then there are a few things that have worked well over winter but just aren't quite right for this new season.  Tweak, tweak, tweak.  So far that's all I've been doing is a lot of tweaking.  I sound bird brained.

We've had a lovely weekend.  We went to visit Josh and his baby brother.  It was a quick trip, all done in one day, as John has to work today.  We took a light meal with us and then packed a supper for our trip home.  It's something that John likes to do when we make these sorts of road trips, take along that meal to eat for supper on our way home.  It is rather nice.  A bit like a rolling picnic.  I am reminded each time though that I really do mean to purchase a nice thermos so we might have a cup of coffee along the way, but you know John is going to stop to buy that cup at some quickie type store anyway.  It's something he just likes to do.

John has been busy trimming and pruning trees.  It looks very spruce and neat in some areas of our wildly overgrown woods that border the yard.  He's so keen on his work at present, Friday when we came back from our run to the grocery, he stopped the car twice on his way up the driveway and hauled broken limbs down and piled them neatly elsewhere.  He's taken down two dead trees.  I think we have two or three more to go.  Thankfully they are all smaller trees and don't require lots of figuring of angles and such to land them safely.

So there we are.  We are both trying to put a Spring face upon our home in our own ways.   It must be something in the air!

...I plan my work week:

John works two days this week.  One of those has already been given over to Mama.  I've needed to do a little shopping for weeks now.  I mean to do just that on my free day.  I've a long list.  I may not be able to buy all, but I'm certainly going to spend some time at least looking for things on that list.

I have bulbs to plant.  I need to look at the labels on the package and see just when I can put them in the ground before I jump the gun.

Clean off the back porch.  Hello?  Can we say "Last week's job plan" ?  In fact, most of my list ths week is truly comprised of things I didn't do last week.

I mean to start on week one of the declutter list I shared. 

Try and finish up the spring freshening for indoors.  Or at least finish one room of it anyway!

 ...I plan meals:

see the menu on the next post which is all about our challenge for the month.

...I plan leisure:
I have had a hard time lately finding that right balance of leisure and work.  I've been pretty much and all or nothing kinda girl lately.  But here's the deal.  We were off to see Isaac yesterday and made it a one day round trip.  For one thing, John has work today.  For the other, my family had Bess' dad and stepmom visiting over the weekend with their two kids.  They took Josh to a horse farm and to visit friend's of Pat's.   John and I came in and visited while they were gone.  It gave us some great one on one time with Isaac.  I am wiped out today.  So I'm gonna take the leisure approach today.  I'll do some very minor things in the house but no hard work.  I want to be full of energy and ready to tackle the week ahead, so I plan to read, watch TV, do a little online shopping because I'm too tired to leave home to do any shopping which I really want to do. 

So here's to  day of leisure and rest and restoration.  Have a terrific week, everyone!


Anonymous said...

Just watched a fun video on food shopping in the 50' on utube. No spring here this weekend. 4 degrees this morning! 70 a week ago last Friday. Crazy, crazy weather here to. Enjoy your week. Interesting food challenge. I bought a ham from Aldi. Delicious flavor but a lot of fat. For 6 dollars going to get a lot of soup and bbq sandwiches. Gramma D

Anonymous said...

I apologize for my short choppy sentences. I reread it and it sounded like i was sending text, but I guess it is understandable, even though the sentence structure was terrible Gramma D

Tammy said...

We're having Spring-like temps this week again, and we are doing some cleaning up around the yard, but in my heart I know it is way too early to depend on it really being Spring. We'll see, but I would not be surprised to get a big snowstorm yet.
We have a new baby in our family, too! Greg's niece has a new little guy born a week and a half ago. We were going to meet him today, but Jess is under the weather and we don't want to expose anyone to anything. We'll go in a couple of weeks. It's a long day trip as well.
One day this week I will get out the Spring decor and see what I can do that won't be destroyed by the 2 year-old. :)

terricheney said...

Dora, I didn't think you sounded choppy at all...

Tammy, I looked at your forecast on Fb and then went to look at mine. They are TWINS which is totally weird considering how many thousands of miles separate us. I am a bit worried about how the frosts are affecting the blooming peach trees...I knew it was too early!

Lana said...

I am happy to say that our fence is fixed and a good bit of other outside work caught up on. I was the toddler chaser and they sure did wear this Nana out! I remember too well how hard it was to keep up with things after Hubby's first heart attack so it feels good to have those things done.

Deanna said...

We have highs in the 70s all this coming week so it definitely feels like spring here in southeastern Oklahoma. However, my grandma always warned us to never plant anything before Easter so I'm holding off. Like you, I've been doing a bit of "springtime freshening" in the house. I have a long way to go, though. Have a lovely week!

Journal of My Week: Winter Again